>Congress can also put her on trial, convict, and sentence her outside the judicial system.
Wait seriously? So we don't need to get the DoJ involved in this at all?

Tucker is still good. he has his moments and when he does it's fucking epic.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is the primary reason, but the main one they say is it's cheaper/safer because they don't call DC "Chocolate City" for nothing

master of the long game

have you considered the following Re: Sessions?

Fuck off Boomer, Hannity is a neocon opportunist

it is music to my ears

>t. 30yr old boomer

congressional subpoenas are not court ordered. I don't think congress has any teeth with these.

I can't make any sense of it either. I guess I just have to trust Trump knows what he's doing. But fuck if Sessions is some move in trans-dimensional zero gravity horseshoes than fuck if I can see it.