Why aren't you in the skilled trades, user?

Why aren't you in the skilled trades, user?

>no (((university)))
>1-2 years in community college if that
>earn as you learn
>no ass kissing to boss because supply < demand
>make more $$$ than 90% of university grads
>be Jow Forums
>don't have to worry about losing your job over mean words on the internet
>be high test
>be a real man like your dad
>always be in demand
>be able to move out to the country, have white children with a stay at home mom, and not have to sweat money
>co workers are red white and blue (red pilled, white trash, blue collar)

Attached: tidewater-tech-welding.jpg (800x533, 424K)

Other urls found in this thread:


wagei wagie
etcetera etcetera

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Can we kill off the skilled trade meme already? People don't want be paid shit to work with literal shit.

It's what I'm working towards leafbro, maybe branch out down the line or something. Haven't made a final decision quite yet.

>no (((university)))
lol wut
is this what flyovers actually believe?
pick STEM at a respected uni, maplebeian*

(I have trademarked this term. it has never been used as an insult towards the Canadians before)

You forgot
>die at 60 ftom inhaling toxic fumes 8h a day

Working in trades doesn't give you much economic and political power.

t. brainlet that failed high school math
as long as you can calculate my change correctly it's alright I guess

60 isn't a bad age to die honestly

Yes it you nhilistic loser. I want to live to see my grandkids and great grand kids and make sure they are fucking white.

>Pay taxes that are currently used to let the greedy old fucks that didn't plan for retirement are currently using to rent apartments you want, but can't afford.

>Die before you can get your piece of the pie.

>Pay taxes

I'm sorry you were stupid enough to fall for the university meme

So we can have the best roads on earth, mostly.

Belgian roads are third world compared to ours.

barely 1% of your taxes go to roads tho

My wife is swedish.

Over there you literally need a grocery store degree, to stock shelves at a grocery store.

Yet somehow all your Hemköp salad bars are still rotten and full of fruit flies.

It's almost like higher education is a tool of social control rather than a necessity to learn skills.

But then again I dropped out of school at 16, what do I know? My uneducated ass only made about 800 000 kronor last year, I'll bet you did sooooo much better Mr. Intelligent.

>grocery store degree
no such thing

>to stock shelves at a grocery store
absolutely not, that's a fundamentally retarded claim

none of the people I know who work in grocery stores have gone to Uni. they're there because they didn't learn anything else. I even did en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TET in a grocery store in my teens.

I’m a tradesman. I make six figures in a state with a low ass cost of living. I did the grunt work for 11 years. Now it’s all office shit for great pay.

Wife’s at home with the kid. Six figures of equity into my home. Got another kid on the way. Life’s fucking good.

>I was shekelbergs best student! I got an A+ in Holocaust remembrance and now I sit at a desk and earn 80% of what you do (until I'm downsized) but look, big framed degree on my wall! Take that brainlet!

What is is with this board and romanticizing blue-collar work? How pathetic do you have to be, to make that your ultimate goal in life?

Being this fucking soi

Give it a try. Not all trades involve hard labor in piss poor conditions.

HVAC controllers make like upwards of $95-100k at the mid-level. That’s not taxing work at all.

>Fell for the trade meme
>35k yearly
>Cworkers are literal white trash and boomers.

Worse decision of my life, I wish I went to uni and got a real degree

>I want to live to have dementia and get bashed around a nursing home

>This retard doesn't know what a respirator is.

>Plumbing is the only trade I'm aware of.
Wear a respirator

Go into business for yourself. Plumber I use for my house is 31. He owns his own business and said he has 5 guys working for him.

My mom told me to stop Uni and do a welding course. I'm tempted but at the same time scared that I won't be doing anything remotely profound until my retirement

cuz Im not a brainlet

i'm too old to start a new path in life, and my body is already deteriorating from military and admittedly poor personal maintenance

If you're smart get into HVAC/Instrumentation/Electrical.

socrates was a stone mason, jesus a carpenter. ever heard of something called "life" after you stop working for the day? go back to red dit you fucking nigger

Again, HVAC controls. They’re all bitch-made prima donnas but they make bank.

