When will the subhuman frenchniggers give us back our rightful Elsaß-Lothringen?
It belonged to Germany ever since the medieval ages. It is part of Germany.
We Germans have better plans for it than the frogniggers.
When will the subhuman frenchniggers give us back our rightful Elsaß-Lothringen?
It belonged to Germany ever since the medieval ages. It is part of Germany.
We Germans have better plans for it than the frogniggers.
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You could argue that Elsass is your clay. Potentially.
But Lothringen was inherited fair and square by the French king.
wouldn't denouncing the king and revolting end their claim?
When you would be willing to sacrifice the rest of the country to nukes for it
Who the fuck labels that map incorrectly and calls Languedoc-Roussillon 'south of france'
Another germans dindu nuffin, gib back clay tier thread
We conquered it fair and square
Strasbourg is not going back to your faggy country, keep building Holocaust Memory Statues, migrant lover.
Who cares about only Elsaß-Lothringen, I'd just take all of France instead
it is a Kurd larping as German nationalist
Land belongs to those who can take and defend it.
No, and the Left Bank is rightful French clay.
Gib back Kosovo. It’s legitimate Romanian clay.
>calling someone a migrant lover
We still told the Aquarius to fuck off, it's a lvl above Spain and Germany.
And we're not using money-terrorism to force every European country to flood themselves with the migrants they love so much.
Germans love migrants so much, they unironically wanna see them even when they travel in Europe.
It's like this post came from a different timeline where france did not get completly cucked.
Fuck off D&C shill, we Germans think about cleansing NRW and Berlin before rewarming our ancient quarrels with frogs.
This is why everyone hates you American cunts.
FrAnCe ArMy StRoNg hahahahahahah
Based and redpilled. Tbhfam lets kill all of these Frenchniggers for inventing egalitarianism
>turkish education
>Liberalism was created by France
You misspelled "Alsace-Lorraine" you Kraut
Come and take it
you want more turks?
>éducation métèque
>Liberalism was created by France
>liberalism is the same thing as egalitarianism
>actually trying to deny it
Your country is an abomination, own up to it
your atoms surrender when they see Germans
getting sweaty there thieving rat?
i dont get it. all the cities there still have german names. how do you figure that it's rightful french clay?
>better plan
Like importing refugee ?
it doesnt matter which country gets it you're going to modernize it and flood it with shitskins anyway
I want to slit german throat, I want to kill german kids, it's my passion
calm down everyone
I hate frogs but, you kr*uts deserve nothing good after what you have done to europe for the past 2000 years
You guys are no better fucking Africa dump
Then renounce your claim on legitimate Polish clay of Silesia, Pomeralia and Great Poland.
Greater Poland* (Poznan/Posen being its centre)
> legitimate Polish clay
There's no such thing.
>legitimate Polish clay
nigga please...
We supported your freedom fighters in ww1 and ww2 so that 100 years later on you go around and talk shit about ""polish claims""
what's wrong with NRW?
I just wanted to point out to OP that the inherent hypocrisy of his claims. Nothing personal. We need to put past behind us and integrate into an EU superpower, without the left-wing and liberals diluting the european culture and identity with foreign elements from Africa and the Middle East.
Why are you like this?
Border is fine how it is
Come and take you faggot fuck.
You mean Alsace Lorraine ?
Almost all the cities in Lorraine have French names. In Alsace less so, but the people are French.
Problem is whenever the krauts and frogs have a territorial dispute we and the yanks end up getting dragged into it.
Reminder that Elsass is Ruhrgebiet-tier Nigger infested
>It belonged to Germany ever since the medieval ages.
You mean before Germany existed?
Mulhouse and Strasbourg have a lot of shitskins but what big city doesn't these days. The rest is great and we're keeping it
I think he means thr Holy Roman Empire of german nations
it shows how far decentralization can go
Nobody drags you into anything, you decide to get involved yourself.
England always feared one side would win and end up dominating Europe.
So they always supported the losing side to prolong the conflict and keep Europe divided.
I've been to Mühlhausen and Straßburg (also visited the rual areas ) and wtf
It was bit shocking for a east german
funny was that even the shitskins speak german
So according to your "german" map you want to take back Marseille too ?
Plz do it.
I go to Mulhouse regularly, it's full of arabs and I never heard a word of German there
Germany didn't exist in the Middle Ages, the Holy Roman Empire never united so-called "Germans" under one political entity, the whole idea of a united "Germany" only appeared in the 19th century after Prussians decided to take lead in this political project. Alsace-Moselle is nobody's rightful clay, it just happened to be in the way of Prussian imperialism in the late 19th century. You can have it now if you want though, it's as filled with Turks as the rest of Wester Germany for what I've heard from locals.
>declaring war over polish clay
>only to lose it too the USSR
>lose emipre as well
>now infested with sand niggers
also checked
What about a nuke on Berlin?
