The fall of CringeAnarchy and theRedPill is such a huge disaster given the size of these communities.
After the 9/11 mass shutdown of alt-right subs and this episode, reddit is definitely no longer a place for Free Speech it used to be.
Many there looks to move to voat but I don't find the idea interesting.
Dylan Jones
I think they realize that's the straw that would break the camel's back. There would be a mass exodus when it becomes clear you can't even support the sitting president on an "open" forum.
Jose Jones
Not sure why you're complaining, Germ. You're pretty use to foreign invaders.
Why isn't it interesting? What's wrong with voat? I like it. Needs more people.
Sebastian Martinez
Wow, they finally did it. They finally took down TheRedPill. Never thought I’d actually see it happen. But there it is. What a world we live in.
Sebastian Collins
Reddit tongues my anus
Ayden Sanders
Actually, TheRedPill is the one that bothers me the most. It was a strictly moderated community, and a decent self-improvement subreddit without sugarcoated bullshit. They went pretty far this time t-b-h.
TRP is moving the likely if they don't remove that quarantine status.
Julian Bailey
Meh, I don't want to see "Gas the kikes, race war now" in the morning. This place is good enough for that.
Voat doesn't have non-political posters like Reddit, it's racebaiting almost all the time.
Grayson James
It might be less in the long run. They shut down everything right of The_Donald so there are literally no bridge off of CivNat island within reddit.
Thomas Thomas
-I'm used to reddit for basically any topic of interest and I don't want to switch each time between these two forums. -The interface looks very poor compared with reddit. -unlike reddit it doesn't attract normies, only alt-righters which are there because of bannouts. -Even with censorship it has always looked clear to me that we were much less present on voat, but I may be wrong.