Take the Med Pill

We arent white. White is a term invented by (((angloids))) to attempt to monopolize race and put into place a heirachy with themselves at the top. Any med who fights for the "white race" is fighting to be a second class citizen. Take the Med Pill

Attached: italian women.jpg (985x496, 221K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Med first, white second, nordoid never

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Are serbs meds?

Forgetting about nigger whites such as Slav or Celtic.

I think they are the ones that shouldnt be called white, they are not white they are pink

they should all be conquered

Attached: WHITES.jpg (1772x356, 221K)

Racial colorism is only used by rootless mutts who have no way to discern each other but color.

Your yamulke is showing, Rabbi Shekelberg.

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celts are fun people though

ashkenazi jews are Mediterranean too celtoid retard

Attached: download (1).jpg (225x225, 9K)

>We arent white.

medniggers were white once, but got completely destroyed by the germanic master race. now they are brown eyed, black haired people who look exactly like the average refugee in germany.

thats why we call them medniggers

please pol, listen to OP and STOP calling medniggers WHITE

So are Egyptians.

What do you mean? The color of your skin means everything. My great-grandparents came from Southern Italy and all the Hispanic people ask me questions in spanish thinking I can understand. I've even had an Arab guy come up and ask me for directions.

If I came from Anglo people I wouldn't have this problem. Oh well. I've come to like my tan skin though. Being pale is not very nice..

no they arent, we only include European meds

found you

Attached: mine.jpg (1558x930, 310K)

Serbs are half slav half med

Meds never were white.

Slavs is not an ethnicity or race, it’s a linguistic group.

The Med Pill has been taken, Based

Attached: claudia pulchra.png (1025x427, 215K)

they were. or atleast their leaders. most of them had blue / greyish eyes, light brown hair etc. sure they were never germanic, but they sure as hell were 10 times whiter than today.

they brought tons of slaves into europe from africa and the middle east. and after the germanics completely assraped them and their empire fell apart, the slaves were mixing with the native population.

That eye color chart has been debunked 100 times retard.

A nordoid retard like you equated Suetonius saying augustus had clear eyes with meaning blue eyes.

(((Nordoids))) love misinterpreting old text ive noticed

Attached: nordoids.png (1035x597, 345K)

we aren't white

why are you keep posting that 'my ancestors' pic? why would any germanic think that medniggers are their ancestors, wut?

Attached: german chad.jpg (4291x3218, 1.82M)

Based Med Piller

Attached: hi.jpg (1023x286, 97K)


t. north African mutt living in Romannoccupied North Africa

but i don't feel superior to anhyone,i just want to be left alone

meanwhile in reality, average krautoid

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They were blond and blue eyed, idiot.

Your pre-Indo European Etruscan ancestors were dark, though. Here's the guy who cucked hem:


>Sulla was red-blond,[38]blue-eyed, and had a dead-white face covered with red marks.[39

Italy was multicultural even before the rise of Rome.

Attached: MapItaly01.png (754x898, 148K)

It’s not true at all. Ancient romans looked like Greeks and Turks. Ancient Rome was a shitskin empire, pretty much similar to later chaliphate.

you are AGAIN assuming that germanics WISH augustus was their ancestor. again, this makes no sense. why would any germanic think / wish that?kek

can you give me insight in your strange thought process?

Attached: deutsche herrenrasse 1.png (1366x768, 780K)

Second class? In South Africa, meds were labelled third rate immigration because they were Catholics instead of Protestants.

No a retarded nordoid went through and mistranslated the 12 ceasers. his what it actually said about augustus

>His biographer Suetonius, writing about a century after Augustus' death, described his appearance as: "... unusually handsome and exceedingly graceful at all periods of his life, though he cared nothing for personal adornment. He was so far from being particular about the dressing of his hair, that he would have several barbers working in a hurry at the same time, and as for his beard he now had it clipped and now shaved, while at the very same time he would either be reading or writing something ... He had clear, bright eyes ... His teeth were wide apart, small, and ill-kept; his hair was slightly curly and inclined to golden; his eyebrows met. His ears were of moderate size, and his nose projected a little at the top and then bent ever so slightly inward. His complexion was between dark and fair. He was short of stature, although Julius Marathus, his freedman and keeper of his records, says that he was five feet and nine inches (just under 5 ft. 7 in., or 1.70 meters, in modern height measurements), but this was concealed by the fine proportion and symmetry of his figure, and was noticeable only by comparison with some taller person standing beside him...",[251] adding that "his shoes [were] somewhat high-soled, to make him look taller than he really was".[252] Scientific analysis of traces of paint found in his official statues show that he most likely had light brown hair and eyes (his hair and eyes were depicted as the same color).

im reading through multiple translations now debunking that shitty image nordoids post

Second mistake - majority of slaves in Ancient Rome were from German forests, not from Africa. However, elites included Arabs and Syrians.

