I don't know if I can hate the elite anymore

When you start realizing how retarded the average person is in a first world country everything goes bleak.
Then you read that a lot of people don't even have an inner voice.
You can throw an idea at them that would change humanity forever and it won't even interest them in the slightest. World sundering ideas. No reaction. Nothing.
What the fuck is this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah, the only way I see things turning around is if democracy is brought to an end in a major country like the US or UK. With democracy and the state of the average person today we're doomed.

People without an inner voice can still be moved by images. That's why memes are so popular.

All this stuff getting exposed and still not enough people are turning to Jesus
Christianity is the only way things will have hope.
Pray for His return and end kikery once and for all with WW3.

democracy is a shitty system. join the winning team while still possible #china

I don't exactly hear an inner voice, but it feels like my brain just silently thinks up arguments and debate topics to pester me with, I absolutely can imagine things and places, and daydream, and when I read something I don't hear a voice, but still understand everything perfectly
A-am I an automaton too?

>le inner voice makes you smart meme
dropped. Go back to plebbit with your low IQ broscience.

>fell for the Jewish ''muh individualism'' meme instead of caring for the folk, which actually gives you rights.

>You can throw an idea at them that would change humanity forever and it won't even interest them in the slightest
...which is why democracy is bs. Ancient Athens wasn't a democracy, for very good reasons.

This NPC just doesn’t get it

user thinks he can cure the world eheh. we haven't seen that be4 have we.
Good luck man!

So this is what the npc psyop was leading to...
Blow it out your ass.

Inner voice might just be a bit quiet. As long as inner seeing is given (which correlates with an inner voice), you're not an NPC.

Race aside, someone needs to come up with a way to kill all these "people" off.

Don't worry user, the people like pushing this inner voice meme are pathetic low IQ losers who desperately need to find something to feel special about.
This whole thing might even be a psyop to drive out creative minds from this site.

If you’re self aware enough to know you might be an NPC then you can’t be one

You’re an NPC aren’t you. If you don’t have an internal voice how do you have any self reflection or independent thought. NPCs are just bundles of electrochemical reactions

Every day about 50000 Chinese people are born. That's three times more people than live in my town.
Every day.

You can't have a creative mind when you whave no inner monologue, get the fuck outta here NPC.

the poor thing uses the lowest form of argument.

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Its just a simulation man. A test to prove your kindness, thoughtfulness, and selflessness. If you fail your eternal soul will be cast to an alien world known as hell.

That's just neo-kikery

Inner seeing? Like having an imagination and 'seeing' things in your brain? I do that all the time, but I don't feel an inner voice, it's more a silent, understood calculation than a narration. It's like I'm getting a reply to a conversation, just with no sound, anyone else?

Rulebreaking troll thread.
Mods do your jobs

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you better start hating them, op

they think you are just another retarded npc. and if they find out you aren't, they will just kill you

>Inner seeing? Like having an imagination and 'seeing' things in your brain?
Observing your thoughts and the outer reality.
>It's like I'm getting a reply to a conversation, just with no sound
People do think differently. So are you capable of having an inner monologue?

I still don't buy this no inner voice bullshit

tackles a political issue. ergo belongs on Jow Forums

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BS, if you think in pictures you are a low IQ NPC for a fact.

I myself think in a mix of intuitive thought and inner monologue for complex problems.

But how many die?

Attached: china road rage white car.webm (640x480, 1.99M)

You should try thinking in an actual logical and concrete manner, it might expand your awareness.

that IS your inner voice if you are 'debating' in your head with language. If you actually hear something, as in your auditory system is actually kicking in making you think there is a physical sound, you are probably schizo.

I think many people have been systematically dumbed down to function at a much lower level that they should be. The non whites are probably hopeless as well.

I have aphantasia so I can totally believe other people are "mind deaf" the way I'm "mind blind".
I have no idea how they think, but I can believe they exist.
But there's no way they're the majority. No fucking way.

It's a simulation for AI refinement.

Don't worry, you will when your stacking shelves. Your not elite just some thicko who has ideas above his ability. Oh, here's a tip, don't believe everything you see on the internet.

