Take the Med Pill

ashkenazi jews are Mediterranean too celtoid retard

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>We arent white.

medniggers were white once, but got completely destroyed by the germanic master race. now they are brown eyed, black haired people who look exactly like the average refugee in germany.

thats why we call them medniggers

please pol, listen to OP and STOP calling medniggers WHITE

So are Egyptians.

What do you mean? The color of your skin means everything. My great-grandparents came from Southern Italy and all the Hispanic people ask me questions in spanish thinking I can understand. I've even had an Arab guy come up and ask me for directions.

If I came from Anglo people I wouldn't have this problem. Oh well. I've come to like my tan skin though. Being pale is not very nice..

no they arent, we only include European meds

found you

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Serbs are half slav half med

Meds never were white.

Slavs is not an ethnicity or race, it’s a linguistic group.

The Med Pill has been taken, Based

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