I work for flake ama

>hurr durr lemme take pictures of my boss on my phone with dates and times written while they’re center of attention about to make a huge vote

are dems blackmailing him or is he just really that big of a pussy

Attached: jeff-flake-kavanaugh-hearing-ap-img.jpg (1440x907, 151K)

Phones are barely allowed close to him

>I want an investigation
>gets an investigation and then still says no

That would be suicide. Literally.

>I don’t know
Then you’re useless

Eat shit you fucking nigger. If you want attention whore yourself on Grindr. GTFO Jow Forums

Attached: 1538663761800.jpg (684x1024, 99K)

He’s really just “that big of a pussy”

Cocaine Mitch and even W have been talking to him for days now. I think he’s being a bit of a drama queen akin to McCain for his last out as a senator but he also wants a career as something after this. He might be playing games with possible future employers desu but I actually just think he doesn’t want to be blamed for the banning of abortion

>Hurr Durr lemme post on the most contentious website for a government shill to be on and risk my livelyhood if anyone knew I was posting.

Fucker post proof, you already have one foot in the grave faggot

Because a name on a name tag attached to your body (while you're holding a sign saying "Hi Jow Forums .. AMA") which authorizes you to go in various places around Capitol Hill certainly wouldn't suffice for "evidence". Fuck off.

He doesn’t want a partisan judge. Kav is obviously mad at the dems. The glimmer of hope I’ve seen from him is he’s really curious as to what testimony and fbi have actually uncovered which is a lot of nothing