>le "thought=language meme" xD
Fucking kill yourself if you actually believe that
There is no need for a coherent argument when the opposing side makes absurd and nonsensical claims without anything to back it up. YOU are the ones that need to make an argument. So far the only things I've heard from you morons is >Hurr-durr thought is language
wich is nothing but a baseless claim that serves nothing more than to illustrate the mental retardation of you drones.

Indeed I can, I often review my viewpoints, notice my own thoughts and have some sort of an "inner debate", I do think nonverbally about the outer world too, like thinking about the place I am in, and my surroundings.
Well if you means something like a narration, I appear to be able to, just not used to it, it seems


inner monologue master race reporting in.

This is why we need FASCISM.

Holy shit, look at this fucking NPC, i *almost* feel bad for it straining against the limitations of its programming.

Attached: IRLNPC.jpg (1216x276, 73K)

NPC theory is a satanic psyop to condition you for luciferian "ascension" via singularity/ neural link shit Musk so happened to be talking about the same night it was shilled here.

Today is even a satanic "marraige to the beast" holiday according to one source

It's about distracting you from God.

There is a low correlation between being an elite and intellect. Yes, there is a trend. High IQ people tend to have better paying jobs, but the elite who run this country aren't the top 20%, they aren't the top 2%, they are about 150,000 people and the most horrifying thing is that most of them are NPCs, too.

Watch C-SPAN some time. Go to a major business or academic conference. Read the autobiography (ghost written) of a successful CEO. Watch a round table discussion of any think tank except CATO. These people are just good at influencing other NPCs.

If you need to translate your raw thought into language to solve problems, you're a brainlet.
It's actually a well-known fact that the most revolutionary geniuses tend to think in images as well as in non-verbal purely abstract concepts.
You're inversing the truth with your wishful thinking about being special.

He's not an NPC, probably just retarded. Children and probably autists think in pictures, and he's obviously both

>Then you read that a lot of people don't even have an inner voice.
this really happen?

No, just autistic

>Fucking kill yourself if you actually believe that

You first, I have a soul, unlike you, you fucking hollow, vampiric faggot.

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Just because we have a need for a elite doesn't mean you have to like our current one. The mass is retarded and needs to be ruled, what a fucking surprise.

Written language evolved from pictograms(meme), to hieroglyphs, to alphabet. You can see that evolutionary path in the ways various intelligence's think. Some people are still stone age picture brains, while others alphabetically articulate their thoughts.

Attached: egyptian-ancient-pictographs.jpg (515x340, 146K)

You're neither funny nor smart, all of your attempts at feeling special are gigantic failures so far.
Go read a book instead of shitting up this board with your broscience.

Nice pseudoscientific conjecture, did you learn that here whilst learning to epic troll!!! when you learned to be a cock-sure fool?

You can have thought without language, but language takes thoughts and abstract ideas and packages into usable concepts for your mind. There’s no advantage to thinking without language other than it’s faster, but you never really build up or gain anything from it. Language is the superior form of thinking, people who don’t have an internal dialogue or just animals who can respond in sets of words

My phone lagged a lot when I clicked your name

I think a brainlord could do it all.

Can someone explain where this stupid ass inner voice meme came from and what the hell it's supposed to mean?

We're really hitting peak autism here.

>Then you read that a lot of people don't even have an inner voice.
congratulations on being the exact type of naive, painfully gullible idiot you claim to have contempt for. That article/study you're alluding to was divisive propaganda meant to disrupt any and all collaborative efforts to undermine the (((establishment))). By making all other people seem absurd and alien to one another, the extremely effective type of collaborative, crowd-sourced efforts to affect change that this board is famous for are disrupted.

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>It's actually a well-known fact that the most revolutionary geniuses tend to think in images as well as in non-verbal purely abstract concepts.
No, it is not.

What do all these NPC's mean by "non-verbal abstract concepts"? What does an image (or non-image, non-verbal "pure thought") of, say, agile development "look" like? What level of detail is in this pure abstract that is lost with language? What level of detail in language is lost in the supposed pure abstract? What is the difference in granularity.

