Almost heaven
younger than the mountains blowing like the breeze
country ways
life is old there old like the breeze take me home
life there is old older than the trees
teardrop in my eye
country roads take me home
Almost heaven
younger than the mountains blowing like the breeze
country ways
life is old there old like the breeze take me home
life there is old older than the trees
teardrop in my eye
country roads take me home
i thought bringing up this song was stupid
When I think of that song I think of pic related.
White fathers out fishing with their sons.
White mothers cooking with their daughters.
What happened to this America I dreamt of as a child?
america was never like that you fucking retarded scandicuck
keep that shit in your own shit countries
You fill up my senses
Like a gallon of Magnet
Like a packet of Woodbines
Like a good pinch of snuff
Like a night out in Sheffield
Like a greasy chip butty
Like Sheffield United
Come fill me again
What, you didnt dream of single mothers on birth control and mandatory sex changes for 9 year old boys? You didnt dream of brown people on every street corner and heroin overdoses in your hometown? What are you, some kind of delusional bigot?
Absolutely based
All Blades aren't we?
here is a cute nz girl for you user