Americans don't even realize how good they have it compared to the rest of the globe.
>mfw I make 3.50 an hour at my shitty service sector job while a fat 'Murican doing the exact same thing gets like four times as much
>mfw he still complains about not having a 15$/h salary, even though food and clothes are far cheaper in the US than they are in Europe
Suburban house + garage
Asher Smith
Leo Murphy
so, Frank Grimes was an incel?
Cooper Cook
didnt he have a son that tried to take revenge on the samsungs?
William Walker
Jack Perez
cry me a river snow nigger
Levi Green
Carter Gomez
Its how americans lived before beaners ruined the nation
Anthony Price
You mean the housing crisis?
Grayson Walker
>house prices go up from greedy jews
>wages go down because spics and free trade
it is all connected
Joshua Taylor
>reactor operator
It’s a six figure job today with some experience. Most nuclear plants are in real areas so the cost of living is low.