ARE (((THEY))) SCARED??!?!

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Enjoy getting arrested

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Also sorry for no sauce I literally just saw it live and lost my shit. If Hannity is to be believed this news just came out within the last hour. I'm sure there will be a link out and about soon.

They said her attorneys didn't get all the things they wanted from Congress.

This is so old I can't remember what you copied it from.

Cool pasta. Also
>social media
>why didn't you post a link to live news

It means you republitards got owned again, sweetie. She, like all Americans, has no obligation to obey Drumphies.

Kek you have a point

What does that mean? I thought if you bailed on a subpoena you were fucked?


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Mueller is /ourguy/

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Looks like a re-imagining of an old tripfag copypasta

Okay well maybe we should all just start ignoring subpoenas and summons then. I'm sure nothing bad would happen to us if we did.

Seriously this.

Can someone please explain this to me? I thought if you ignored a subpoena you were fuuuuuuuuccccckkked. Is that not how it works anymore?

I hope everyone knows that Congressional hearings literally don't matter and under any other President they would replace an actual criminal investigation. It's bread and circus. The only thing we're waiting on right now is Trump. Rosenstein won't release the DOJ documents to congress because he doesn't want them to leak and fuck up and congress is full of leakers. Trump will sign an executive order or some shit like that and release the flood of documents when he feels like its time.

I'm still looking to find out the reason. I was watching Hannity at the time and that's basically what I heard.
That's it.

>implying they don't say the worst things while they smile
You must be new to politics

The law is obviously null and void so the purge is tentatively scheduled for tomorrow evening.

Cut the shit faggot. Everyone knows Mueller is investigating Israel. You can literally google that shit and find mainstream articles. Stop this bullshit.

So what, a continuance?

Jim Jordan agrees.

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Hannity just said that her attorneys said they didn't like the conditions of her subpoena but some other guy said that that's not how subpoenas work: he said they're an order to appear in person, they do not have conditions. He said the judges in DC are all far left so her attorneys know they can get away with openly defying Congress.

He also said no attorney would recommend doing this unless he was absolutely sure his client would perjure themselves.

inb4 death by workout

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Hell they're already hounding the man to death, or trying to.

They just killed his nephew a couple of days ago

I don't get it.

why would a woman lie?

A guy set to testify before the UN against the clintons was killed during his workout.


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>that boomer that still watches tv

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Jesus fucking Christ. How the fuck do they manage to keep getting away with this shit? And for DECADES!?!?!

This is fucking crazy. When is the last time someone just blew off a fucking Congressional subpoena?

Why did she plead the 5th out? Wtf

18 months and DOJ is still a criminal organization

>Will she be arrested?

pic related

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House subpoena should be the least of her problems

>alleged comedian

Dude no. She is straight refusing to appear. Her attorney is straight telling her to risk a Contempt of Congress charge rather than let her perjure herself. That's how bad this shit is.

She is not showing up.

so thats a no. what the fuck.

Well good point but I meant an actual individual with an actual ass that can get thrown in jail.

Living in a post consequence era.

Trump can order Sessions to prosecute. Don't forget that.

what happens if Congress refers it to DOJ and DOJ does nothing

>referred cases to the DOJ
So the Feds come arrest you instead? Is that what that's implying? I'm sure the FBI will be quick to arrest someone in the FBI

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Oh god quints.

Quints now.

>So the Feds come arrest you instead?
Once they get around to it. IF they get around to it.

you must be new

See That's probably what it would take to get Sessions to ever approach something that may be considered doing his job.

It would actually be the DC Capitol Police technically. The have jurisdiction.

So Trump orders arrest of person who was investigating him? imagine the howling over that

but it was said they refer it to DOJ now. Would be interesting if they did use Cap Police

If Congress requests it then it's his duty to order Sessions to execute the warrant.

