Alex Jones is 44 years old

Once a man turns 40, is fat and starts balding it's pretty much down hill with no chance of getting better.

that's what living in texas does to you

Hes 57


I have been a fan of Alex Jones for 18 years but he has always been a grown adult man. So he must be older than 44 surely. You are joking my friend.

I’m 41 and I look 20 years younger than him.

and it‘s hidden in plain sight wtf

This user is correct. WAKE UP you fucking mongs, he is a gatekeeper a CIA plant.

Why do they never report on the guy who took acid and realized that everything In the universe is a vibration?

This hearing was turned into a clownshow lead by Obama negros Corey Booker and Kamala Harris. The Parklanders were there clinging on to their fame.

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