>the absolute state of western women
The absolute state of western women
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you mean the mean drunk cat lady that says shes a writer?
I always wanted to fuck my cool wine aunt.
>tfw no cool wine aunt
but in all seriousness, hedonistic desires like this shouldn't be the norm
I have never in my life heard that term before someone posted this tweet a few weeks ago, that being said, that term sounds really stupid "cool wine aunt", like what the fuck does that even mean?
Hipster/SWPL/GenX cunts make a big deal about "not needing a man" and enjoying their wine. Hence that tweet from one of them. I heard this term a few weeks ago. It deserves to be a meme.
>alcoholic cat lady with no man and no kids
wine aunt gave me wine to drink when I was 8.
this, she smelled nice