To add on that HVAC is the easiest to get into right now and probably the best trade in terms of pay and working conditions.

>no ass kissing to boss

Guess how I know you've never worked in a trade

I had a stint working with explosive cancerdust and despite wearing a 3m my snot still turned black. It ain't gonna be good for you either way.

Unless you have no experience or work in a small ass market with no competition, you don’t have to kiss ass. The Recession is over; there are tons of employers that don’t give a shit if you’re a fucking asshole so long as you keep their customers happy and service their accounts competently.

Not really a thing these days. You can piss and moan about respiratorsto your employer, they're £20 a week maybe for a top tier disposable.
You can buy an airflow pack which feels like a personal aircon but are pretty expensive.
The PPE market is worth a billion shekels these days, there's no excuse for not taking care of yourself & your health any more. I'd say your most fragile possession is your knees, the old cunts I've worked with all happily worked on their knees in jeans for 30 years & paid the price.
>Kneepads start at 4 cans of beer
t. Pretty healthy welder at 41

Because I’m a Materials engineer.

Bullshit. You were probably wearing some paper mask.

pic related is a respirator.

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Hey user don't know much about your situation but I can tell you a bit about my story. I dropped out of college at the end of my first semester second year. Never had a goodv teacher. My comp sci courses were taught by Pakis who could barely speak English and my enforced liberal arts classes where all taught by feminists or basedboys. Only good course was my criminology course because that teach actually gave a shit (he tried convincing me to switch my major to criminology and become a professor) wish I had more like him but he appears to be a diamond in the rough. After I dropped out my dad got me into the labour union as a helper. Basically I'm currently in a welding apprenticeship. After I complete my four years and get my journeyman's license I'm going to switch to electrician work and learn that as well. I paid off all of my (((debt and usury))) in about a month working one job. I bring home around anywhere from 1300-3000 a week (of course this requires me to be working a job. There are times when I am not on a job this can be a few weeks to a few months). Majority of these guys are idiots. If your intelligent and don't squander your money on alcohol every fucking week you'll be happy and Excell in this.

I was, I was a welder for a while, eventually started my own business rehabbing houses, I did pretty much everything, it's hard on your body but the money was good, I trade stocks now, still didn't need any school, I make more money and I work from wherever I want, its pretty nice waking up on my boat with my wife and kids, making a couple trades then putting the sails up and going with no "job" I gotta get back too

I went the university route for 2 years, dropped out. Worked my way up through a medium sized company in one year, going from shipping clerk to management. 3 years later, I was hired at a large company as a systems information manager (title was bs, they didn’t want to piss people off, I’m pretty much a vp) . My only bosses are the owners and president. I’m literally the boss of 600+ people, many of them college fags. Universities are producing idiots and major corporations are beginning to see it. I may have gotten lucky, however I worked my ass off and used my brain.

It’s funny when young people in college ask me which major to take, In order to get my job........

Stocks, fuck off nigger

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Electrician master race reporting in. Literally get paid to do the dumbest shit like flip breakers and change lights, make 80 grand a year off dummies. All other trades are peasant tier, except carpenters they are nigger tier

25 year old TIG welder here. Been doing it for five years now.
The thing about trades is the company is what matters. You aren't going to go anywhere if you get stuck at a company that is a dead end. There are many of them.
Don't settle for less money than you deserve. There is ALWAYS trade work to be done. Feel free and confident in your decisions. You could literally collect your shit, gather your savings, and start new in any city, state, country you want and you'll be able to find work and keep moving forward.
If you are good at your trade, it's freedom. Next year I'll be going to six countries. Right now I have a comfy company who hired me to do some medical and military shit. Very simple and slow pace, great pay.

