Is this true, Jow Forums?

You don't even have niggers in your country, you don't even know how bad they are.

Niggers are easily manipulated by kikes because they are subhuman savages, even the most seemingly "human" nigger will still act like a nigger eventually.

if kikes can manipulate niggers so can you whitey

Yeah ms paint drawings.

>You don't even have nigger in your country
You've obviously never been in Belgium.

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This died with GLR and Malcolm X.
Niggers just want dem resorzes an dat white pussy

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Only if it means deporting all the niggers back to Africa

Niggers shouldn't even be allowed in Europe

Watch this video all who wish to know more...if you dare to challenge your alt-right beliefs.

Yes they do.
Its not by accident they are always behind any muh evil whity pro black crap or that they are now currently trying to steer shit up between women and men. They need people to be splitt in groups fighing against each other or otherwise the people as a whole start seeing who is pushing the division and then things can get quickly solved and you basically have world peace in a matter of 100-200 years.
Its true thats the fucked up.

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