user thinks he can cure the world eheh. we haven't seen that be4 have we.
Good luck man!
I don't know if I can hate the elite anymore
So this is what the npc psyop was leading to...
Blow it out your ass.
Inner voice might just be a bit quiet. As long as inner seeing is given (which correlates with an inner voice), you're not an NPC.
Race aside, someone needs to come up with a way to kill all these "people" off.
Don't worry user, the people like pushing this inner voice meme are pathetic low IQ losers who desperately need to find something to feel special about.
This whole thing might even be a psyop to drive out creative minds from this site.
If you’re self aware enough to know you might be an NPC then you can’t be one
You’re an NPC aren’t you. If you don’t have an internal voice how do you have any self reflection or independent thought. NPCs are just bundles of electrochemical reactions
Every day about 50000 Chinese people are born. That's three times more people than live in my town.
Every day.
You can't have a creative mind when you whave no inner monologue, get the fuck outta here NPC.
the poor thing uses the lowest form of argument.