Almost heaven

Almost heaven
younger than the mountains blowing like the breeze
country ways
life is old there old like the breeze take me home

life there is old older than the trees

teardrop in my eye

country roads take me home

Attached: john denver.jpg (259x194, 9K)

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i thought bringing up this song was stupid

When I think of that song I think of pic related.
White fathers out fishing with their sons.
White mothers cooking with their daughters.

What happened to this America I dreamt of as a child?

Attached: 68196dcb5906433c8507e66bf03a4278.jpg (888x1024, 188K)

america was never like that you fucking retarded scandicuck

keep that shit in your own shit countries

You fill up my senses
Like a gallon of Magnet
Like a packet of Woodbines
Like a good pinch of snuff
Like a night out in Sheffield
Like a greasy chip butty
Like Sheffield United
Come fill me again

What, you didnt dream of single mothers on birth control and mandatory sex changes for 9 year old boys? You didnt dream of brown people on every street corner and heroin overdoses in your hometown? What are you, some kind of delusional bigot?

Absolutely based

All Blades aren't we?


here is a cute nz girl for you user

Sunshine on my shoulders makes me cry. This is why we need communism

teardrop in my eye user



>t. Commiefornia

America was never like that. It was all propaganda.

inform me user

i grew up with nearly all germans and scandi surrounding us for several states, with natives in neat little drunken land boxes. wasnt even that long ago.
best version

I literally wake up and want to kms every day
Fuck this state.

the Jews killed him

see i dont think you american anons tell le truth

old post war pictures were like that because its propaganda by the state to maintain the peace and unity you fucking retard.
the same pics were also common in europe and asia etc

Oh look, another spic posting from America.

why the fuck im wasted tell me why

Become civ nat

the city i live in right now is 97.9% huwhite, actual current census numbers. ny and la arent america, they are garbage infested aids holes, that need to be nuked from orbit, just to be sure.

Hmmm, sounds decent enough
You watch The Skid Factory? MCM show with Al and some sòyboy. Finna swap a vortec 350 from a Tahoe into a 92 f150, maybe put a 6.5 diesel turbo on it

Uhhh no

I love the south
It is sad how bluepilled the alt right is on the confederacy

dude you live in an aids hole?

oh look your corporate overlords started introducing this song in movies and games and now you're all singing it

Literally this.

this is Michael Jackson funk

west virgina

Kys poortugal. The only reason we haven’t nuked you is that we forgot you exist

Our geo flag on pol should be confederate

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what is your Portuguese idea on duck dynasty

where there is smoke there is fire

Cringe and blue pilled

American Nationalism in repudiation of white nationalism is the path to power. Embrace the flag, the President and stop talking about race if you're invested in the interests of white Americans. The race issue drives conservatives away from our memes.

irl you should tell your normies about race and jews and everything though.

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I revived this song and that’s why they put it into shit, cuck

Are you seriously advocating for civnat

Ayy lmao, kys ys immediately

That was my childhood yankee maybe it wasn’t for you fags

Hey bros if I wanna live a comfy rural life should I move to Montana, Wyoming, or West Virginia?

Montana. Wyoming is quickly becoming blue. That’s where I’m headed fren. Maybe we’ll meet someday

Dub-V Represent

Watch Longmire if you wanna get dick hard over Wyoming

Yeah Montana was my #1 pick. see ya there friend

country roads user

Was he assassinated, Jow Forums?

see you there user

this song was released in 1971 cucks, 47 years ago - you're all bleating it like sheep because your corporate overlords want you too.

I remember when Colorado used to be based. No more. Californians ruined that fucking place along with weed culture, crossfit culture, and muh startup culture.

Attached: mrrebelman.png (490x433, 546K)

Jesus Christ why is your country still a thing?

you dont think this song has the fire?i love you Portuguese bro

It still lives in our Trad minds
We must fight

John Denver was as about a genuine and kind person as you will ever meet.

We had the same thing you slack jawed faggot.
Stop dividing you shill

it hurts to say but crossfit has funk by any means necessary

check out who owns the labels/royalties to every one of his songs - that's right - you know who.
you're getting all nostalgic because your jew overlords decided to start including this song in games and movies - you're there singing it dreaming of the white utopia and schlomo is pocketing money.

based and redpilled

Crossfit as a workout is good in theory, but their culture is lame as fuck.

> stupid socks
> yapping about WODs
> cult-like mentality
> you don't eat paleo, brah?
> only crossfit works, nothing else does. ever.
> terrible form from doing 20+ reps of technical lifts
> workout clothes all day, every day.

Fuck this song. Fuck (((Fallout))) hype babies. Todd Howard is a fucking jew.

user would you be willing to swap places

bro, i would move to australia in a moment's notice. no question about it. i actually explored moving to NZ or AUS, but it looks like they won't take me and my wife despite two graduate degrees, no debt, no criminal record, etc.

Born and raised in co

>housing is no longer affordable
>homeless people everywhere
>nogs everywhere
>stores need security guards never needed before
>went from red, to purple, now blue

Sucks man

Why does this song make me want to violently remove the leftist state and install a monarchy who rules over an all white America?

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Someone here have any info on this?

you don't understand bro you have opportunity your houses dont cost 1 mill, im an aus peasant

i would trade in a moments notice

fukin retarted housing prices on top of gay guckin childcare i wonder why the birthrate is dropping no one cares

White nationalism is a dead meme that destroyed the alt right and cut off all influence from Jow Forums into mainstream culture. You're a retard for supporting it in your counter signaling of Civic Nationalism.

Whatever you say, crippledick kike rat.

fuk white nationalism childcare is sooo expensive and housing is fuked it gets to a point where you want it all to be destroyed