>Future VP interview in english to an american news agency

>Bolsonaro news at telegraph

>2nd in line to the imperial throne anti-commie speech at paulist avenue

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Other urls found in this thread:



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Nibba you did it!

Fuckin A man.
Get that right to bear arms.

Seriously dude. I could consider relocating my biz down there. The one thing that, regardless of all else, will always keep me locked into the US and its relatively high cost of living is the inability to defend myself anywhere else.

Bolsonaro vids in english:

Bolsonaro reacts fo Fidel Castro's death

The media shilling against Bolsonaro

Bolsonaro fight with retarded leftist student

bolsonaro confronts "human rights defenders" about the death of cops

one of his most famous interviews, especially around 5:20 forwards

I'll post prince Luiz pics too, starting with this one showing he aint no pussy: "Politics is war"

a quote from the prince
> Before pleasantries had run their course, Luiz Philippe de Orléans e Bragança launched into one of his favorite themes, sounding very much like Donald Trump as he commented about the recent influx of impoverished Venezuelans and Haitians into Brazil. “You can now come into our country without any documentation whatsoever,” he stated in perfect English, “and that creates tremendous havoc for security. If you don’t have control of any kind over migration, your country can simply be over-run and your territory is no longer valid as a sovereign place for your own people.”

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Is Brazil uncucking itself?

What is his religion? I read that the Brazilian Monarchy was secularist.

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>I read that the Brazilian Monarchy was secularist.
Catholic, also we were literally Catholic Saudi Arabia back at the Empire as no citizen could be considered a citizen without being baptized as catholic. There is the cross of christ at the imperial flag also.

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Another quote from the prince

>New Independence.

>China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran and the USA are some of the countries not aligned with the UN and mega-investors. These [countries] establish their own hegemonies. Europe, Latin America and Africa suffer direct influence from these countries, the UN and Mega Capital.

>To leave the shackles of these influencers it is necessary [to have] much conscience and political strength. And when we leave we'll establish our own hegemony, by definition.

>Why? Because in international relationships there is no middle ground. There are no quotas for mediocre, aimless countries. There are only dominators and dominated. And being dominated is not our mission.

he's catholic, like everyone in his family. The brazilian monarchy was officially catholic but it tolerated other religions as long as they didnt have temples that looked like catholic churches.
But it was a little bit different than what you think about today tho, because during the crusades the portuguese monarchy got the right to nominate bishops and similar things from the pope, so the brazilian emperor also could pick who was bishop or not, and some bishops hated this, so that some more ultra-montane people even celebrated the republic, even tho it was secular

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>I could consider relocating my biz down there
I would only move to Brasil if there was actually a chance of something like the monarchy returning since most Brasilians seem convinced it will solve problems.

As for your business I wouldn't recommend relocating until things get better, you don't want to end up in one of those liveleak vids.

>he's catholic, like everyone in his family.
Awesome. Thanks for you info, I think I will look more into this as it sounds interesting. I hope he wins.

>would only move to Brasil if there was actually a chance of something like the monarchy returning since most Brasilians seem convinced it will solve problems.
My friend, if Bolsonaro wins, expect at least Parliamentarism to become a thing, which will most surely be followed with the restoration of the monarchy

>Catholic, also we were literally Catholic
Great news. Thanks for this info, good to know.

>Portugal is a republic
How exactly does this work?

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We have our own Royal Family since 1822 m8

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Such an act would be as treason, surely? I'm not up to speed on how things transpired with the Portuguese Empire.

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Well if that happens, save me some bunda!

Brazil was elevated to a Kingdom in the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and Algarves in 1815 after the king of Portugal fled europe and moved himself, his court and his capital to Rio de Janeiro, which became capital of the empire.

After Napoleon was defeated the portuguese started getting uppity and had a liberal revolution demanding the king would come back to Portugal, where they would cuck him out of his kingly rights and force a liberal constitution on him.

