Qtards BTFO
Scott Adams Debunks the Q LARP
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Bump. Can't wait for salty Baby Boomers.
They are already going with the "Q Predicted This" nonsense.. unironically.
He's comparing them to a cult.
Scott is just mad that the Q thing is siphoning his viewer base
Lol they basically are. I mean Q says a lot of broad shit and only dumps things everyone has heard of before.
I thought Scott Adams was supposed to be some 'master of persuasion'. Certainly he should know persuasion is entirely independent of the true/false dichotomy.
>one of /ourguy/s debunked that Q LARP
fucking finally
We need this to happen so the Boomers start moving on.
Q predicted this
>>one of /ourguy/s debunked that Q LARP
Last year, right? Wasn't it a leftypol commie?
Not going to happen. There can be no doubt at this point Qanon is a coordinated effort of some sort.
It's most likely a game. But even a game can be co-opted into something which can be exploited, a la Pokeman Go.
That guy is so fucking boring.
>TLDR: The Video
Dogbert predicted this.
Yeah we don't want any fucking boomers helping us take down the global jewish Satanic pedophile ruling class
Why don't we want any boomers helping us take down the global jewish Satanic pedophile ruling class?
t. boomer
>debunking a LARP
So yeah anyway
Call me back when Dilbert starts talking about the global jewish Satanic pedophile ruling class
Until then he can eat a dick
scott adams is only a mechanical engineer not a real scientist
>likes global jewish satanic pedophiles
czechs out
>there can be no doubt
shoo shoo boomer jew
this guy is so cringe
here comes the hick butthurt
>Yeah we don't want any fucking boomers helping us take down the global jewish Satanic pedophile ruling class
Because Boomers suck at everything they do and embarrass themselves far more than any E-celeb thots.
Q predicted this
The thing is. It's dangerous. Q is making wild promises essentially on behalf of the Trump administration. If they don't HAPPEN, these voters will become necessarily disillusioned.
If Q is proven fake, the voters become depressed.
That's how the enemy will exploit this if it's not 100% legit -- and what are the chances of that, really?
People looking at this should say, 'what a quality LARP,' 'what a neato justice fantasy' and move along.
I don't care Q never calls out Jews only alludes and by the end of the day is a Zionist. He supports Isreal so fuck him.
This is true. Its just like Bitcoin and Bitconnect everyone puts their eggs in one basket. Instead of listening to other channels that can make predictions and do it far better.
I thought he was a telephone repair guy who got promoted because easy boomer life and bent reality somehow to become a cartoonist
The only way we can take down the satanic pedophile elite is... regime change in Iran.
fag. Adams is /ourguy/. I will never forget when he rekt Sam Harris.
I havent followed the Q shit closely, if at all, but the one thing that turned my head was the thing where he got Trup to say “tippy top” on tv.
Absolutely lol. Let's support Isreal against Iran! It will be great to support Jews.
You can't explain it to boomers though. They're the real newfags of cyberculture, and their just not privy to the kind of games that are played regularly. And being boomers, they know they are right and refuse to learn.
>You can't explain it to boomers though. They're the real newfags of cyberculture
Of course but eventually they will move on. Its the same shit that happened when they believed Creationism, Evangelical and yes supported Isreal. They will get their skulls kicked in by reality.
>having to explain that john galt is just a jewish meme to control right-wing conservative out-of-the-box thought
Well boomers do like to have information hand fed to them. If they can't understand or comprehend that they're following a fictional character, why bother telling them?
He just finished, faggot, Jesus.
Well then why don't we suggest alternatives especially people like Styx, Black Pilled, Infowars. It would not be difficult.
Q doesn’t need to be real. A larp that spurs patriots into action to take down the deep state and hang the leftist traitors and enabled us just as good as a real person, arguably better. Think ANONYMOUS.
Q doesn’t need to be real. A larp that spurs patriots into action to take down the deep state and hang the leftist traitors and their enablers is just as good as a real person, arguably better. Think “ANONYMOUS”.
(Fixed typos for the screenshot)
Q predicted this
> Q doesn’t need to be real
Wrong. When followers finally accept that this shit is fake, they will be massively demoralized.
Scott Adams will also say that we're all living in a simulation but you should still buy his book and watch him drink coffee for 4 hours a day. No thanks, Dilbertman - I'll spend my simulation hours jerking off instead!
Q predicted your typos and trips
You mean the LARP that has made a zillion threats of "taking down" and "declaring war" on someone, yet has done literally nothing for the past decade? You're right, that sounds exactly like Q.
I feel sorry that Scott has to deal with those Q fanboys in his stream every fucking day for the past month. And it's become increasingly more obnoxious since he went to the White House.
>You mean the LARP that has made a zillion threats of "taking down" and "declaring war" on someone, yet has done literally nothing for the past decade? You're right, that sounds exactly like Q.
They made money from YouTube videos and get ad revenue from sharing Democrat news on their pro-establishment websites though. That's something I guess.
kek, good one.
scott adams is part of the alt kike merchant loser groups that spammed Q bs
it's only so they can then pretend like they are smart a year later when they pretend they knew it was a larp...
scott adams is a zionist dweeb
merchant opportunist
a fucking pussy from suburban east bay
>tfw missed the boat on fleecing boomers our of their money via Qtard merch
IDK, I don't follow Q and figured it was some larp team at first, but when Q posted the pic of the Lou Ferrigno looking motherfucker outside of Creepy porn lawyers office the media went into full panic mode, shills on the chans dialed it up to 11. Even some alt media personalities started acting like abusers towards their followers.
