I saw it.

The fall of CringeAnarchy and theRedPill is such a huge disaster given the size of these communities.

After the 9/11 mass shutdown of alt-right subs and this episode, reddit is definitely no longer a place for Free Speech it used to be.

Many there looks to move to voat but I don't find the idea interesting.

I think they realize that's the straw that would break the camel's back. There would be a mass exodus when it becomes clear you can't even support the sitting president on an "open" forum.

Not sure why you're complaining, Germ. You're pretty use to foreign invaders.

Attached: 1527732532910.jpg (500x375, 23K)

Why isn't it interesting? What's wrong with voat? I like it. Needs more people.

Wow, they finally did it. They finally took down TheRedPill. Never thought I’d actually see it happen. But there it is. What a world we live in.

Reddit tongues my anus

Actually, TheRedPill is the one that bothers me the most. It was a strictly moderated community, and a decent self-improvement subreddit without sugarcoated bullshit. They went pretty far this time t-b-h.

TRP is moving the trp.red/ likely if they don't remove that quarantine status.

Meh, I don't want to see "Gas the kikes, race war now" in the morning. This place is good enough for that.

Voat doesn't have non-political posters like Reddit, it's racebaiting almost all the time.

It might be less in the long run. They shut down everything right of The_Donald so there are literally no bridge off of CivNat island within reddit.

-I'm used to reddit for basically any topic of interest and I don't want to switch each time between these two forums.
-The interface looks very poor compared with reddit.
-unlike reddit it doesn't attract normies, only alt-righters which are there because of bannouts.
-Even with censorship it has always looked clear to me that we were much less present on voat, but I may be wrong.