After some deliberation, the king returned, but he left his son Pedro (who moved to Brazil as a child) behind. The courts got mad and demanded everyone go back to europe, including Pedro (now acting as prince regent of Brazil) and his wife Leopoldina (a Habsburg).

He said he would not and declared Brazil an independent empire (his father had advised him to do so if necessary, before some republicuck did it), so in 1822 Brazil became an independent monarchy, being recognized by the UK, the US, etc after a brief war against the troops of the portuguese parliament (a minority in brazil supported parliament, most supported the king, which had done more for the country than p*rliament ever could).

After some troubles, the king died and Pedro I was next in line to be king of Portugal too, but since no one wanted the two countries to reunite he resigned the portuguese throne (where he was Pedro IV) in favor of his daughter, putting his brother as regent.

His brother promptly cucked his daughter and declared himself King of Portugal, and after some troubles in Brazil (starting soon after independence, including him cucking liberals who wanted to write a constitution to make him nothing a powerless king like Liz is today, and then writing a constitution himself) Pedro resigned his throne in favor of his son, Pedro (which became Pedro II of Brazil).

Pedro I moved back to Portugal and fought his brother in a civil war, defeating him and guaranteeing both thrones to his children, then he died.

or you can watch the vids which explain it in more detail

Portugal itself was a Kingdom up until 1910 revolution. Brazil's monarchy itself is related to the Portugese royal family, the House of Braganza.

not really as the first emperor was literally the son of the portuguese king and our independence was created by the portuguese king himself

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btw one reason why people supported the king and he declared independence is because the portuguese parliament wanted to cuck brazil back into colony status, break the country into provinces answering directly to portugal instead of being a united political unity, etc

Popery isn't Christian

>this thread again

any day now amirite

The First Emperor of Brazil was Masonic. The MAster of the Brazilian Masonry

Yes , dear french, but we are fighting against (((media))) and (((political system))).Our elections could be easily frauded.Also , our real name is Vera Cruz , not Brazil.

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>White nationalist ring-wing libertarianism and ethnostatist neo-monarchism coming from Negrozil
I'm absolutely appalled.

You will be even more shocked when we become the leader of the Western Civilization after being so fucked in the ass for such a long time

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>>White nationalist
you can scrap that part out, just nationalist

The absolute state of monkey cucks

What is it like being white in Brazil. Are you worshipped? By white I mean actual white like blonde and blue eyed

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>By white I mean actual white like blonde and blue eyed
Since they are somewhat rare especially in the north, sluts tend to like them somewhat more

We have lost a lot of battles against (((them))),but the war is not lost , Dear.

This is great news. Brazil was at its best under Pedro II.

So is this guy a direct descendant of Pedro II?

I hope this restoration goes well. I'm a relative of Pedro II, we share a common ancestor though I'm not a descendant of his.

Shaking my head to be honest senpai. I'll to have read up on this.

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>So is this guy a direct descendant of Pedro II?

Is like being black in Europe,or white in Asia.

It's considered a good set of physical attributes all over the country, but hardly uncommon, unless we're talking about north/northeastern Brazil. There's really no reason to go there other than tourism, though.

God bless Brazil

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go ahead son, we are proud of you

>We have our own Royal Family since 1822

House of Bragança. The Portuguese are taking over Brazil again. How does it feel? Sua bunda está doendo muito?

he is, but he isnt on the line of sucession since his father abdicated

his uncles are tho, and one of them is the current leader of the imperial house

since most of them dont have kinds, after the current generation of old princes die, pic related will be the new leader of the imperial house

luiz philippe is monarchist tho

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Brazil is the new Chili

we love u, why should we have bunda doida

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you don't understand how monarchies work do you? the braganzas did a fine job, they knew brazil independence was eminent, so they puted a braganza on the throne, hence preserving the portuguese legacy, creating a forever lasting bond between the two countries, but then the republics came, and oy vey

Fuck off schismatic traitor

bump for nue hue

God speed, irmão zuca. Brazil has the potential to become a great power. But I sure hope the Bragança faggots on this side of the Atlantic don't get any ideas.

