Holy shit Swedish people are cucked af

Attached: christian conservatism.png (539x1080, 473K)

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Attached: 1491756731949.png (1052x828, 85K)

Honestly nothing wrong with that they look like a happy family.

Flag checks out

Christians are cryptojews that hate anything that doesn't give reverence to their sand god. Christians hate drugs that dr. schlomo doesn't give, wants microencaphly babies, and won't vote for a politician that doesn't slap a jesus fish on their SUV while dealing weapons to guerrilla fighters overseas.

Top Christcuck.

>daughters are pretty adorable all things considered
>sons are full goblino

Holy crap that heinous goblin she has in her hands...

as a swede and a christian i agree this is the only way to deal with the brown problem

>Be European
>Don't get mutilated at birth
>Don't get raped at catholic school
>Don't get shot by Tyrone when walking to the store
>Don't have to tip the hospital after they charge me 500k for the treatment
Iunno man, still seems pretty good.