Language has so exponentially increased the effective power of human intellect that linguists routinely describe it as magical, when compared to the intelligence of even semi-verbal animals like dogs.

Typical NPC, using 'big' words and thoughts that are coming from other people's books and theories, but yet, unsuprisingly, nothing of his own thoughts and creations.

Get the fuck out of here you empty husk.

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>major country

This Swiss user is so fucking butthurt about being an NPC is goddamn hilarious.
Sorry picturebook-brain you are a dumb dumb.


You're starting to get it.

If you are a drain on society you shouldn't have a vote.

Germans score the highest on 3D spacial thinking tests. There are definitely brainlets who can't picture 3D in their mind at all. Modifying a shape in your mind doesn't always need language, but is a major skill.

Attached: Ancient_Egyptian_Sacrifice.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

This. There can be an elite, and maybe there should with the way normies are, but there's no fucking excuse for hosting pizza parties and implementing usury.

The thing is that we have a low-definition perception of reality. Our brains, at every level, simplify the raw sensory information into packages that we can actually handle. Fun fact, you've forgotten more raw information in the time you read this sentence than all information you will EVER remember, no matter how long you live. That's how much compression is going on between your cornea and hippocampus.

Maybe you can function just fine without internal language, but that's like thinking with just Plato's ideal forms. There aren't countless apples in the world, just your internal idea you simplified out of the apples you've seen. Heck, maybe not even all the apples you've seen, just the ones you saw when you were a kid with a little data modified from the apples you've seen since. Language is the only process by which the human mind creatively adds complexity to our thoughts. Without it, at best, you are simply adding slightly higher resolution sensory data.

>Then you read that a lot of people don't even have an inner voice.
Wtf source?

Its called an “inner monologue” you absolute retards

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Language as inner communication mechanism is for judaeoid plebs who lack mental world and framework-building capacity of their own so they need to take an external one and learn its syntax.
Actually intelligent people don't need external rules to handle abstractions in a complex manner.
It's the robot-like retards who populate our education system that rely on external thinking to conduct their own.

>inplying its not the elite thats at fault for this

I think of that like onboard AutoCAD. It is super useful, but it's not something you can use for something purely abstract like logic or philosophy. I both visualize and verbalize my thoughts, but a lot of the time the visualization is just an aid to help understand/remember a verbal concept, e.g., the B Theory of Time is like a swirling sphere of tapioca pudding.

How? Only a soulless NPC would want to upload. Its rather the opposite showing us PC we have a soul and shouldnt upload cause it would make us robot NPCs like the rest.

This, people have been made into brainlets.

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I don't need to respond with arguments to bogus claims without any reasoning.
>What do all these NPC's mean by "non-verbal abstract concepts"?
The concepts as they exist in the brain prior the their expression into language. First there is the concept, then there is the word for it, owhterwise we couldn't even have created language, brainlet.
>What level of detail is in this pure abstract that is lost with language?
Wholistic aspect is lost to quite a significant degree, but it's besides the point. The point being that speed is significantly lost when having to modify highly implicit simulteneous multidimensional thinking into strings of words before actually continuing the flow of thought. For example, this whole post needed only a few seconds to be thought up in a non-verbal way, but more than one minute to write, I could have done significantly more, were I not slowed down by this task of talking with you retards.

Surely you are not saying language is an entirely extraneous, even detrimental, component of human intelligence.

It is to be used as external communication, in our communication with others, or as a mean to save complex thoughts beyond the scope of our memory, not as ongoing internal dialogue.

Jesus Christ they're assimilating Jow Forums!

That is some shit-eatingly dumb prescriptivism, user. Like, paleo diet dumb. Like, paleo diet where you actually only eat what was available 20,000 years dumb. Like, don't use writing because it'll make your memory weaker dumb. Good god.

you can't have a dialogue whitout languange.

Everyone has inner voice, even those who don't think they do

Diaologue either has a very large definition, in wich case it is not necessary to use language as it simply involves constructive narrowed from top to down thinking as well as trees of possibilities, or a very narrow one in wich you arbitrarely tie it to language.

