Brit/pol/ - News Edition

>bbc kent radio
>"we're having a tough and honest conversation today about gangs and child abuse after revelations from thanet"
>"if you have any stories or experiences phone us live on air, let's tackle this"
>*proceeds to play 5 songs back to back on a talk radio station*
>"now it's time for our daily challenge"

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it's not the EU not letting you go, ultimately, but the people embedded in your government being beholden to designs that do not entail brrrrexit, there's simply no will to upset the world order

the results, if anything, were a call to double down on social engineering


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The old music on the BBC local radio stations is propper comfy, but it's annoying on the politcal shows as they are all run by posh boomer leftists

>the thicc meme door starts closing
>old lady with a massive nose comes to me crying
>please please take my daughter too
>the boats are full! I can't!
>look please please take her please
>shows her fat pig of a daughter with her underwear stretched up over her fat rolls to make it look like she actually has a decent figure
>heh, you know my bosses will kill me for this, go on
>thank you
>woman bursts into tears and hugs me
>her daughter farts as she walks by
>it's a quiet one
>I grimace



>left does something embarrassing and stupid
>I know lets do something even worse that'll show them!


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thanks man got it now