Is this true, Jow Forums?

Do they?

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Other urls found in this thread:

am establishment, can confirm

The only thing they fear is being found out as the zionist traitors that they are


In the end of the day the white struggle is for freedom and the none-white struggle is for stuff, for loot, for gibs, f4 dem rezources.

They gain nothing from freedom, thats why they come here.

Yes. But niggers are too far gone. They were making progress, but now they've sunk lower than ever.

It's true. Why else would Hasbara kikes spam both blacked and nigger hate threads?

>thugs with guns

Don't bother. People on this board are too brainwashed by kikes into hating blacks without realizing that this divide and conquer strategy is the main reason of all the shit that is going on in the world.

I’m an outlier here but I side with American niggers over any foreign group. American niggers are the failed experiment of trying to make Africans as useful as dogs. Just like the dog created by the white man, the American nigger was created by us and we should take care of them. Preferably, we utilize them like the dogs they are instead of what we’re doing now. I say that we offer reparations to American niggers on the condition they boot out all the Mexicans then blackie can have whatever we were spending on Pedro


You don't even have niggers in your country, you don't even know how bad they are.

Niggers are easily manipulated by kikes because they are subhuman savages, even the most seemingly "human" nigger will still act like a nigger eventually.

if kikes can manipulate niggers so can you whitey

Yeah ms paint drawings.

>You don't even have nigger in your country
You've obviously never been in Belgium.

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This died with GLR and Malcolm X.
Niggers just want dem resorzes an dat white pussy

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Only if it means deporting all the niggers back to Africa

Niggers shouldn't even be allowed in Europe

Watch this video all who wish to know more...if you dare to challenge your alt-right beliefs.

Yes they do.
Its not by accident they are always behind any muh evil whity pro black crap or that they are now currently trying to steer shit up between women and men. They need people to be splitt in groups fighing against each other or otherwise the people as a whole start seeing who is pushing the division and then things can get quickly solved and you basically have world peace in a matter of 100-200 years.
Its true thats the fucked up.

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Still nothing compared to USA numbers.

Negroes make up about 15% of our population, Spics make up about 20% (not including the subhuman border hoppers.)

The USA is fucked, we are filled to the brim with these subhumans, we're going to be Brazil 2.0 in 20-30 years.

>brainwashed by kikes into hating blacks
No, I've been "brainwashed" by niggers into hating niggers by having to deal with them on a day by day basis.

>siding with niggers

fuck off

Daily reminder race baiting and white nationalism are programs to divide the public in non issues. Why aren’t we talking about prisons or the poor economy?

Ameriniggers arent even real niggers. They average something like 70% nigger genetically with 25% white and the remaining 5% pieces of hispanic/native/whatever. True niggers are even worse.

Yes if we do this we can finally defeat (((them))). We must join together and defeat true evil. Race is irrelevant in this matter. So are political beliefs. Good v Evil. We must bring everyone together lest we all die at the hands of the bankers and elite.

The same prisons ostensibly filled with feral minorities?

(((Tim Wise)))

Attached: le-happy-merchant-question-mark.gif (452x523, 4K)

Why is it that only MAGA whites share this image?

Answer: it's false

No. They fear whites united. Nobody cares about niggers.

this right here is LITERALLY the jews and globalists worst fear

Attached: black AND white power together.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Kill yourself

Attached: Happy Merchant - Tim Wise.jpg (470x293, 28K)

At the end of the day the only way to defeat the kikes is to have a temporary alliance with all other races and then separate into ethnostates afterwards.

Those blacks in ghettos who commit crime and are marginalized because of poverty are all in that situation because of kikes. It's all plan of a bigger scheme, and they want you to hate them. They are doing exactly the same shit with blacks and muslims in in Europe.

Racial tension between minorities and violence between ethnic gangs in the US is also directly caused by this problem. The difference between the US and Europe is that over here you don't find rivalry between ethnic minorities, even though these kikes keep pushing their agenda so they would hate each other.

And guess what, they fear them to death. These multi ethnic gangs have the ability to burn down an entire city like Paris, because they are extremely powerful when they combine forces. It happened many times before and it will happen again.

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absolutely. I want a white ethnostate, but if you don't mention that pipe dream to blacks you can definitely redpill them on the JQ and on immigration. those ideas resonate with them, too, they just don't get that information from the hippity hop and world star. don't antagonize them even if you don't want them in the country. they're already here, convince them that it's in their best interest to pay attention to reality and to stop blaming whitey, it actually can be done

American gangs of whatever ethic background are never able to do this because of the kikes and their divide and conquer strategy. Most damage they can do is rape someone in a prison cell and ruin their body with codeïne.

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That's cool, why don't you come live over here in someplace like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, or New York and see how much your little plan of uniting with literal animals survives after actually being in contact with these things.

there was a time when blacks had lower single motherhood, and roughly equal employment than whites.
also cletus and the moonshine boys would probably get along fabulously with dalajamarkis in the hood cooking meth.

I've been in ghettos in Paris and Brussels. I know what those kind of places look like and how unpredictable the people living in it are. Their confused state of mind is all a product of these kikes and their bigger scheme.

Voice of reason right here. Racial tension is always designed to take the heat off (((them)))

> embrace (((Civicuckism))) goyim !
Holy fuck you fucking kike shills are raiding Jow Forums like there's no tomorrow right now
We don't like shitskins, no matter how "based" they are.
We are not the_Cuckhold.
We want our nations to become White and Christian societies again.
All nonwhites have to fuck off back to their third world shitholes.
>working with niggers
niggers hate wypipow you fucking kike

Absolutely fucking based

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a video by tim wise the dude that routinly loses his cool and calls for whites to be exterminated, and you help him get more fame and spread his crap lol how embarrassing
My god you krauts are soo fucking useless low iq.


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This. Niggers would have built Wakanda already if their best weren't plucked and taken away by white exploiters. They need to come back and rescue their ancestral homelands. Come home, black man!