>France heat wave: """Locals""" break 300 fire hydrants in bid to beat high temperatures
Ayden Smith
>HOSEPIPE >garden hose
funny, they can still slop buckets of water around the yard without problem.
limeys are just fucking retarded with their goofy assed 'hosenpipen'
Cooper Ramirez
I got a 403. Could someone post the map? I hope I'm not on it.
Landon Hughes
we call them hosepipetubeductlines over here
Brandon Sanders
>that is one word in german
Andrew Johnson
>they can still slop buckets of water around the yard without problem
This. I am a bit surprised that they use hosepipes in the UK. One would think a bendy banana would get caught in there and cause a right mess.
Alexander Cox
We call it a hose.
Ian Johnson
The hosepipe ban never made sense to me. I mean, you can fill a bathtub 6 times in a day and that's fine, but anyone who uses a hosepipe to fill a tiny inflatable paddling pool is a burden on the water supply? Plus there's no way that these bans could be enforced unless your neighbor sees you using the hosepipe and dobs you in for it (in which case they are a terrible neighbor).
Stop eating food with a fork, citizen. There's a forkpipe ban in effect. You can eat with your hands, that's fine. Just so long as you don't use a fork. A limit on how much food? None, just so long as you respect the forkpipe ban.
Hudson Hughes
>EXTREME weather set to DEMOLISH the UK with HUGE RISK to LIFE for the next THREE MONTHS >it's a bit of rain or a bit of dry in some northern shithole sick of these headlines ngl
Charles Peterson
It rained for like 3 days in Scotland, then it's warm again The horror, it's sunny in summer
Jonathan Kelly
Why the fuck is Bonglish so fucking gay sounding?
Jace Miller
>paddling pool
For the non-Bongs. This is a very small pool designed for children.
Anthony Rogers
>3 days Last year it rained pretty much non-stop from March to August.
Grayson Cooper
Down here in the south, my hosepoipe loicense is still valid.
You should post pictures of yourself using your hosepipe on twitter and claim to be from an area where the ban is in effect, then tag the police in your @ mentions.
Julian Parker
We actually call a hose the same as we call a snake, "slang". I had never realized this until your post. They were two completely different words in my mind.
Gavin Ward
Meanwhile we have months of no rain. Silly pomburgers
Colton Richardson
Yeah it's nice to get a bit of sun, I've even got a little bit of a tan. I can't wait for people to freak the fuck out when the huge rains come on in August >UNEXPECTED FLASH FLOODS HIT UK
Joshua Thomas
mind if i lend it for the week? my loicense expired a week ago and we're dying over here
I remember visiting family in the UK and even back then they were going mad over conserving water. Are the water utility bills really high over there? Its not like the UK is a desert. Its an island surrounded by water and has many rivers to choose from. Whats with brits acting like water is gasoline that has to be transported in from a far away place?
>TV licenses >Bin that knife >Acid attacks >Water conservation enforced by neighbors and roaming government vans
Bongs won't understand that image. 109 degrees in bong degrees is 228 degrees.
Blake Diaz
I read this as "house-pipe" at first, like the metal pipe plumbing through your house, like are people really dismantling their plumbing pipes and using them as weapons?
>Its an island surrounded by water and has many rivers to choose from. Removing salt from sea water is expensive and very energy heavy. Also not enough could be gathered, distributed and used in time before many of the crops die. Which has already happened. As a consicounce some farmers have sent thier live stock to slaughter early as they can't feed them. Rivers are empting at a record rate. Some have no water in now at all. Right now the whole westen hemispire is frying with no end in sight.
Definitely warranted. I could seriously fuck someone up with a hosepipe.
Adam Smith
This is one temp ban that i understand. The water table is very delicate due to this drought. Sweden is massively effected by the incredibly sunny summer. It´s similar in denmark we are critical condition with 10/10 off drought index, grass and shit is very dried out. with animals and agriculture getting emergency dispensations to do stuff. There is rain coming, but like the other day there came 40mm in 2 hours in a few places. So it´s like monsoon style that it is coming rather than over several days. And i hear in regional news that there´s some areas where there´s a lake that is nearly dried up that they use as reserve etc. So it´s great for tourists etc. but terrible for nature wildlife and agriculture. Well bad for nature essentially. The flies are also getting very up close and personal. Because they try to soak sweat off your skin to try to get something to drink.
I live in texas, there have been water restrictions since before I was alive.
You'll live
Luke Anderson
protip: every living organism on this planet basically needs water, including insects. Every cell of your body consists of water membrane. So when there´s critical drought conditions the last thing you want is some feral niggers you imported not understanding how to run a normal society just splashing all over the place with water from hosepipes as the irresponsible dullards they are.
Logan Gonzalez
Loads of older US homes have clothes washing machines in the kitchen. They weren't built with separate laundry rooms back then and when washing machines gained popularity the kitchen was the sensible place to put them, and already close to water and drain lines.
Thomas Hall
First of all, a garden hose is flexible, made of FLEXIBLE tube. A “Pipe” is a rigid/solid piece of tubing.
Sorry eurofag, but you’re wrong
Julian Myers
>109 And where is this?
Logan Lopez
Northeast Texas
Gabriel Peterson
I thought it said 'HORSEPIPE' at first. The fuck is a HORSEPIPE?
Lincoln Hall
Yes it´s a stupid name to call it a pipe when it´s actually a tube. But i guess they say it because it´s water that goes out the hose that comes from the waterpipes. Hence hosepipe
Luis Wright
and a pineapple has nothing to do with pine trees or apples. but we still call it that
Samuel Sanchez
How's the humidity? Floridafag here with 90-95 heat but 200%+ humidity. It's fucking AWFUL, THERE'S NOTHING TO SAVE YOU FROM IT OTHER THAN BEING INSIDE
>and a pineapple has nothing to do with pine trees or apples. but we still call it that That´s because a pineapple looks a bit like a pinecone, but inside it´s a fruit like an apple. Hence pineapple. But here we call it Ananas.
Snake is slange here. >a snake = En slange >Several snakes = Flere slanger >all the snakes = Alle slangerne Funny that you just call it slang. What is it in plural?
Daniel Hall
lemme go back over that for you >Do I need a license to post tomorrow's forecast? >In texas? Yeah, Probably.
Tyler Moore
>hosepipe fucking toothniggers
Gavin Young
They are South East Asian. Pakis, Poos, and Bangis.