It was a nigger asking for some small money (coins)
But a lot of people also speak german when they realize you are german
Also made a big tour through France and avoided big cities
Was nice, the people are actually able to speak English, when you show them that you try to speak at least some French
It's our clay. People there would go independent rather than go German. When the land was lost in 1870 thousands of people left
So should Paris ?
that's what WW1 was about you fucking russian rape baby
Just be patience and pass on the hunger for justice to your descendants. The Jews managed to not forget "their" clay for over 1000 years so you germans should manage to wait it out a few 100 years or so until the right moment comes. And the Germans forgot their clay by then it just means that they were weak and thus didn't deserve it in the first place.
2 world wars and millions of white people dead. And now its filled with arabs and immigration. Yeah no, doesn't matter who owns that strip of land, we all lose.
>filled with arabs and immigration
get out of the city some time
That's like saying Iran is rightful Macedonian clay.
Yes, the Salian Franks conquered most of Europe once (including *shock* France), but then it crumbled apart.
If we go by your logic all of Europe belongs to us because those Salian Franks were mostly from what is now The Netherlands.
> France will fill it with blacks
> germoney will fill it with Arabs
Not a lot of blacks, they can't stand the winter. Lots of turkshits though
Yes please
I swear to God Elsass will be German before I die.
>It’s a level above Spain
Look, I understand things aren’t looking good over there and you are in distress, but trust me, the last thing you need is to become delusional on top of that, frog.
not a chance
>since the Middle Ages
>Germany became a country in the 119th century
Oy vey, you’re a nation of immigrants.
Aquarius is on its way to Marseille right now. We don't let them offload migrants but we let them take a break to refuel and resupply, that's almost as bad.
The big cities are ruined with mass concrete buildings and immigrants. The countryside is full of retired liberals. Its very sad.
The rhine is our natural frontier since the time of Gaul. The river helped us repulse the german raids. The romans used the same frontier. Im all for giving germany alsace as long as they dont fuck with us and we get rid of all immigration.
When will subhuman germniggers give us back Schleswig-Holstein?
> We Germans have better plans for it than the frogniggers.
I bet you both could agree to settle lots of muslims there
>want to murder white children
calm the fuck down mohammed
I grew up there and people non-ironically want independence. Although if the choice was between France and Germany, that gets a bit tricky depending on where you ask. Actual Alsacians hate the French gov.
>your atoms surrender when they see Germans
>When the land was lost in 1870 thousands of people left
Peanuts compared to what the french/allied niggers did to the Germans after the wars. Fucking hell the street I grew up in Strassburg still has German names.
>On ne passe pas
a few years later...
>1% of the population is still white, just GO OUT to the country side to see it !
kill yourself frafrican
>On ne passe pas
Without the Brits, your army would have collapsed and mutinied.
Arsène Wenger is Alsatian.
Every farm, vagina and KFC in the world is rightful Bantu clay.
I would love to slice german throats with the frogs at my side
Founded by German settlers but ok.
Germany has no interest of fucking with France; the historical animosity between the two countries can largely be attributed to Napoleon when he steamrolled thru the German states and pretty much forced the modernization of the Prussian system (so it could survive) and tore down the previous European world order. Bismarck himself did not want to annex Elsass, even though the majority were German speaking and it was a great region to defend against French attack.
TL;DR: France caused the rise of the German states by invading during the Napoleonic Wars thus giving Prussia political and military opportunity to unify the other german states afraid of another French invasion.
Mulhouse also has double street naming. Germans behaved badly in 1870, no point crying over what happened after 1918
1880 version would be "build a lot of forts, fill them with soldiers and guns, never use them because Germany didn't manage to push through the line"
Alsace Lorraine is overwhelmingly white dipshit
if this and if that
Germans didn't forcibly expel Frenchies and ban French in 1870.
>if this and if that
It happened in our timeline. If the other troops weren't there to save you from the Kaiserschlacht your army would have had to surrender.
-declare war on Germany
-push into germany because they don't have enough troops on the border
-pull out of germany cuz lol, why not
The French were pushing towards the West for centuries since the Germans inherited Lotharingia rightfully and with treaties justifying the claims of the KINGDOM OF GERMANY.
Liger, Rotten and Seine used to be the border-rivers of the German people in the West.
The Belgae and some Northwestern Gauls already reported of their Germanic ancestry proudly and Caesar already reported of Suebi in modern-day Alsace.
In fact, if it wasn't for him, Ariovistus would hae conquered Northern Gaul already, sice many Germanic people were moving there.
That is true, it has to be clear though who owns what when we did that.
A little bit of rivalry never hurt anyone.
We Europeans need to get butthurt at each other to protect ourselves from third parties, this is the way to redpill people.
Look at Poland, it's the perfect example, they closed their borders for any foreigners, while also making Anti-German propaganda.
A little bit of infighting between Euros, keeps the French from executing their 150 years plan of "getting 100 million Frenchmen in France, if necessary from Africa" or apply egalitarianism and allows them to grow some balls an
>Mulhouse also has double street naming
Gee, Mulhouse sure sounds Galloroman.
And to be honest, shitposting competition is a lot of fun.
Besides, the greatest technological leaps are always in warfare, the greatest known competition of nations.
Germans care that much about Elsaß-Lothringen? You lost that centuries ago.
I'd be more incensed about Königsberg, the Soviets were supposed to administer it, not annex it.