>hates being white so much wants to be black
Holy shit Swedish people are cucked af
Ethan Watson
Parker Cooper
sweden is a lost cause
Carson Cooper
Retarded burger doesnt know about revert to the mean.
Keep mudding your gene pool, cuck
Gabriel Garcia
Well it could be much worst.
Lincoln Hughes
He was clearly making a joke.
Brandon Brown
Don't understand why she says "Sweden gets better" whats wrong with the Swedish Christians?
and toplaugh at her getting a spray tan
William Sanchez
I hope so
Josiah Cook
way to ruin millions of years of evolution and genes, fucked up.
Ryder Lewis
That's how majority of Americans think though. The remaining think that Muttistan can change.
Isaac Cruz
Americans are the master of this kind of christ cuckservatism, only like 10% of Swedes are Christian