I've always imagined Romans looked like this.

Attached: Crassus.jpg (239x320, 88K)

You know, there are redhead blueeyed Arabs in Lebanon, it doesn’t mean they are white or nordic. Those Roman “nordics” were like Atatürk

Nordoids think alexander the great was one of them


Attached: 399px-Alexander_Mosaic-high_res_fragment.jpg (1118x596, 248K)

They were Nordic descendents of Indo Europeans who invaded from the north and raped their ancestors


>Suetonius, describes Caesar as "tall of stature with a fair complexion, shapely limbs, a somewhat full face, and keen black eyes"

Attached: db91cdc45e442c5594278725c00b91db--julius-caesar-roman-history.jpg (474x567, 25K)

pic related: its you

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>those forehead pimples

greasy fucks

maybe because the statue resembles a man out of ww2 nazi propaganda

Nice try brown boy but that is a posthumous Roman portrayal and not a Greek hellenistic painting. This is the actual mosaic of Alexander (on the right) from his hometown in Pella, Macedonia, dated to his lifespan.

Attached: pella_dj-15052012-0400d-stag-hunt-mosaic.jpg (690x580, 235K)

Pharoah harry

Attached: download (2).jpg (286x176, 10K)

No. Simply because no one would survive rape attack in antiquity. To breed rape babies you have to permanently seize women of another tribe.

I watched about 50 videos 23&me on youtube and found that most "white" Americans have more Italian and greek blood than German (British). Its funny

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Caesar (Patrician- black hair, fair skin.

Sulla (Patrician)- Red hair, blue eyes.

Augustus (pleb)- Olive skinned, unibrow and probably brownish blonde hair.

protip: nordid and mediterranean phenotype are the same phenotype with different pigmentation. Not all northern europeans have the nordid phenotype, not all southern europeans have the mediterranean phenotype

Med pilled brothers, I salute you

Attached: JUST2.png (1600x1564, 1.36M)

White is a bullshit context created by globalist scum.

People of light skin have and never will unite. Besides, northern europeans are literally a bunch of cuck fags

Its a copy of hellenistic painting that was documented in writing as a commission for a macedonian king, thats why historians world wide consider it the most accurate portrayal of alexander.

the mosaic in your picture isnt even confirmed as being a mosaic of alexander the great nor does it look much different

Pic related: my ancestors, not yours

Attached: 3Amphipolis5.jpg (700x487, 143K)

thats just a ginger. Most nordic people tan really well

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Together Stronger
>Fuck the Jews!!!!!!!

looks like turks to me

No they aren't dipshit. Nordic phenotype is from north Russia, Med phenofype is from Arab land (modern). Nordic DNA came from the steppe and so did the Y-DNA of Southern Europeans, because they are R1B-M343 rape babies of Northern men with southern women. That's why Meds and Nordics have some similar features.

its clearly images of the same person. Was he a ginger or was he brunette is the question. Who cares? he was a woggy looking white guy with out without the redhair, what difference does it make

The awesome germanic master race that ran like bitches from hun manlets trying to hid under romes soldiers skirts?

Ancient rome put the germanic below niggers in racial hierarchy


from wikipedia

>His biographer Suetonius, writing about a century after Augustus' death, described his appearance as: "... unusually handsome and exceedingly graceful at all periods of his life, though he cared nothing for personal adornment. He was so far from being particular about the dressing of his hair, that he would have several barbers working in a hurry at the same time, and as for his beard he now had it clipped and now shaved, while at the very same time he would either be reading or writing something ... He had clear, bright eyes ... His teeth were wide apart, small, and ill-kept; his hair was slightly curly and inclined to golden; his eyebrows met. His ears were of moderate size, and his nose projected a little at the top and then bent ever so slightly inward. His complexion was between dark and fair. He was short of stature, although Julius Marathus, his freedman and keeper of his records, says that he was five feet and nine inches (just under 5 ft. 7 in., or 1.70 meters, in modern height measurements), but this was concealed by the fine proportion and symmetry of his figure, and was noticeable only by comparison with some taller person standing beside him...",[251] adding that "his shoes [were] somewhat high-soled, to make him look taller than he really was".[252] Scientific analysis of traces of paint found in his official statues show that he most likely had light brown hair and eyes (his hair and eyes were depicted as the same color).[253]


I'm talking about phenotype not genotype

Mark Antony facial reconstruction. He looks very Italian.


