He judges people based on their sexuality or gender

>He judges people based on their sexuality or gender
You h8rs actually believe God put you on this earth to be sexually immature for half your life, raise children the other half, and then die and go to heaven. You see no other purpose for this realm. I bet it feels good in your soul to know that you are following "the real reason for living". Meanwhile us gays will continue to improve the world we actually see and live on, progress.

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u gay bro

Obviously if gender is really a choice I'm entitled to judge people on it.

Kys faggot

>not judging people
What's it like to be a liar?

Fuck off you faggot. Kill yourself like the other 43 percent of you twinks.

In the 70's and 80's faggots lived absolutely filthy lifestyoles openly in western cities worldwide. They casually ate shit in their nightclubs and then poured into the streets in the morning to remind the working men what their tax dollars were paying for.

OP is a nigger
SAGE this thread

By giving eachother AIDS

a faggot calling others that arent a faggot abnormal, what a suprise :D

>Meanwhile us gays will continue to improve the world we actually see and live on, progress
You planning on brain upload, or just vampiric child molestation rituals as is the norm in your circle for immortality bro?

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Don’t forget to take your prep!

>we had this exact thread yesterday

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>Meanwhile us gays will continue to improve the world we actually see and live on, progress.
Well you convinced many reasonable live-and-let-live centrists to go full fash and you convinced everyone that slippery slope is real so I suppose in a roundabout way you're improving the world. Good work homo.

You're a bad person

do you think gay people are infertile or something?

1 post by this id guys. He is not reading your responses, there is nobody there and you are literally answering to a figment of your imagination.

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Statistically yes.

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There's tons of fags in the far-right. Its an open secret.

>Implying Jow Forums is one person.

I'm gay now fuck off faggot. Wouldn't put it past you to be putting bait out to stir up trouble here. Neck yourself.

I miss the old timey gays. Like the ones who were soldiers, Samurai, or Eunuchs.Modern gays suck. They find the need to feminize men. Even during those times where homosexuality was allowed feminizing men was viewed as evil (as it well should be.) Weak men make weak countries.

Fuck leaf you might be right and I forgot to sage too. FUCK.

So what? We're full of autists, they like to talk to themselves.

No, sodomite you need to understand that while we are here we should praise the lord by been the best we can be for ourselves and society, that means... And here i cut it bc prob. You won't get it

What you do shouldn't be imposed on others.
That's what makes you disgusting and the useless genetic waste that you are.
You are the ones who are ass backwards here.

What the fuck is YOUR goddamn purpose for this realm?
To be an unnatural STD vector, a walking biohazard?
To reproduce not by natural, biological ways but through mind control and degenerate propaganda, like you do?
Di you come to this world to fondle little kids, to be fucked in the ass by some HIV+ ghetto nigger, to have your pussy licked by some gross bulldyke?

To parade around displaying your 'pride' literally laser-etching your perverted manners onto young minds?
What the fuck makes you think you have the right morals here?
>Meanwhile us gays will continue to improve the world
What the actual dogshit does this even mean?
Are you subhuman zika tier retards even aware that you're victims here, and are the proverbial useful idiots?
Grow the fuck up you disgusting tool. I will not hurt you if you're my countryfolk but please kill yourself you motherfucking turd.

Life is too short already, do you really want to spend internity roasting in hell?

>sexual deviancy is perfectly normal and acceptable

Enough with your faggotry.

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Wow OP you have opened my eyes.
>Dopamine is the only thing that matters and the sole reason for existence.
Wow OP you haven opened my eyes.

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gotta fight it every time bro

Came here to post this

>1 post by this immature

That's exactly why I'm here you AIDS incubator.
That, and to bash faggots heads in and throw commies out of helicopters.
Deus Vult

As a good friend of mine once said:

“I may be retarded, but i ain’t no gay!”

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I know. it had an australian flag because it was me. check the archive.

>2 posts by this user

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heh gaaaaaaay

good point

you're fucking shit at this OP
kys fag

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>Instead of doing things that have a very definite posting impact on the world, you should focus on shoving things up your ass.