>manholes welded shut
>Men in suits all over town
>Mobile comms can be cut at a moments notice
>Police with SMGs patrolling streets
>Mysterious boxes carried by us suits
>Public transport can Be stopped immediately
All of this for just two guys
>manholes welded shut
>Men in suits all over town
>Mobile comms can be cut at a moments notice
>Police with SMGs patrolling streets
>Mysterious boxes carried by us suits
>Public transport can Be stopped immediately
All of this for just two guys
Other urls found in this thread:
>manholes welded shut
but why?
Did you just assume gender of the holes?
Puts you irrelevant mongols on the map doesn't it?
>manholes welded shut
Maybe they are trying to stop gay sex
>manholes welded shut
Goddamn, I applaud your people for the effort. Even we dont do that shit.
wow some tard did something stupid better transform into a nanny state. how much is alcohol this week from the government monopoly store? 100 euro for a litre of grain spirits? can you even buy the pure shit?
also, this
So no one can go and plant a bomb in them, told the news
Just 2 guys?
Envy much
Was Ireland the one that is to the west or to the north of the country that is worth a mention?
For good or for worse, Finns are very meticulous.
It's for your safety more than theirs. Those Chechens will fuck the place up given half a chance.
are those Boston terriers?
this dog
is fucking
This is The presidential doggo
It's what they always do when a presidential motorcade comes through. It's an easily-broken-later tack weld.
>compulsory swedish
I'd rather be dead than swed.
even the dogs have autism in binland
Little known fact: boston terriers have a ridiculously high vertical jump. You'd be surprised to see how high a fence they can get over.
Also, mothers will absolutely destroy the shit outta their own puppers.
Do you even have dogs in Sweden anymore? Aren't they offensive to muslims?
It's to keep the chuds down there while important people are in town.
This is true. They also snore and fart. An authentic American breed, indeed.
A pad between west and russia is a finnish destiny forever
Seems like an ordinary day in Russia when the president taking a walk, so do not worry, my mongolian brother.
so the gypos don't come crawling out
it's unsightly when a foreign president comes to visit
You just stay on your side of the border and we're fine with being the maxipad.
But I swear to god motherfucker, you even hint about crossing that border, Finland won't be the pad, it will the fucking staging area to slaughter all of you fucking cunts.
can't wait for lefties protesting in the streets. How many will we get? 100, 200, 300, 1k?
Depends on how many Swedes decide to take the ferry.
If it's just Finns, I can't imagine there being more than 200.
Yeah yeah, when we'll loose another winter war we'll take Helsinki.
>we'll take Helsinki
In a week like the last time, I presume?
Nyet molotoff
From what I've seen of Finns they seem more Slavic in culture then Nordic, although I do admit they are very much separate from both
Commies will soon all be dead so let's be frens
This is heresy here, especially with the Fenno-Swede-Kike controlled media, but I agree with you somewhat. Of course there are differences between the social classes, with the lowers being more 'slavish' and middle and especially upper class being more 'nordish'. This is heresy as well though, since we're not supposed to have social classes.
Are we going to get the hype as fuck baby photos with Trump? First presidential baby ever in Finland and we have Putin AND Trump visiting? Just imagine the baby photos with them taking turns holding it.
Finns and balts are fenno-ugric people. Our languages and cultures are similar. Although Sweden also influenced Finnish culture a lot, Scandinavia is a separate cultural region. Finland and Scandinavian countries lumbed together is called Fennoscandia.
check out this tough guy.
A shame, wish Stalin wasn't so autistic desu
I know, was talking outside those bounds when comparing to Nords and Slavs
Also you are nerd
Can someone post the Hydraulic press pepe from Finland ?
I know, I'm autistic. I feel no shame.
kek, they could have entirely demolished you. You didnt have any tech, food or ammunition left, stop meming Chengiz you got off easy last time
I'm legit fascinated lately by Hungars and Balts when i learned more of the vague and ancient origins. Really wish i had the resources to do a longass backpacking trip through all of your countries learning shit as i went.
From rhe speed?
I'm sure you know all about being demolished, Canada, please, tell us how it feels
Speed works, man
>tfw you'll never be a pupper cuddling between Trump and Putin
why even live?
The one thing that we don't export to Russia but buy it from them.
ask säätö-sale
>Lives in Helsinki
>Complains when all eyes will be on Helsinki
Swedish fag detected. No real Finns live in Helsinki. Tempere and North are true Finns.
You're just looking for any fucking excuse to invade again, aren't you?
>Vlad want doggo.
gib dog right now
Doggo shall not be infringed.
Come at me bro.
Meant for
give dog right now
then we wrestle
then - vodka and world domination maybe
Delete this picture.
Lmao im from lahti, where everyone wants to live in Helsinki.without knowing The Truth
Can just picture all the cringy fat fucks in their MAGA caps walking around. Sad.
Theres shockingly none. Maybe on monday.
my nigger
I own a Boston Terrier. She's everything to me.
That's sad
You wouldn't understand unless you've taken the Boston Terrier pill.