Are you retarded? That is a Hellenistic mosaic. It was made literally 230 years after Alexander died, you fucking mong. A mosaic made 230 years after someone died is not an accurate depiction of what that person looked like.

Meanwhile, actual period sources written by people who had seen Alexander describe him as having blond hair and blue eyes.

Attached: 1526025330114.jpg (614x354, 86K)

*with out without the redhair

*with or without the redhair

and meds are an ethnic group?

>judeo-negroid mongrels in charge of population genetics
this is so embarrassing

Attached: ancient_pca_italy.png (2680x3096, 2.17M)

Wrong it's a posthumous Roman portrayal. The actual image of Alexander is in that picture i posted from his hometown in Macedonia. It was already written he was blond-red haired and had one blue eye so it's over for Ked turds. All the great men of classical Southern Euro antiquity were Nords.

do you know how many huns there were vs how many germans?

Mediterraneans became non-white after being conquered by ge*mans? Well ok?

Attached: SHITSYSTEM.jpg (798x1068, 211K)

that image has been debunked a 100 times retard

a nordoid equated "clear eyes" with meaning "blue eyes"

pic related its you

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looks more britbong or irish then modern italian but who cares, still white

>Dominican Republic

Prove it with dna evidence nordshit

Hello my fellow Sicilian.

They all do, the noses in those statues are 100% Italian, even today you can spot that phenotype quite frequently.

Attached: 6770209.jpg (540x540, 51K)

what exactly would clear eyes mean and why would they bother specifying it? There's nothing suprising about italians having blue eyes, its just not as common as further north

Pic related, it's you.

Attached: italians_contemplating_romans.jpg (713x528, 39K)

Its a mosaic of a original Hellenistic painting you dumb fuck, they wrote about it in Pliny the Elder (XXXV, 110) asnd it was commission for the Macedonian king Cassander. Its unanimously consideredby historians the most accurate depiction of Alexander

If bloody Greeks are to be accepted as "White" then so are Syrians, Lebs and North Iraqis, in fact, the average Lattakian is FAIRER than the average Greek

More like a separate race

>The biggest globalist shit hole on the face of the earth

Its a mosaic of a original Hellenistic painting you dumb fuck, they wrote about it in Pliny the Elder (XXXV, 110) asnd it was commission for the Macedonian king Cassander. Its unanimously consideredby historians the most accurate depiction of Alexander

No they don't. Goofy looking monkey face wogs look nothing like ancient Greek and Roman busts.

STFU faggot

Keep lying ya butthurt Medshit, it's a Roman portrayal from over 200 years after Alexander passed gas on you wogs.

Doesnt matter, they still ran.

They were the shitbag inmigrants of the time period going in and fucking up countries who had done things they were intelectually incapable of doing

Yeah but handsome looking med people do look like you describe huh... we tend to think people in the past were beautiful ,guess what? most people were uggos ;)

most lebs are white passing, not so syrians though, only a large enough minority to be noticeable. Greeks genetically speaking are european, north west semites / north mesopatamians are not

Pic related: your mom after getting busted by Nordics

Attached: ctkz8yS.jpg (1280x1812, 468K)

>y-you're lying!!!1!! that can't be true!!!
fuck off snownigger. he perfectly explained to you what the background of the Alexander mosaic is but as always you cherrypick your sources.


Jew detected. Fuck off, kike.

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How childish. Typical nordshit. Stop stealing Roman history

Only Europeans and people descended from Europeans (like White Americans) are considered white.

Look, weenie, it's already been proven for you:

I know that, Syrians and Iraqis are North Semite, we're mostly Arabized Assyrians and Chaldeans, we're only fairer because the peninsula is closer to the Equator and also Ethiopia ruled Arabia in ancient times and mixed with the South Semites.

But if speaking purely of skintone, not about facial features and blood, Lattakians tend to be "whiter"