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whats wrong with them besides the guy on teh left being ugly?

btw did portuguese media say anything about a bragança being a possible VP of brazil?

How will that go down with the military, especially the officers? Wasn't the Brazilian army responsible for founding the Republic?

>Monkeys need a fucking monarch to behave

The absolute state of Hues. Maybe in 100 year they will be mentally mature enough to embrace Republicanism and see themselves as citizens not SUBJECTS? Will latin america ever embrace personal responsibility and stop looking to strong authority figure for guidance?

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>you can scrap that part out, just nationalist
>ancapistanese shitflag
SHOO SHOO ancap goblin
You're more likeable (not instantly liked) but that's about it.
There's no racial or ethnic divide in Brazil. But that's because there is no national consciousness, no national pride, no "community" to speak of (maybe among immigrants till they get brazilified), there is nothing that unites the common brazilian.

They're all just people living in a country and they share a piece of paper saying brazilian with a language only they can understand.
Everyone is looking to cut corners, get bribes, fuck you over, lie to you, everything is superficial, form without content, everything is done this way. People blame the state, politicians, rich people, conspiracies, but the poor, the white, la creatura mongrels are all the same. Corrupt, violent and shallow.

There is no difference between a white brazilian and a brazilian (yellow-brown), expect for race. I was shocked to discover this myself but I understand Brazil better because I also come from an utter corrupt shithole, except ours is redeemeable, HUEzill requires concentration camps, too many violent niggers with guns and drugs running hoods at 14.

viva el Rey

explain the gun part?

they want to allow non criminal Brazilians to be able to carry guns to protect themselves?

how much public support is there for that?

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Only a faction of the military supported the coup in 1889, most of them were monarchists, also the general that declared the Republic basically aimed at couping the current Prime Minister as he married the love of his life. And they did the coup at the middle of the night asking Dom Pedro and his family to leave the country, and he basically accepted. If anything that is why we have such a good image of the monarchy nowadays

>they want to allow non criminal Brazilians to be able to carry guns to protect themselves?
>how much public support is there for that?
A lot since crime is everywhere and cops are corrupt

most of the military supports Bolsonaro, he is Bolsonaro's VP, and the military invited the then leader of the imperial house to become king again in ths 60s but the fag said he would only accept it if the people voted for it

only around 20% of the army participated in the coup in 1889, the rest just didnt do anything, and most of the issues they had with the monarchy have been long dead, especially post-1988

its not like the turkish military which is ideologically very republican, the leaders of the movement of 1889 werent even republican, they were just mad at the monarchy

he wants a brazilain second ammendment, basically

They're a joke. The monarchy has been long dead, no one outside their shitty micro-party takes them seriously but they still walk around like we owe them something and demand to be treated as royalty.

>btw did portuguese media say anything about a bragança being a possible VP of brazil?

I haven't heard anything yet. But Portuguese media mainly shills for the socialists.

Good luck, guys. God be with you.

Murican talking about Brazil

can we please have anarcho-monarchism in Brazil? Thanks

He looks like an alpha chad cunt destroyer.

he was, he basically forced the first constitution down everyone's throat, commanded the liberal revolution at portugal and died from tuberculosis in Portugal after winning the revolution, and managed to basically make the royal family from Portugal and Brazil solely be their descendents

>cops are corrupt
desu everything illegal in Brazil runs with the cops and secret services consent

>There's no racial or ethnic divide in Brazil. But that's because there is no national consciousness, no national pride, no "community" to speak of (maybe among immigrants till they get brazilified), there is nothing that unites the common brazilian.

