He judges people based on their sexuality or gender

>1 post by this immature

That's exactly why I'm here you AIDS incubator.
That, and to bash faggots heads in and throw commies out of helicopters.
Deus Vult

As a good friend of mine once said:

“I may be retarded, but i ain’t no gay!”

Attached: 75394188-B825-4927-97D5-1832EC38C49B.jpg (460x347, 41K)

I know. it had an australian flag because it was me. check the archive.

>2 posts by this user

Attached: osmuggo.jpg (483x418, 14K)

heh gaaaaaaay

good point

you're fucking shit at this OP
kys fag

Attached: 1529974406555.png (625x626, 42K)

>Instead of doing things that have a very definite posting impact on the world, you should focus on shoving things up your ass.