France - under 100 years America - under 200 years Ireland - 70 years etc etc. An absolute monarch with accountability could be a good thing, we've had too much government cucking and fucking around with things and absolutely NO accountability. We need the chopping blocks back!
Christian Foster
>head of state guaranteed to be a defender of tradition What’s wrong with this? So long as it is constitutional monarchy, it can be a powerful bulwark against degeneracy
Easton Kelly
He made a video about it
Andrew Clark
Based. I wish we'd take that tactic up here in America. The Trump Dynasty would be fucking tops.
Not when the government cements its own power and pretends to represent the interests of the people which is what we've seen happen with constitutional monarchs.
Mason Hall
Pls Make it real
Cameron Miller
Yes, I had dreams in my head of Prussian drums and lines of men ready for shot and pike warfare. Overall democracy has been fine to me personally but it’s soft and lazy, and corrupt behind the scenes. I admire the honesty of an absolute monarchy. “He’s the boss and he says so” is a lot better to me than “for your own good ___”. Etc.
Listen to me, even the best run states in the USA have massive off the books corruption. Nobody cares. Put a face on it of King Whomever and suddenly people care, it’s like it’s more personal to them. I don’t even know if that makes sense but I think you get my meanings.