I think the DOJ would seek the warrant and then refer it to the Capitol Police to make the arrest based on that warrant. So yes the DoJ would still need to do that legwork.

this timeline is best timeline


>Capitol Police
They can arrest her off premises? Like at her home?

I don't think she is going to live long enough to see a prison sentence

does she even live in DC

If she lives in DC then yes. But good point she probably doesn't. I don't know then, i guess technically you would need a US Marshall right? You would technically be transporting her over state lines, wouldn't you?

Just outside, Fairfax VA

>Capitol Police
so they are the Capitol Police of DC ? I thought they were just for the U.S. Capitol Building and grounds with DC metro police having regular police power in the district limits...

so thats a no. fuck.
wonder if it's just part of the Q plan. pic related.

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No, Capitol Police jurisdiction is federal property within the District, anything not on federal property is under the MPD jurisdiction

shut up you stupid queer

Is she isn’t hanged in the streets by trump himself I’m off the trump train and moving out of the USA. Fuck this corrupt hellhole

Why won't Congress arrest anyone for contempt? The Capitol Police can arrest her for this, and Congress actually has a jail in the basement. She could be convicted and sentenced without even involving a judge.

Oh right. Paul Ryan is a cuck. That's why.

Right, and she would have a warrant for a crime committed at the Capitol building. But regardless they have jurisdiction on all federal land in the district.

we need a marshall user to chime in on this. This shit is infuriating.. manifort is sitting in jail and none of these fucks are going to jail?

how many adderall deep are we right now?

Yeah it really is fucking demoralizing thinking about how much shit we could unfuck if it wasn't for that piece of nigger shit Sessions.

Hannity is the most "BASED" guy in the media. While Jow Forums continually sucks off Tucker for his inconsequential staring contests with SJW's, Hannity is single-handedly keeping this scandal in the spotlight and rooting out the deepstate.

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He did great work tonight. It fucking sucks it broker right at the end of his show though. He only got about 15 mins to talk about it and you could tell it was killing him.

This. The President has the power to have all this released tomorrow. But you don’t get to be a 4D chess master by wasting moves.

Capitol Police have universal jurisdiction for crimes against Congress. The guy who shot Scalise was taken down by the Capitol Police.

Congress can also put her on trial, convict, and sentence her outside the judicial system.

They howled when trump met with best korea. So what's the point worrying about howls

Doesn't EVERYONE who works in DC live outside DC, almost for this exact reason?


No 404 threads

Can talk about Pizzagate and ayys without 404

→ #

Agreed. He's also been for Trump since day 1.

its difficult for me to think Trump could fuck up that bad. Still trying to wrap my head around that. unless he's giving them all a free pass and all this left wing progressive shit is just political theater and all part of the same agenda.

>Congress can also put her on trial, convict, and sentence her outside the judicial system.
Wait seriously? So we don't need to get the DoJ involved in this at all?

Tucker is still good. he has his moments and when he does it's fucking epic.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is the primary reason, but the main one they say is it's cheaper/safer because they don't call DC "Chocolate City" for nothing

master of the long game

have you considered the following Re: Sessions?

Fuck off Boomer, Hannity is a neocon opportunist

it is music to my ears

>t. 30yr old boomer

congressional subpoenas are not court ordered. I don't think congress has any teeth with these.

I can't make any sense of it either. I guess I just have to trust Trump knows what he's doing. But fuck if Sessions is some move in trans-dimensional zero gravity horseshoes than fuck if I can see it.

Congress IS a court dummy.

I just know that trump wouldn't keep goading this on with tweets etc if nothing was happening, it would be politically devastating if nobody was punished

I can't take anyone who smokes that much weed seriously.


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>Mossad would let her testify

Quite prescient my little boomlet friend :)

a fair point.
pretty good fan fiction tho

Somebody needs to harvest that hanging moss on the right. It's hanging there ripe for the taking and they're all standing around ignoring it. This is triggering my ocd.


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then whats the fucking point of issuing one?