State of Helsinki

>manholes welded shut
>Men in suits all over town
>Mobile comms can be cut at a moments notice
>Police with SMGs patrolling streets
>Mysterious boxes carried by us suits
>Public transport can Be stopped immediately

All of this for just two guys

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>manholes welded shut
but why?

Did you just assume gender of the holes?

Puts you irrelevant mongols on the map doesn't it?

>manholes welded shut
Maybe they are trying to stop gay sex

>manholes welded shut

Goddamn, I applaud your people for the effort. Even we dont do that shit.

wow some tard did something stupid better transform into a nanny state. how much is alcohol this week from the government monopoly store? 100 euro for a litre of grain spirits? can you even buy the pure shit?

also, this

So no one can go and plant a bomb in them, told the news

Just 2 guys?