Why aren't you in the skilled trades, user?

I wish I was a construction tradesman again like my Dad, but I took the route of my Mom and went into Nursing. I am currently employed at a hospital as a CNA, and attending Nursing School. I have to constantly live in fear, watching what I say and do, unlike my Dad who does not give a fuck about what he says or does no matter where he is at. Let me offer an Example of me and an example of my Dad...

>A few days ago, I went to the bank to deposit a check at the drive-through ATM.
>The spot was empty, but there were two cars on both sides.
>I stopped to see if one was going to pull into the spot, they just sat there.
>I decided to take it upon myself to pull in since they were not doing anything.
> As I did that, this bitch driving one of those cars pulled behind me.
>This is what I WISHED I said and did, "Do you know what a line is?! Fuck off Bitch!
>This is what I actually said and done, "Alright, I'll move." And I went to the back behind the two cars.
I was completely weak and cowardly, enabling this bitch to think she can get her way.

This is how my Dad is...
>Be in Burger King.
>My brother asked one of the employees why the bathrooms are so big for one stall.
>Employee didn't know the answer.
>My Dad butted in and Yelled in the middle of the restaurant, "CAUSE FAT BITCHES NEED ENOUGH ROOM TO WIPE THEIR BIG ASS!"
>Besides the Employee falling out laughing, the whole Restaurant went silent, staring at my Dad with their jaws dropped.
He embraced his freedom of speech to the fullest with no fucks given, full of strength, no fear.

I envy my Father for his might and barbarism, totally a mighty man, while I sit here a civilized, domesticated, docile coward that have to hold my tongue, accept things I hate, and live in fear of the repercussions of my actions and words (in example, losing my job and career).


Attached: crying feels guy.png (633x758, 16K)

Yea please do. I like being in high demand. $$$$$ I just had a month off by choice. I am back to work by choice. I'm working a shutdown at a nuke for 29 days . I'll bring home $14000 and get a layoff. Collect unemployment during hunting season. Kill some delicious meat. Go back to work. Repeat

why does low volt pay so shitty then?
I did low volt in the bay area for 3 years, when I found out my foreman was making $19 an hr, I found new work
>needs tips on the trades in the bay area

I almost fell for the trades meme. I didn't read through this whole thread, but let me tell you that if you go into something like welding or plumbing be prepared to deal with total fucking retards in your trade school and as co-workers.

That's child's play. You should hear some of the thing's these dudes say over the C.B radio. I bet half the dudes on here would make excellent C.B Rambos.

Weling is pretty nifty, just got into it. There's something zen about putting down beads.


I take that you have had that many jobs before. Here is the truth, you deal with retards no matter where you go. That is just how it is sad to say.

HVAC techs are generally the worst mother fuckers on the planet. The literal Jews of the trade skill world. They're all ac unit merchants for whatever the fuck brand they carry and will literally sabatoge your system so they can come back in a week and replace it, especially if they learn that the old unit is under warranty. "Oh what's that user you had a slow coolant leak in your heat exchanger, which we topped off last weak, and now your unit is dead? What's that user, your compressor is now shorted to ground with an incorrect voltage, only a few days after we pulled the thing apart to find a leak since we're apparently too fucking dumb to reach the Geiger counter down into the unit with our arm? And it's still topped up on freon? Well user looks like you need a new unit lucky for you we shill this other brand!" The fucks run up the cost of systems astronomically. Most of them are tatted up druggies pretending to be better than anyone who actually produces anything real and makes more money than them. Fuck HVAC techs.

Must have been working with retards, Low Volt Especially controls like Johnson Controls, Siemans, or Master Tridium Niagra and you can make $180,000-$200,000 as a Master with OT and Profit Share