Alex Jones is 44 years old.
Alex Jones is 44 years old
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And a multimillionaire.
He is over 50 and is bill hicks
And you're not
>Alex Jones is 44 years old.
Meth takes a toll on you.
He looks fine, just fat.
Nowhere near it.
Could've sworn he was in his 60's.
Once a man turns 40, is fat and starts balding it's pretty much down hill with no chance of getting better.
that's what living in texas does to you
Hes 57
I have been a fan of Alex Jones for 18 years but he has always been a grown adult man. So he must be older than 44 surely. You are joking my friend.
I’m 41 and I look 20 years younger than him.
and it‘s hidden in plain sight wtf
This user is correct. WAKE UP you fucking mongs, he is a gatekeeper a CIA plant.
Why do they never report on the guy who took acid and realized that everything In the universe is a vibration?
This hearing was turned into a clownshow lead by Obama negros Corey Booker and Kamala Harris. The Parklanders were there clinging on to their fame.
Check em
Learn to swim.
Alex Jones has looked 40 since he was 20. He'll probably look 40 when he's 60.
He's discarding this persona and will soon "die" again
what a waste of life....
didnt even name the jew.
fucked up his place in the new world by allowing to be controlled by mossad.
he is gone for good reasons
Power of pussy, Khazzar pssy
Bill Hicks isn’t 44 years old, lulz.
yeah that has been unpersoned while (((david duke))) and (((richrd spencer))) have gone relatively unscathed in comparison. please explain the extreme hit pieces by wapo and nyt in collusion with the big tech companies silencing AJ...
you faggots want everyonr to support genuine gatekeepers and expose our powerlevels so you can quarantine and destroy us all. fuck off shill. anyone not defending AJ is a friend of tyranny and a cunt for the neolib world order cock
You're trolling. Come on. Jesus Christ.
David Icke keeps himself save by saying shape shifting lizards instead of jews.
i'm older
Alex Jones is the Jason Genova of the conspiracy theory people.
Jews are going all out now. Bill Hicks... Alex Jones... Elon Musk... Who's next?
alex was always a boomer tho
in 2006 he was only 32? i don't buy it
Good for you.
are you kidding nigger ? jone is woke as fuck
He is just fat and balding his wrinkles are still minimal , i am 40 and have way more
>Alex Jones
Nobody cares about this kike shill. Fuck off.
And a fine tranny porn aficionado after many years of discerning consumption.
I thought he was 55
tough life, but he's achieved a lot
AJ is an American treasure you retarded nigger.
he was just covering for someone else, prolly one of his kids
>he was just covering for someone else, prolly one of his kids
Dude, it was his own phone. He watches tranny porn and is generally a degenerate pervert!
That sounds like wishful thinking.
>imagine if it happened to you, find your phone has someone elses porn on live tv , WWYD ?
no wei, he has a yoga wife now
Not this shit again
>no wei, he has a yoga wife now
Nah, he's a known fag with perverse fetishes. He abdicated his responsibilities as a dad and is now pursuing a life of sexual degeneracy.
I'm 44 and I look 20 yrs older
To be fair, he's old, divorced, & not in great shape, he's probably been watching an hour or more of porn every night for 5 years. Anybody that falls into that degeneracy trap will browse increasingly disturbing videos no matter their actual preference.
>To be fair, he's old, divorced, & not in great shape, he's probably been watching an hour or more of porn every night for 5 years. Anybody that falls into that degeneracy trap will browse increasingly disturbing videos no matter their actual preference.
>Defending tranny porn this strongly.
prove it ju
He drinks almost every day, that's why he is so fat.
Hair transplant and weight loss.
I'm not 40 yet but I quit drinking and smoking and eating crap and it helped a lot right now , you need do these before 40 yo