Q predicted this
Scott Adams Debunks the Q LARP
>>one of /ourguy/s debunked that Q LARP
Last year, right? Wasn't it a leftypol commie?
Not going to happen. There can be no doubt at this point Qanon is a coordinated effort of some sort.
It's most likely a game. But even a game can be co-opted into something which can be exploited, a la Pokeman Go.
That guy is so fucking boring.
>TLDR: The Video
Dogbert predicted this.
Yeah we don't want any fucking boomers helping us take down the global jewish Satanic pedophile ruling class
Why don't we want any boomers helping us take down the global jewish Satanic pedophile ruling class?
t. boomer
>debunking a LARP
So yeah anyway
Call me back when Dilbert starts talking about the global jewish Satanic pedophile ruling class
Until then he can eat a dick
scott adams is only a mechanical engineer not a real scientist