I saw the cap of this on Facebook the other day lol, don't like any cringy Jow Forums related shit on there either
And the sauf takes the piss out of the norf for being violent. Probably just some paki infighting though.
>Luton street brawl leaves several injured
>The Bedfordshire force tweeted to say officers were called to Saxon Road in the town after receiving reports of a "large number of individuals fighting".
>Police said there had been "reports of stab wounds".
>that's why they are pushed so hard in our otherwise pozzed education system
They aren't.
In school you read 20th Century Amerimutt literature, 20th Century English literature, and 21st Century ethnic literature. It's not 1965 anymore.
Ultimately nothing will be done about this due to a total breakdown in all community cohesion among the native population. These things would no happen if a lone member could have stepped up at the start to stop the trouble makers, and have everyone around them backing them up.
most likely paki related in some way
just imagine for one second what the 2021 census data is going to look like.
Meanwhile in Sweden lol
It'll be a black pill so dark that no light will escape from it.
Just imagine if they decide not to ask for ethnicity