>be me >go for an interview to be a waiter >finesse my way to a job as a sous chef >go into work >'user cook this' >don't know how to cook >walk home sacked
Is that what british women look like? Jesus fuck, no wonder you guys aren't breeding.
Charles Richardson
>Brexit: First applications from EU nationals for settled status I was born and raised in Holland but have lived here for the past 16 years, why the fuck should I have to pay £65 for government incompetence? What'll happen if I don't do anything?
>if I ride up my panties up to my fucking chest it'll surely fool some dumb boyim Sad part is that some low test faggots will call this creature 'thicc' ,completely ignoring the abnormal amount of biomass this cunt has cleverly stashed away in the confines of a brave warrior she calls her panties.
My eyes are burning lads why does alcohol fix my sleep schedule? I woke up at 6am and something has pissed me off from last night as I'm still feeling irritated but I can't grasp what exactly it was. Would be interesting to see a punished nige come into the forefront As the other user said you should have winged it as most if not every kitchen has recipes and their method somewhere in the kitchen. The one where I work has them literally plastered on the walls, That and asking questions wouldn't have been a bad idea either.
I don't even understand that. I don't even use recipes and wing it off of others ive seen.
If they let you back do this.
Sous vide about 3 chicken breasts (if you dont have a SV machine use a beer cooler and seal in gallon freezer bags after coating with cajun seasoning and salt. keep the chicken at 142 for an hour and a half) Use a thermometer and fill the cooler with boiling water. Then pour cold water until you get to 142 or so. Cooler will lose one degree per hour or so.
Mince up one large bunch of scallions. Throw those in a large bowl. Dump a jar of garlic alfredo in it. Dump a half a can of whatever beer is in your fridge. Dump a half cup of oil, then a FULL stick of butter. Shake cajun seasoning until the alfredo is pinkish orange. Dump cayanne but taste as you go so you dont have people running out of there. Dump in about a cup or so of grated parmesean. Cheap stuff is ok. Salt to taste. Whisk the whole thing and let it sit. Cut up about a half pound of mushrooms, whatever kind, i use bella or the white. Large peices. Coat pan with olive oil and set to 7 or (high). Throw the shrooms in and shake the pan to coat them and then garlic salt and white pepper, or black if you want. Throw those in the sauce when they are just done. Start charcoal grill and throw a piece of oak on it, your SV chicken should be done. Wait for the grill to mature then sear the chicken on each side for 45 seconds or so, cut thin. Make your pasta which is the least time consuming part. Throw the pasta in the sauce which will make the dish hot again. Dump another one third can of beer. Use tongs to pull the pasta out, sprinkle minced parsly or parmesean or both and layer the sliced charred chicken over it in a uniform way.
He's a known government shill who literally lives here 24/7 and gets BTFO all the time by nearly everyone. His personal politics are way left of center and he lives in a car, doesn't wash, and smells like shit. Nobody likes him.
Aaron Jackson
That's a healthy girl, she can get pushed on.
Adrian Reyes
>Jeremy Hunt to 'REDOUBLE efforts' to get Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe home after collapse
Release muh political agitator/spy now, its just not fair desu
Christopher Morris
> UK fishermen accuse French rivals of sinking British crab pots
Watched the vids, it was fucking ace, made me wish we had given then a good old fashioned broadside. Release the dogs of waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar NOW!!
Carson Perez
Sebastian Morris
damn what will generation identity do for music now?
Aaron Flores
racist mumble rap
Eli Cox
Shooting them niggers(skkkkrt) Shooting them pakis (skkkkrt) fuck you this aint tacky (tacky) fucky you dat whacky(whaky)
pull up to greggs (greggs) Get that sossij roll(roll that shit) Check the football scores (scccoooores) two goals from ngubu (ngubu) fuck them south niggas we dem north niggas
Just call them what they are "caliphate boxes" I bet you're a and bigger cause only sandniggers serve this kind of food. Look at that doner meat, absolutely disgusting.
Luke Moore
This is a proper limey box right here
Hudson Brown
how many letterboxes do you guys see walking around on average a day?For me about 2
Lincoln Scott
Well what are we supposed to do? If we stop being controlled opposition idiots and start forming up they will just impose marshall law and have us all killed, mask it as some freak thing to the rest of the world, I dont see any other way to go, I dont mind working hard as long as I inform other europeans of what is happening, this is one of the ideas I have, if you guys have other suggestions on where to go I'll hear them.
Bentley Bailey
Fucking britbong pussies you can't even throw a proper punch to a couple of niggers. kys
yeh eat up ya fukkin munchy boxes ya piece of shit scum kuffar gora ten quid and as much fukkin white meat and greasy soggy chips as yer can shuv down yer pig gullet put a nice big dollop of special saus in there jus for you ya fukkin infidel cunt. put anotha kid in the mincer, Abdul. good lad.
mm yum propa good nosh this is lad mmm only 3 quid for a fookin large get in there muh sun wot a fookin legend ol' Abdul is down t'old pizza 'nd kebab shop love him haha wot a lad, bit gritteh tho. lets me Chantelle work on t'weekend deliverin' leaflets.
>bbc kent radio >"we're having a tough and honest conversation today about gangs and child abuse after revelations from thanet" >"if you have any stories or experiences phone us live on air, let's tackle this" >*proceeds to play 5 songs back to back on a talk radio station* >"now it's time for our daily challenge"
it's not the EU not letting you go, ultimately, but the people embedded in your government being beholden to designs that do not entail brrrrexit, there's simply no will to upset the world order
the results, if anything, were a call to double down on social engineering
The old music on the BBC local radio stations is propper comfy, but it's annoying on the politcal shows as they are all run by posh boomer leftists
Matthew Brown
>the thicc meme door starts closing >old lady with a massive nose comes to me crying >please please take my daughter too >the boats are full! I can't! >look please please take her please >shows her fat pig of a daughter with her underwear stretched up over her fat rolls to make it look like she actually has a decent figure >heh, you know my bosses will kill me for this, go on >thank you >woman bursts into tears and hugs me >her daughter farts as she walks by >it's a quiet one >fffffffffff >I grimace
Angel Cruz
Noah Perez
>left does something embarrassing and stupid >I know lets do something even worse that'll show them!