Present America has nothing approaching the level of freedom enjoyed by the founders.
I agree that not much distinguishes current America with the rest of the world, but I don't think it's freedom they have in common -- it's more like insufferable, meddling, nanny statism, corruption, and income taxes.
America is Home of the Free
Leo Russell
Brandon Turner
Freer than you Muhammad.
Josiah Wright
Freedom is exclusive to the USA faggot.
Daniel Johnson
Fake news.
Brody Fisher
Nigger chink kung poo master strikes again
Carson Perry
>muh police brutality
sup you limey nigger
Asher Davis
America was no longer free once the freedom to own slaves was taken away
Juan White
Why do people think it’s wrong for the police to kill criminals?
In a country of 300M the police only kill about ~900 criminals a year. It should be more.
Colton Barnes
You’re a zen master.
Jose Edwards
Fuck off please