In my country the job market at the moment is at a all time high but the pay is communistically the same, I am on welfare shy short of only 200 EU of the average wagecuck and jobs like Welder is a meme job which is shittier then 7/10 minimumwage jobs so far ( i have done it for 3 months)

I hope you guys are doing good out there, I can certainly say that it is finally unironic and especially non-meme that people here unemployed or employed with bizzare low pay in contrast to what you earn, Right now the btw TAX on fruit went from 6% till 9% which makes bananas cheaper then 2 cans of 1 liter beers.

I'm a welder and I hate every second of it. Mostly because I am a shitty welder who can't fabricate to save his life.

Instrumentation is top dog.

I cant imagine the state right now where everything is headed torwards, Are we truly going to be cucked ? I have high hopes and dreams of incoming Wars and clashes.

You seem angry, if you can't make good money in the market now something is wrong with you, I swing trade, usually don't hold a stock more than a couple days to Maybe a week or two but it's pretty easy honestly, I'm also a raging autist so there is that, probably helps

i respect the tradesman route but I hope you guys have aspirations to get involved in the business side of things rather than just being worthless union niggers your entire lives

How do Unions work?Are they some sort of monopolization of labor that keeps the wages high? Is the nepotism kike-tier?


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Only go to college for real degrees...
I'm a surgeon (oms).
270k 2016
300k 2017
280k 2018 and it's only october,

I took the entrepreneur pill instead.
>no (((university)))
>no community college
>earned as I learned
>people now kiss my ass
>make top-tier money AND get to write off massive amounts of personal stuff, get free product for home, extended stays at business events for added personal time, etc.
>have been Jow Forums because I also opened a small private gym as well since I've been lifting for 20 years
>test is high as fuck, look like I'm 30 at mid-40s and dick works like it did at 20
>Dad is extremely proud of what I've done, I followed his footsteps of being successful on my own
>my products have been in demand and demand still increasing
>can move my business anywhere with a little work and time, not stuck here but settled in 94% whiteopia conservative area, why would I leave?
>co-workers are mostly family and acquaintances who I treat well and pay well, so they do well by me.

I feel for you and every guy like you I see at work

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I do Commercial/Industrial HVAC, 2.5yrs in now and make 26hr with OT after 8hr daily.

I also do alot of rate work, two weeks ago I got my highest rate so far.

$102hr for 24hrs of work, got a fatty paycheck with that plus my reg pay days that I had OT on.

Pic is my rate work copy...

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Any monkey can weld, plating & fabrication are what the employer wants. When the contract goes tits up, welders are the first out of the door. Followed by labourers.
If you're a competent, problem solving plater, you're practically a Doctor in the eyes of your boss.

When I cut vaders hood in pic related, I only had a fucked up piece of 4mm scrap & no tools since I made it in my mates shed, no flat surface to work on & I was stoned as 10 bastards so couldn't even recall the magic maths required.
>Guessed the shape by unwrapping it in my head
It worked out great I think, I trimmed only 10mm off of one side. I had no idea whether it would fit until it was fully tacked up.
You can't buy experience, right.

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>Yes goyim, don't bother trying to become a lawyer or anyone with any real power, just let us handle the complicated white collar jobs goyim, you wouldn't want to be onions would you goy? Just let us take control of all institutions, take the tradepill instead
Anyone who advocates that young white men should go into trades is going the wrong direction.

What are some of the highest paid trades one could do with either no college degree? Any certifications or licensed positions?

I'm getting into Software Development, but my cousin doesn't really want to do college, yet wants a high paying career.

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I'm going to be starting an apprenticeship with the local union early next year, any advice?

Our cops are good, Belgium or Germany will probably have the first happening.

I’m 28 making 80,000 this year as a pipefitter. I live in New England. Best decision I’ve made by far. I make over 50 an hour on overtime.

