>Canada turned itself into an Indian-Chink colony, without them wanting one and now the two immigrant races are wrestling for control while the cuckhold wH*te dogs help both sides and relieve them of sexual tension
How do we solve the Sikhs in Canadian Army problem?
>be canadian
>be the cuckiest of european civilisation
>muh s-sikhs are b-based
t. indian posing as ANGLO
Sikhs are top at sword violence. Anyone who puts Muslims to the blade is welcome to stay at my house.
I am sorry but there is not solution for you country.
i thought the chinks were the problem. you leafs keep surprising me.
Nah, fuck the anglos.
I'm a indian and proud you nerd, I just hate muslims
>This never gets discussed and I don't understand.
in india sikhs make up 1% of the population, but are 20% of the military officers
it's one of their industries, like trucking
desu if the US would just take over the world already i would be happy cuz anything is better then poodo
Well fuck me, I'm a retard.
I deserve a mocking Vlad