>inb4 plebbit

The following subs have been quarantined, meaning that comments, mobile versions and search engine features have been disabled, the subreddits are inaccessible to those in any way, shape or form unless they explicitly know the name of the subreddit:
r/FULLCOMMUNISM - Only left wing subreddit, maybe they got too woke.

Interestingly, majority of the "masculinity" subreddits get a link to this site before okay'ing the quarantine message: stonybrook.edu/commcms/csmm/index.php

See pic related.

Attached: every_fucken_time.png (1720x952, 790K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Goyim Defense Force kek

I really hope r*ddit is in the process of torpedoe'ing itself but I'm a little scared that they have enough good goyim to keep going

it's there i just looked them up

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ugh..more redditors will flock here

They aren't coming after the_Donald, maybe cause they get a huge chunk of traffic from the subreddit.

Didn't they do that like a year ago

You don't get a "This subreddit has been quarantined message?"

They're doing it after the bigger subs now, r/TheRedPill had about 300,000 subs, CringeAnarchy had about 339,000 subs.

I saw it.

The fall of CringeAnarchy and theRedPill is such a huge disaster given the size of these communities.

After the 9/11 mass shutdown of alt-right subs and this episode, reddit is definitely no longer a place for Free Speech it used to be.

Many there looks to move to voat but I don't find the idea interesting.

I think they realize that's the straw that would break the camel's back. There would be a mass exodus when it becomes clear you can't even support the sitting president on an "open" forum.

Not sure why you're complaining, Germ. You're pretty use to foreign invaders.

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Why isn't it interesting? What's wrong with voat? I like it. Needs more people.

Wow, they finally did it. They finally took down TheRedPill. Never thought I’d actually see it happen. But there it is. What a world we live in.

Reddit tongues my anus

Actually, TheRedPill is the one that bothers me the most. It was a strictly moderated community, and a decent self-improvement subreddit without sugarcoated bullshit. They went pretty far this time t-b-h.

TRP is moving the trp.red/ likely if they don't remove that quarantine status.

Meh, I don't want to see "Gas the kikes, race war now" in the morning. This place is good enough for that.

Voat doesn't have non-political posters like Reddit, it's racebaiting almost all the time.

It might be less in the long run. They shut down everything right of The_Donald so there are literally no bridge off of CivNat island within reddit.

-I'm used to reddit for basically any topic of interest and I don't want to switch each time between these two forums.
-The interface looks very poor compared with reddit.
-unlike reddit it doesn't attract normies, only alt-righters which are there because of bannouts.
-Even with censorship it has always looked clear to me that we were much less present on voat, but I may be wrong.

It was a big circlejerk, but nothing in it violated anything. Pointing out hypergamy, 80/20, "be attractive", etc isn't hate by any measure.

The incel invasion fucked it up. Reddit knows this and keeps playing whackamole until they migrate all the kissless bitter virgins from one place to the next as they ban wherever they go.

fucking LOL

All conservative outlets on the internet will be shut down until after the mid term elections. The jews are in control and will remain so until the people grow some balls.

So they're trying to make it into a liberal safe space? Fuck those kikes.

>All conservative outlets on the internet will be shut down until after the mid term elections

they're gonna shut it all down while trump is releasing the fisa redactions and shove propaganda 24/7 non stop.

No fucks were given

Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.




>ACT.IL shill recruitment video




>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content

>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.

>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign

>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"

>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"

>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"

>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video

>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"

>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.

Attached: JIDF paying shills.jpg (594x870, 128K)

>liberal safe space
And there's nothing safe about what they are doing. I see rope and blood in the near future as they keep pushing their totalitarian 'liberal' madness.

Attached: IMG_7368.gif (344x499, 3.76M)

Attached: JIDF.articles.jpg (3666x3284, 1.29M)

Attached: JIDF opr.png (764x647, 649K)

Biggest repill you all have to accept: We are on the losing side.

Self Improvement is fascist.

The only people that could be surprised by this are cuckservatives.

The same people said that at Roukes Drift. 70 hospital cases Vs 4,000 Zulus.
We won. Watch the last scrap.

Attached: IMG_7453.gif (710x358, 2.91M)

It's kinda lulz worthy they banned fullcommunism though

I don't think it's even that - just look at the content that get's posted there anymore. They've neutered it so much it's pretty much harmless.

It really is happening

Attached: LOL reddit.png (900x924, 76K)

Handing out redpills on reddit is like being the resistance on twitter.

>Interestingly, majority of the "masculinity" subreddits get a link to this site before okay'ing the quarantine message: stonybrook.edu/commcms/csmm/index.php
lmfao the melanin levels surrounding the jew bastard

they are even already writing like jewish feminist activists LOL
>Stony Brook University Will Offer A “Masculinity Studies” Master’s Program Starting In 2019, & Here’s Why It’s Actually A Good Idea Bustle

I Hope this starts to kill them, maybe voat will finally start to take off?

isn't that some runescape player?