Gotta go, weldn' calling me $57.60 an hour, later Erocucks

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See my above post, HVAC is very in need for smart young guys.

With the right company and OT/Rate you can make 100k after 5yrs in easily.


>Phoneposting second pic of muh complex cone

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In Alberta there's a healthy split between union/non-union. Companies have the choice. Non-union is always significantly worse in safety and quality of work but cheaper to hire because they're mostly comprised of NPC brainlets.

As I've said before I drive a really big truck all over the country. And like many jobs requiring skills my industry is facing a major shortfall in people qualified to do the job. I agree with the faggot OP 100 percent people need to go learn a trade and stop all this pussy stuff.

Be willing to learn, dont stay on your Masters tit for to long.

But make sure to call if your in a bind, stay healthy and dont give into shop gossip.

feels good to work at a prevailing wage job doesn't it, too bad you don't get any other benefits.

Can confirm. I own this model respirator with face shield. I can clean a crime scene with this thing and never smell when the bowels release. It scrubs the air very well.

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weld with speed

boy u dog dickin it

from my local

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>Tradesman make too much money and all I want to do is sit on my ass and bitch and complain. Someone needs to fix this, because this is not fair. I am a valuable member of society too.

I hate the left.

wtf is a plater?

Im in New England also, make 26hr doing HVAC with rate work up to $102hr im 30yo.

I do alot of Pipe Fitting also, mostly Schedule 40 and 80 black pipe for low pressure and high pressure steam boilers.

1,500,000 btu and up, lots of Cleaver Brooks fire tubes and condensate return tanks.

hey it seems a lot of you guys know alot about welding, Im in TECH SCHOOL any tips or suggestions? Thanks...

Thats pretty good my friend. Get yourself a "Pipefitter's black book" and you will have a written list of all the magic maths.

t: pipefitter

How do you recommend getting started in OTR?

>Im in TECH SCHOOL any tips or suggestions?
Go join a union hall, and quit paying for something that someone else will pay you to learn.

no no High School

I have Med, Dental, Vision, Short, Long, Life, Profit Share, 401 with match.

Company pays all other than Vision whick costs cents.

>no (((university)))
university is free here, you retard. just move to montreal
>go STEM
>pay 300-400 rent to live in the big city
>get loans, only takes 10 days before that >money shows up in your bank account
at the end of the year, debt gets halved
>use rest of loans to pay off debt
>be a real civilized elite
>mad achievements=huge cock hanging off your wall
>save up
>open business, invest, etc
>don't have to worry about dealing with blue collars, consumer clients, dumbfucks hippy wannabes who've never ever had to try their whole life
>be better than your dad

Whats the best field of surgery to get into? I'm looking to become a surgeon. Working towards a BA in physics at the moment. My understanding is it's a good one for getting into med school with?

Well you can go to the court house and take the written test and wait 15 days and go take your driving test but you'll have to borrow a truck and trailer that can pass the inspection or you can go to a driving school which in my opinion is probably better especially if you've never drove one before.

>no no High School
Oh, I gotcha. I will pretend you didn't say that because of some rule something 18 something.....

But if you can weld and are good at it, pipefitting is a great place to start. Pay is outstanding, and I consider them some of the top 3 trades next to electricians and Ironworkers. A pipefitter is a plumber, a welder and someone who becomes familiar with lots of different steel alloys and the ways to connect one end to another.

t: pipefitter

I'm telling you straight up, most of you can't/ would not be able to handle a supervisory role in a high pressure, detail oriented field.

I'm an ancientfag from days of yore who has risen through the ranks, and I'm here to tell you, you are not as smart as you think you are, you're endurance has limits, your patience and willpower will be tested, and you will have to place things important to you upon the sacrificial altar.

I'm now a tough, mean old bastard of 30 years who yells and threatens men your father's age while also still trying to be their friend, and let me tell you, It's no easy ticket to prosperity.

