Mikhaila Peterson LIVE on Joe Rogan now

Yeah, I don't watch it, but a lot of normal fags do. Same for other retarded talkshows like colbert and john oliver

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Fuck you for listening to rogan and linking his shit.

What are you a faggot?

Sigh... fuck you.
You are not a good person.

In fact your virtue signalling tells me that you are compensating for something very dark.

What do you do , how many people have you molested or killed?

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Carnivory is widely practiced in elite circles for life extension, not to mention cannibalism and blood drinking. Where do you think all the tissue harvested by Planned Parenthood really goes? We live in a twisted human CAFO, forcefed carbage to keep us subservient like sheep. Ever wonder why (((they))) use the same word for us as they use for cattle, fellow goyim? Kings historically ate meat exclusively, while the slaves were sent to work in the fields to harvest grain, fruit and vegetables for themselves. It didn't just keep them busy; the lack of proper nutrition kept them stupid and unable to rally unified opposition to the elite pedovores happily poaching their children. Now it's all changing. Despite the waters of nutritional science being muddied with politically funded bad science, freethinking people everywhere are waking up and reclaiming their health and sovereignty through carnivory. Veganism is a suicide cult. A viral vector for other weaponized ideologies like new age religion, the rabbit hole of plant based dieting effectively neutralizes many truthseekers, readily inducing pathological altruism and "spiritual" psychosis. "Don't fight the machine, goy, just join us in meditation and "raise your vibration" with a plant based diet". Eat meat, drink water, and wake the fuck up.

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A family of hucksters

why do these jewish e-thots always bleach their hair blonde? :^)

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Opportunistic capitalism at best.
Parasitical subversion at worst.

imagine caring what a woman thinks