Just finished basic and basic land training. Saw 4 Sikhs while training.
This never gets discussed and I don't understand. The fucking defence minister is Sikh for god's sake.
We need solutions, here!
Just finished basic and basic land training. Saw 4 Sikhs while training.
This never gets discussed and I don't understand. The fucking defence minister is Sikh for god's sake.
We need solutions, here!
Just keep your guns loaded.
... You all have guns right?
Muhammad, what do you have against Sikhs?
suicide missions....
There is literally nothing wrong with being Sikh. The religion was started with the explicit purpose of killing Muslims.
Trudeau is friends with a rich Sikh, so he's been allowing them in Canada and he changed the laws to allow their religious beliefs in public functions.
wait, how do they wear their helmets with that diaper on their heads?
You should be happy that a few poos are actually willing to put their lives on the line for Canada, unlike most immigrants who would probably just fuck off back home if something ever happened.
>He doesn't know
They're literally allowed to carry knives to skin a muslim
Kallistanism. Minster Turban has already started shit with India. Everyone of their bearded weirdos was raised on mothers milk to long to a new Sikh Empire in Punjab.
>Canada turned itself into an Indian-Chink colony, without them wanting one and now the two immigrant races are wrestling for control while the cuckhold wH*te dogs help both sides and relieve them of sexual tension
>be canadian
>be the cuckiest of european civilisation
>muh s-sikhs are b-based
t. indian posing as ANGLO
Sikhs are top at sword violence. Anyone who puts Muslims to the blade is welcome to stay at my house.
I am sorry but there is not solution for you country.
i thought the chinks were the problem. you leafs keep surprising me.
Nah, fuck the anglos.
I'm a indian and proud you nerd, I just hate muslims
>This never gets discussed and I don't understand.
in india sikhs make up 1% of the population, but are 20% of the military officers
it's one of their industries, like trucking
desu if the US would just take over the world already i would be happy cuz anything is better then poodo
Well fuck me, I'm a retard.
I deserve a mocking Vlad
theyre literally gonna unfuck canada you rural maplenigger
>theyre literally gonna unfuck canada you rural maplenigger
They are the ones fucking Canada. They are joining the forces in droves. I know one is a cop that I went to high school with. Another works in military police.
They are taking all the jobs that are allowed to carry guns and KILL PEOPLE YOU DUMB FUCK!
Trudeau just found out.
they always go back to surrey and keep it hood
Give them a war to fight. A real war, something they can sink their teeth into.
canadians are homosexuals that worship foreigners just like americans. you all deserve to burn in hell
What unit are you in?
my sides