America is Home of the Free

>America is Home of the Free
>Freedom is not exclusive to America

Are you guys fucking retarded or what?

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If a country doesn't have the constitutionally protected right to bear arms, it isn't free.

Oh so yes, you guys are retarded

>you have more freedoms! Retarded!
Thanks slave. Slav.

we are so free that we decided to share that freedom

Know what else we have in terms of freedom? We wont be jailed for "offensive" language over social fucking media. GG shit for brains.

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Oh ok....Slav? I’m not sure what owning guns has to do with freedom? The Australians have freedom and they have strict gun laws.
Yeah that won’t happen in plenty of countries, what’s your point?

the police in merifatland are the most murderous in the world. can't be free if you're dead

>Yeah that won’t happen in plenty of countries, what’s your point?

EU will make that mandatory Europe-wide in due time, as Germany, UK, and France already have the law in place. Give it time and even the most trivial of comments will be a legal offense.

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If I can't shoot you because I feel threatened you are violating my rights.

Present America has nothing approaching the level of freedom enjoyed by the founders.
I agree that not much distinguishes current America with the rest of the world, but I don't think it's freedom they have in common -- it's more like insufferable, meddling, nanny statism, corruption, and income taxes.

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Freer than you Muhammad.

Freedom is exclusive to the USA faggot.

Fake news.

Nigger chink kung poo master strikes again

>muh police brutality

sup you limey nigger

America was no longer free once the freedom to own slaves was taken away


Why do people think it’s wrong for the police to kill criminals?

In a country of 300M the police only kill about ~900 criminals a year. It should be more.

You’re a zen master.

Fuck off please


a fucking commie lecturing us about freedom.

America was the land of the free 200 years ago. The society and culture today would be completely unrecognizable to the people from back then.

Commies are the worlds political downies.

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It’s the google problem.

>Freedom is not exclusive to America
not sure about that one

>ebul amerika stop hurting duh poor black men
god damn, europeans are subhuman

How's it feel to be this retarded?

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You can have more than one home. Most rich people do. In some cases, in many countries.