Fart Book took out TV adverts a few weeks ago where they said they were cracking down on
>fake news
While showing the image of an empty social reply box and an unhappy emoticon, to let you know they really meant censoring free speech, limiting it to only what the MSM say.

Attached: IMG_7411.jpg (1440x1080, 90K)

traffic has negative value without jew ponzi investors

Also take a look at this
>Only Americans matter on reddit
I hope those fags lose all their credibility with this

Attached: The absolute state.png (796x178, 16K)

pua-shittery isn't fascist

"This community is (((quarantined))) for giving out information that runs counter to the anti-American, pro-leftist narrative we're trying to push with our Reddit propaganda machine.

If you visit this Subreddit, you may be exposed to thought crimes which could cause you to have your Google Score™ lowered permanently. Please push the "back" button on your browser and visit an approved Subreddit that tells you how we want you to think."

do these people actually think foreigners shouldnt be allowed to share opinions or lie on the internet
have they ever thought about this longer than half a second

Attached: icepiss.png (645x435, 364K)

>reddit is definitely no longer a place for Free Speech it used to be
>implying it ever was
It's a fucking post-hiding-by-downvote echo chamber. Where people start agreeing with you based on your username & its associated posting history rather than your individual posts.
Which is why I'm here & not there.

That's bullshit even for faggit

>spreading Russian propaganda
>that'll push the amount of Israeli propaganda under 90%, we can't have that


maybe the only based subr*ddit ever

>implying they aren't already hear kek

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All the 9/11 truthers getting purged off the internet -> (((they))) are about to launch another big false flag attack

Wait Ice Poseidon? Top fucking kek


fuck im gonna miss TRP. really did me alot of good.

Reddit's endgame is banning Jow ForumsThe_Donald. It will eventually happen, I know it will. I give them two years of lifetime at best.

They're moving to bigger and bigger fishes, starting from obscure white nationalist subs and now moving on to stuff like Jow ForumsCringeAnarchy. Next moves will be even more bold, like quaranteeing Jow Forumsconspiracy for spreading misinformation.

But, mark my words, Jow ForumsThe_Donald will be banned or quaranteed. It's the logical conclusion. And we're going to have to deal with all the BASED MAGAPEDE refugees.

quarantine seems to do nothing
the dems have been referring to funny satire as fake news for a long time now
if this is all the left is going to do to censor us we will win

Every banned subreddit should be making their own sites. Move into decentralization.

This is just the ultimate proof that reddit is a massive circlejerk and shouldn't be taken seriously by anyone.
But what really makes my blood boil is that they claim to be fighting against censorship, they claim to have the moral highground and that we are the "evil extremists" who should be censored because they can decide what is extreme and what is acceptable. I wonder when are they going to look at the mirror and see who the real fascists are.

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man Jow Forums is gonna be the final bastion.

>reddit is cucked
And in other news...

Sounds like it'll come when 2020 elections come around

They’re in phase 2 right now. Thedonald is phase 3. It’s coming brace yourselves

ITT redditors

All the heebs have to do to invalidate places like Voat is just make a bunch of subs with extreme right wing, crazy redneck views and shine the media spotlight on them. The enemy is not stupid.

If you have a plebbit account, delete it rather than simply abandoning the platform. Cut their user base down and therefore their ad revenue.


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obvious hilarious satire is election meddling
but banning it isnt

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Well, the Voat userbase is going pretty crazy, honestly they don't even need a psyop. Jow Forums is much better, and less angry.

Reddit fags are cancer.

People will dismiss this as

>lmao Reddit

But as far as culture wars go this is a pretty big deal

I've been reading TRP for years. Some of it's trash sure, it has a lot of great self improvement advice too. I was sorry to see MDE go in the last wave too. They stole most of their content from here but schizo posting was unironically hilarious.

Laugh all you want but as far as culture wars go, this stuff is really important. The biggest issue Reddit faces is Jow Forums and the fact that we operate as an offline hub for the type of people drawn to these groups. More of them will form and when they get banned, they inevitably are drawn back here to regroup.

Still, TRP going, that's a big surprise. They've been around for a long, long time and I honestly thought the shock and awe of 'how dare you suggest women aren't perfect' had died off already.

>I tried to play nice

Attached: image.jpg (432x767, 157K)

it still exists theres just a disclaimer

TRP is a really big surprise for me as well
self improvement, power and masculinity is probably (((forbidden knowledge)))

Just wait until reddit forces you to use the redesign.

Do they ask for a telephone number and e-mail address or something like that?

Attached: image.jpg (2100x1500, 1.08M)

Neither, for now. I've had several accounts permabanned from the whole site for wrongthink so it wouldn't surprise me if they started requiring it.