The good ones, you don't have to say anything to, or look over their shoulders at all. You trust can trust them.

But for the most part, it's herding literal retards towards a typically a black and white simple goal that a child could understand.


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Trades are crazy money up here in Alberta, if you don’t mind half of your money earned to go to women who want to lop off their tits and become a boy.

I wish I was a construction tradesman again like my Dad, but I took the route of my Mom and went into Nursing. I am currently employed at a hospital as a CNA, and attending Nursing School. I have to constantly live in fear, watching what I say and do, unlike my Dad who does not give a fuck about what he says or does no matter where he is at. Let me offer an Example of me and an example of my Dad...

>A few days ago, I went to the bank to deposit a check at the drive-through ATM.
>The spot was empty, but there were two cars on both sides.
>I stopped to see if one was going to pull into the spot, they just sat there.
>I decided to take it upon myself to pull in since they were not doing anything.
> As I did that, this bitch driving one of those cars pulled behind me.
>This is what I WISHED I said and did, "Do you know what a line is?! Fuck off Bitch!
>This is what I actually said and done, "Alright, I'll move." And I went to the back behind the two cars.
I was completely weak and cowardly, enabling this bitch to think she can get her way.

This is how my Dad is...
>Be in Burger King.
>My brother asked one of the employees why the bathrooms are so big for one stall.
>Employee didn't know the answer.
>My Dad butted in and Yelled in the middle of the restaurant, "CAUSE FAT BITCHES NEED ENOUGH ROOM TO WIPE THEIR BIG ASS!"
>Besides the Employee falling out laughing, the whole Restaurant went silent, staring at my Dad with their jaws dropped.
He embraced his freedom of speech to the fullest with no fucks given, full of strength, no fear.

I envy my Father for his might and barbarism, totally a mighty man, while I sit here a civilized, domesticated, docile coward that have to hold my tongue, accept things I hate, and live in fear of the repercussions of my actions and words (in example, losing my job and career).


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Yea please do. I like being in high demand. $$$$$ I just had a month off by choice. I am back to work by choice. I'm working a shutdown at a nuke for 29 days . I'll bring home $14000 and get a layoff. Collect unemployment during hunting season. Kill some delicious meat. Go back to work. Repeat

why does low volt pay so shitty then?
I did low volt in the bay area for 3 years, when I found out my foreman was making $19 an hr, I found new work
>needs tips on the trades in the bay area

I almost fell for the trades meme. I didn't read through this whole thread, but let me tell you that if you go into something like welding or plumbing be prepared to deal with total fucking retards in your trade school and as co-workers.

That's child's play. You should hear some of the thing's these dudes say over the C.B radio. I bet half the dudes on here would make excellent C.B Rambos.

Weling is pretty nifty, just got into it. There's something zen about putting down beads.


I take that you have had that many jobs before. Here is the truth, you deal with retards no matter where you go. That is just how it is sad to say.

HVAC techs are generally the worst mother fuckers on the planet. The literal Jews of the trade skill world. They're all ac unit merchants for whatever the fuck brand they carry and will literally sabatoge your system so they can come back in a week and replace it, especially if they learn that the old unit is under warranty. "Oh what's that user you had a slow coolant leak in your heat exchanger, which we topped off last weak, and now your unit is dead? What's that user, your compressor is now shorted to ground with an incorrect voltage, only a few days after we pulled the thing apart to find a leak since we're apparently too fucking dumb to reach the Geiger counter down into the unit with our arm? And it's still topped up on freon? Well user looks like you need a new unit lucky for you we shill this other brand!" The fucks run up the cost of systems astronomically. Most of them are tatted up druggies pretending to be better than anyone who actually produces anything real and makes more money than them. Fuck HVAC techs.

Must have been working with retards, Low Volt Especially controls like Johnson Controls, Siemans, or Master Tridium Niagra and you can make $180,000-$200,000 as a Master with OT and Profit Share