It hurts workers by increasing the supply of low wage workers and undercuts wages, all while preventing workers from organizing. Immigrant labor is scab labor.
Immigration in USA: a capitalist defense
There's no refuting
I've asked this to Jow Forums several times and I always get crickets
>Nations come before profits.
What we're talking about is loss of profit, but complete stoppage of economic activities due to lack of manpower. Raising wages might motivate some lower middle class to get off their comfy zone but but it would be merely a palliative.
Think sectors like construction. Not having an social class willing to do the shit jobs would completely change the way things work (by slowing them down quiiiiiiiiiite a bit)
>What we're talking about is NOT loss of profit
Americans don't do it because the pay is shit for those kind of jobs. The wages are suppressed because of a massive oversupply of unskilled labor. This isn't complicated or unintuitive. After we get rid of the excess labor, wages will rise to be in line with the American economy and Americans will be willing to do them. The meme that there's no way Americans would ever do bean work is pushed by the big business that doesn't want to pay higher labor costs
Japan easily and very quickly does construction. Lazy beaners work way, way slower on a work site than a white man. People would absolutely work any job if it paid adequately. Much of blue collar America is out of work and has little opportunity as is.
Are you defending extortionist pseudo-slave labor practices?
Without immigration the wages of these jobs would increase until they would pay a wage sufficient to hire americans. Of course this is horrible for capitalists which is why they always lobby for increasing the labor pool.
Even Japan is slowly and awkwardly admitting they need "guest workers" of sorts
US has millions of unemployed, the only thing that limiting immigration would hurt is the profit margin of capitalists.
They also seep off welfare, take from the producers, take from the wealth creators, cause crime, and vote for leftists and socialists. Also, they create zero value whatsoever - working in a low skilled job that a chimp can do isn't valuable - why can't you cunts be like the old European immigrants who built businesses, created jobs, innovated, invented the greatest machines, made the greatest scientific discoveries, and paved the way for prosperity?