>When you start realizing how retarded the average person is in a first world country everything goes bleak.
Your average individual is smart. What's making them act retarded and unaware ARE the elite. They are doing this through subversion through the masse media. Grow up.

>I don't need to respond with arguments to bogus claims without any reasoning.

Unlucky for you, this is simply deciphered borg code for "I am 100% unoriginal in my mind and my works, and sadly, I cannot prove otherwise..." Which proves my original point.

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You didn't do anything you accuse me of not doing though.
I value originality but only if it's a. well-definedly artistic b. inserted into a philosophical or scientific mind and process.
It's worthless as elaboration of futility such as non-humoristic trolling-like behavioural impulsion. It can be useful as black memetics though, and all of you fools are probably falling to a psyop.

1. conversation between two or more persons.
2. the conversation between characters in a novel, drama, etc.
3. an exchange of ideas or opinions on a particular issue, especially a political or religious issue, with a view to reaching an amicable agreement or settlement.

You literally can't do this without a languange.
explain how can you have a inner dialogue without using language?
i mean, you can think of a tree or a dog or a dog peeing on a tree but that hardly constitutes a dialogue, you need languange to have complex thought processes.

Maybe you're a brainlet. Just kidding, I'm 100% sure you're a brainlet. You're a mednigger after all and my observation of this site is that you people are unintelligent and uncreative.
You don't think that something is possible because you do not have the ability to do it, yet all the components are present in your mind, it's just that it's not powerful enough to create complex thought without exteriorisation to convert it into information that is digestible for an extraverted mind. You're the victim of a wasteful and superfluous mind

I've said this in every NPC thread, but there are situations where abstract thinking is optimal and situations where language thinking is optimal.
For example, if you're about to sit down, you don't need to think "okay I'm going to sit down now". You just do it.
But let's say you're about to make a big purchase. It is useful to debate the pros and cons in your head. You can create a type of Socratic seminar with your inner voice. I don't think you could do this abstractly since Socratic seminars are structured and logical.
Your inner monologue is also useful for giving yourself pep talks in stressful situations. For example, if you're nervous about giving a presentation, you might think "Come on, user. What's the worst that could happen? There's nothing to be afraid of."

>You don't think that something is possible because you do not have the ability to do it
ok than you as you seem to have that ability explain it how you do it.

protip: you can't

So you saying you are able to such thing means absolutely nothing.

I can also claim i can lift objects with my mind, if i don't show it to you would you belive me?

>abstract thinking
What did he mean by this?

>Your inner monologue is also useful for giving yourself pep talks in stressful situations. For example, if you're nervous about giving a presentation, you might think "Come on, user. What's the worst that could happen? There's nothing to be afraid of."
best example of this is at the gym. when you get to those last couple reps you're just there screaming

this guys are so retarded they don't realize having a languange is what allows "abstract thinking".

Literal NPC
You are the embodiment of jesus he’s not coming back physically you dip YOU have to be him

d'you ever get it where you're just staring at a question/problem in front of you, and you're not even having an inner monologue about it, and then suddenly you get an idea and realise the solution? like a light-bulb moment. that's the sorta thing swiss user means i think, he's saying that's how he thinks most of the time.

i constantly use inner monologues but i also constantly have unrelated thoughts without language. like ill be singing a song or thinking about something unrelated in my head, and then suddenly i'll realise the solution to something i stopped thinking about hours ago. i wouldn't have worked through it in my inner monologue at all, it'd just suddenly come to me without any words.

It baffles me that the various anons making this argument all seem to agree that it's "abstract," but then talk like it's the opposite of the usual meanings of abstract. Clearly they are all synchronized on the concept, but what could this concept possibly be?

Isn't that just a lack of conscious awareness of your thought processes?

maybe sometimes but other times I'll be aware of what I'm thinking about. Like
"Country roads, take me hooooome, to- WAIT FUCK THAT'S IT!" as I remember where I put the keys I'd been looking for all fucking morning

>thoughts without language
lol ok mate.

you can't have toughts without language. tell me do you think a bird or a dog can have toughts?

To paraphrase another user, do you REALLY think "I'm going to sit down now" every time you sit down?