Glad to see someone else in the same frame of mind

TRP is honestly a Reddit staple at this stage. They've been around for as long as I can remember, churning out the same self help advice for men for ages. They're pretty blue pilled on most things in life with the exception of women and fitness but hey, at least they tick a few boxes.

You've really hit the nail on the head though. Reddit leadership (controllers, handlers) hate the idea of young, white males educating and improving themselves so they're finally stepping in to stop it.

That's Twitter.
Reddit is the 18th most popular site globally, and 5th most popular within the US. It is the "anonymous" site for common people who don't bother with imageboards. It is a big thing, yeah.

That is only the beginning. This is already proof that they will be banned. It's just the first step.

Adding the disclaimer would be a poor move in the long term. Curiosity Killed The Cat? People see warnings like that and it just makes them want to check it out anyway. It's the first step towards being introduced to that content. Making it seem edgy and dangerous.

Just like PARENTAL ADVISORY stickers on rap albums. Producers and artists WANT that shit on there. It makes you seem interesting and underground and beyond the system. Dangerous, alluring.

Two birds with one stone. I think the biggest fish is Jow Forums, and if they force T_D to migrate here, then Jow Forums is finished for good and will become nothing but a platform for Republican cheerleader Magapedes. Mark my words, the process has already begun and I called it months ago. They turned our colony against us.


Please stop with this retarded word.

The role of internet incels is as harbingers of geek culture (ie word of mouth, memes etc), but then you run into the demographic issues. Catering to incels is a dead end business wise - there's not enough of em, and the pricks are naturally suspect of advertising.

Ultimate end game of all such platforms is to monetize as a saccharine neo-liberal hugspace of consumerism and white guilt - largely what instagram and to lesser extent facebook has done.

I'm not using it seriously you fag. I'm using it to shit on T_D, not as an actual useful right wing term.

Posted in the other thread but I could really relate

"haha I figured they couldn't leave even one right wing meme sub alone. Reddit is such a trash site. Seriously, I go onto that sub [Jow Forumssubofpeace] or here and I've got people telling me that I need to work out, go to Church, I need to read more, I need to stop drinking and eat healthy, give up porn, and start a family. What's reddit got? They ban everything they disagree with, they obsess over sports and videogames, cute animals, and other childish things, they're liberal as hell, they're fedora-tipping atheists of the worst kind, and their memes suck. The right demands that I be a man, reddit and the left tells me to be a degenerate manbaby and sell my inheritance for ethnic food. How the hell are we the bad guys? And now reddit thinks that I'm in a hate group? Fuck you reddit, you encourage people who want me and my family dead and think it's funny."

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Omfg. Wtf is wrong with them.

>I can't post on a website
>Time for a civil war.

Yes people will give up their life to be able to post on reddit. Retarded.

You realize that no website is ever a haven for free speech right? They've always had the right ban whoever they want. I've been banned on this site for very trivial shit before because a mod just decided to be a dick one day.

based megapede #MAGA

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They’re trying to have all opposing voices purged before the next US presidential election. The internet almost singlehandedly won it for trump last time... they aren’t going to let it happen again. They control the legacy media... now comes the new media. You can almost feel it, gradually strangling all the conservative voices. A few here, a few there... eventually your opinions are de facto outlawed.

You know..you don't have to post on Reddit.

Post on voat and try to make it more popular. Or, buy reddit and you can run it however you want.

Used to be a redditfag, and it’s a little bit more than a “sticker”. You have to verify your email address attached to your account before you can look at it on desktop, and even after you’ve done that you can’t view it on any mobile device/app (where a significant portion of the r*ddit user base browses) until after you’ve visited on the desktop (and I think there’s another step in account settings besides these).
So that’s 2-3 extra steps a lazy dipshit neckbeard is going to have to go through, AND ON TOP OF ALL THAT there is NOWHERE any official explanation of these steps outside of user-answered questions. In fact the top result of the google search “reddit how to access a quarantined sub” is just the changelog where this was implemented posted by some admin. Many mods and sub owners complain about sub count dropping by thousands after this. It doesn’t instantly unsubscribe you, but on mobile it displays the same spinning wheel of death deleted subreddits do.

leave now goyim before it is too late

But Facebook and google etc. Have evolved to the point where they are almost ‘required’ for people to reach an audience. It’s almost like telling somebody they can’t have a phone.

There will be antitrust legislation, because they’ve proven themselves incaple of being politically neutral.

saved thanks

Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, etc, etc. etc.

You can’t just build this stuff from the ground up overnight.

Companies don't transition to white guilt progressivism to gain an audience. I've seen way too many companies do it at a loss for it to be that. Most recently NFL, Starbucks, Crunchyroll - all willingly took on predictable losses for their social justice pandering.
It has to be for another reason.