Yeah but he opposes Q shit on the basis of persuasion. He sees it as something that makes all Trump supporters look bad because the media actively seeks out the one Q supporter in a crowd and then generalizes it to the whole group in order to make them all look unhinged.
Whether or not this really matters is uncertain. But Scott is actively trying to undo this damage that he sees being done.
/mlpol/ predicted this
Q is a fucking CIA psyop to assasinate our character and distract from all the sketchy shit pedocrats covering up atm
This is all just plausible deniability cover for Scott, people were starting to uncover the truth.
Because they are
Have you ever met Boomers? They eat this shit up because it feeds the delusion of self-importance they've been fed since childhood
Never forget that Boomers ruined the West
>muh multiculturalism
>muh feminism
>muh cheap immigrant labor
>muh housing equity
>muh gibs
Doesn't take away from it's power, simply reverses the polarity.
Nobody is actually named Q and it could be several autists.. of course its a LARP
That being said, some info has been very interesting for a larp.. especially the maggie nixon stuff
boomers always have a knack for cults like jonestown i never understand why
>if true, gov't would shut down
Welp, that's it. Box it up and throw dirt on it. QTARDS eternally BTFO.
uniroincally this. they have the typing language of 13 year olds and worse they refuse to assimilate or understand. at best now, Q has gotten boomers hooked to the internet like we all were 20 years ago.
What does it matter if someone if the White House posts on Jow Forums (which is all the Q conspiracy amounts to)?
Real or LARP, it doesn't matter.
went back and watched the whole thing. he presents his argument well. starting by telling the Q folks they are above average intelligence is a good strategy, because many of us have been calling them autistic fucktards for so long, they may be willing to listen to somebody who doesnt attack them right off the bat.
only objection I have is that scott used government ignoring the situation as proof its fake, because I think its entirely possibly alphabet agencies are running the thing. in fact, i think most of the threads posted here on Jow Forums serve the same purpose, of keeping you busy bickering and fighting about nonsense. they are so good at wasting your time, they have written their strategies into code so bots can do it.
yes, you have been arguing with bots. many of which aren't even programmed to learn from your counter-arguments, however they are able to learn how to better argue against you from every experience they get.
W predicted this
thats not what a cult is you retard.
a cult is something like Heaven's Gate, or Charles Manson.
the Q larp has no narcissistic leader, which is very central to a cult being an actual cult.
Trump would've debunked it by now....except he's Q
So did they deliberately put the girl in a lower weight class to shame the boys? cuz that's exactly what this looks like.
What I find funny is that all these people who accuse Q of being a larp say the damage it's doing is causing people to be idol. What is it we should be doing right now that Q-hope is stopping us from doing?
Screenshot of what? No one is going to screenshot your gayass prediction..
MegaAnon warned that this would happen.
>implying that will stop me
>You probably have ShareBots in you right now
what's wrong with boomers? why can't they spot when something is a larp?
>Q larp has no narcissistic leader
The underlying presumption is it has Trump as a leader, remember?
does he explain how Q got trump to say tip top shape as requested by anons?
does he explain pics of trump's pen and signed executive orders?
pics of NK from AF1?
noun: queue; plural noun: queues
a line or sequence of people or vehicles awaiting their turn to be attended to or to proceed.
synonyms: lineup, line, row, column, file, chain, string; More
procession, train, cavalcade
"a long queue of people"
a list of data items, commands, etc., stored so as to be retrievable in a definite order, usually the order of insertion.
a braid of hair worn at the back.
verb: queue; 3rd person present: queues; past tense: queued; past participle: queued; gerund or present participle: queuing; gerund or present participle: queueing
take one's place in a queue.
"in the war they had queued for food"
synonyms: line up, wait in line, form a line, fall in, form a queue, queue up
"we queued for ice cream"
be extremely keen to do or have something.
"companies are queuing up to move to the bay"
arrange in a queue.
>here's the information
>what are you going to do?
>does he explain how Q got trump to say tip top shape as requested by anons?
he didn't need to because that never happened
it did happen you colossal faggot
blah blah blah Q is a larp
you know what is going to be awesome? when you pedo protecting fucks are larping a noose around your fucking necks. give up motherfuckers. if Q doesnt take care of the pedo elite WE WILL
let this ID be the number of pedophiles put before the Inquisition
Trump has a limited vocabulary. He has said 'tip top" before
So what's the explanation Q fags give for why Trump hasn't openly tweeted about him? Love or loathe the bloke, he's not exactly known for being modest, and is absolutely the kind of person who, if he was doing an objectively good thing like taking down pedos, would absolutely want people to know. Trump genuinely believes he's a good man, and frequently gets pissed off when people don't treat him as such. No way he wouldn't be openly bragging to high heaven about all the Q stuff.
How do they square that circle?
>real life jeopardy
I don't follow?
Q is a way for boomers to pretend they are part of the edgy cool internet stuff.
>sir cole gets the skwear
Pushing Trump to actually make good on his campaign promises? Pushing the Republican Party to support the president that we voted for? Boycotts and protests against giant companies who are silencing right wing speech.
Just kidding, we just have to sit back and "trust the plan."
based acoocheemoya poster
And the dozens of other direct pieces of confirmation everyone (lefty shills) likes to ignore.
Adams is mad that Q is more persuasive than he is.
A government loving boomer is talking shit about Q in OP's vid tho.
You, silent during Obama Scott Adams and OP are fucking stupid.
Exactly. Plus so many people, even those aware of vast, multi-generational, continent-spanning conspiracies that have been proven true time and again, still have an in-built bias against conspiracies. AKA brainlets.
It also keeps them and their retarded ideology side lined.
even more
So all those people who are at the rallies and out in public with Q shirts, where does that fall?
Q is bullshit that works exactly like a cult