I can tell you've never been to huezil. They have a strong national identity based around a culture inherited from the portuguese mixed with with various african and native influences along with some other regional oddities. They're adamant about being distinct from their latin neighbors and throw shitfits when mixed up with them. Even the left in brazil peddles nationalism and a brazillian identity of being portugal's bastard child as a way to shoot right wingers as US backed capitalist puppets. Different to europe, but somewhat similar to the states, brazillian nationalism isn't based on blood, but based on being born there and raised in the culture.

>t. rio de janegro exploiting american universities.

How does that work? Sounds interesting.

Where does it actually say he wants to restore the monarchy? He didn’t seem too interested about it in the article

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Shut up nigger, and to every gringo out there, our monarchy are a bunch of cunts who don't know how to run a country, and only marry into themselves incest style.

They say the British monarchy is "ridiculous" because they let normal people marry into them.

They are a bunch of niggers who get a portion of our taxes even though Brazil is not a monarchy.

Begone Satan

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So a beta cuck cock slurper?

>because they let normal people marry into them.
They don't, even Angela Markle is a very distant relative of Harry, she's related to Henry VIII apparently.

He is a monarchist who supports his uncles (the leaders of the royal house) and is currently writing a new constitution to propose to the country

Is Meghan markle royalty?

he does say it in other videos. That he is a monarchist and that the 4th power that exists in constitutional monarchy systems is much more stable and leads to development as it moralizes and creates counter balances to the other powers. He tries to stay away from that image of the monarchy as he has no rights to throne, since his dad abdicated the throne. Also what the journalist said that he has no hopes for the restoration is bullshit

>become monarchy again
See the issue with monachy is that you need a good monarch. A few bad monarchs and you will have a republic again even if support is high. Fuck ups matter, and are remembered for monarchs in a way we don’t remember ordinary politicians. It’s weird but monarchs are held to a higher standard.

Good luck Brazil, I am nostalgic for 1700’s style age of absolutism.

>Restoring a monarchy
Literally why

>Brit doesn't know how colonization worked.

Brazil was never really absolutist, and even Portugal arguably wasn't

>own Royal Family
Not "our" rather independent

I hate to be that guy, but is there any proof about the constitution thing? I’d love for this to be true, I’d learn Portuguese if Brazil became a monarchy, I just don’t want to be let down.

because republics are dumb and bad

She's very loosely related to Jane Seymour, a wife of Henry VIII or something, I can't remember.

yes, there is but in portuguese, also he studied in Stanford Political Sciences

I would rather have a 4 legged stool (Legislature, judicial, civilian executive, Monarch) than a 3 legged stool (legislature, judicial, executive)

And what about a monarchy makes it preferable to a republic, in your own words?

All republics turn to shit very quickly.

France - under 100 years
America - under 200 years
Ireland - 70 years
etc etc. An absolute monarch with accountability could be a good thing, we've had too much government cucking and fucking around with things and absolutely NO accountability. We need the chopping blocks back!

>head of state guaranteed to be a defender of tradition
What’s wrong with this? So long as it is constitutional monarchy, it can be a powerful bulwark against degeneracy

He made a video about it

Based. I wish we'd take that tactic up here in America. The Trump Dynasty would be fucking tops.

Okay I feel a lot better now. Viva Brazil!

post kuruminhas

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Both faggots seem to lurk in here. Especially the smirking virgin on the left

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Not when the government cements its own power and pretends to represent the interests of the people which is what we've seen happen with constitutional monarchs.

Pls Make it real

Yes, I had dreams in my head of Prussian drums and lines of men ready for shot and pike warfare. Overall democracy has been fine to me personally but it’s soft and lazy, and corrupt behind the scenes. I admire the honesty of an absolute monarchy. “He’s the boss and he says so” is a lot better to me than “for your own good ___”. Etc.

Listen to me, even the best run states in the USA have massive off the books corruption. Nobody cares. Put a face on it of King Whomever and suddenly people care, it’s like it’s more personal to them. I don’t even know if that makes sense but I think you get my meanings.