In 2024 The Republicans are going to put up Mike Pence against Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The GOP is going to get crushed.
In 2024 The Republicans are going to put up Mike Pence against Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez...
I just wanna fondle hear bean tits is that so much to ask?
brown women always look like theyre about to grow a mustache
Cushed hrrrrrd
She's going to look like shit by 2024. She's already 28. The wall fast approaches.
She already looks like shit, but just imagine what it will be like when her wall approaches. The insanity glare will be doubled, and it will be hilarious.
There's still plenty of time for Mike to become an attractive woman and get some awesome tiddies
She'll only be 34 so she can't run.
2024 will be the year of the Cruz Missile
Nice tits, but I hate her poo skin & face.
People will vote pence just to see him deport that goblintez
She would turn 35 the month before the election so she could.
I don't think so, bub.
Holy fuck anyone else not been able to cum for 3 days?
Wrong. In 2024 The Republicans are going to put up Kanye West and VP Ben Shapiro against the Dems Michael Avenatti and Daisy. And the Dems will win because by that stage the U.S. will be an extension of Mexico.
She turns 35 in October 2028. The election is a month later. And the swearing in is three months later.
Those milkers can win elections
Commie Cunt is already hated by her own party. She's just a fucking meme.
Either ivanka will get elected or trump will be declared lifetime mayor of the world
So that means Trump already takes 2020? Great!
Old people turnout to vote more than young people and old people won’t vote for someone that young. That’s why we almost always have presidents who are old.
dude i haven't felt like jacking off in like 4 days now. I see porn on 4 chan and normally it would trigger me to jack it. now I don't want to, its weird.
She would get fucking destroyed.
Min age for Pres is 35.
I was thinking she wouldn't be old enough, but she'd be turning 35 in October that year (birthdate 13 October 1989)
A quick Google search for events of 1989:
Free election held for Soviet Congress of Deputies.
Solidarity wins elections in Poland.
Berlin Wall comes down.
Havel becomes president of Czechoslovakia.
Nicole Ceausecu deposed in Romania.
Japanese emperor Hirohito dies.
Pro-democracy rallies in Tiananmen Square.
They are
I wanna see her get destroyed in a 50 man all hole gangbang
If she lets me ejaculate in her vagina a dozen times, I promise to vote for her.
Palin. Hillary. Now you're going to try Beanertitties. Good luck.
Noice tits. Would keep as mistress/maid.
She should do an Ultimate Surrender video with Emma Gonzalez.
You just surrendered 2020, and it's beautiful
I just want to hate fuck her as long as she's young.
Beaners turn old and ugly REALLY fast. So better pick them while they're young.
>I just wanna fondle hear bean tits is that so much to ask?
>E solo Quiro queso burrito e solidad ayayayay, es stuy bienvinedos en grandes pechos la madre leches, slurpity!!¡
Ftfy bro
>Either ivanka will get elected or trump will be declared lifetime mayor of the world
Ivanka is a bit too left Might not be too bad as the mop-up third term of Trump legacy (as long as Don has already stacked the courts).
>mutt milkers
my weakness
She is a clueless bitch hyped up on affirmative action. She won't even be a favorite for dem nominee.
>The GOP is going to get crushed.
Not happening. With a body like that she will be pregnant before it happens. She better double dose her birth control.
One pregnancy and it's all over for girls like her.
>2022. The 10 Crusade, Muslims Gone.
You think God Emperor Pence will loose to a commie-swine?
>2022: Thinking democracy still exists.
You think she will not be purged?
She might've had a bright future (for a Dem), but they're rushing her, and she really does seem as dumb as dogshit. She needs one of Obama's autocues.
Need to see those tits exposed. I have a feeling a tight shirt and bra are holding together some elongated floppies. If she's got a good rack then I'll do her a favor and crank one out for her.
>1 post by this ID
>not realizing you are setting her up to be a living meme
>takes out senior incumbent who sits on important committees
>DNC isn’t even talking about her at all, if asked they quickly change the subject
I hope she gets elected, it’ll be hilarious. This bitch might be dumber than Sheila Jackson Lee.
The DNC chair said she's the future of the party, dummy.
She carries herself like woman not like other lesbocrats, but so fuckin ugly, yknow?
Surely that was a joke though...
Nope. No chance of her getting smarter by then plus she'll be on her way to full blown Goblino by then, tits will be floppies tucked into her waist band and her gunt will be bigger than her ass. Oh yah almost forgot she'll have a baby beaner by then , trying to get the mom vote.
I used to work at ACORN for a few weeks in 2007 and it was non stop non English speaking ham planets getting free place to live, free healthcare, free food, and a cash stipend every month as well as free utilities including internet. The male spics go into the cartel the female spics go into government and the law it's fucking diabolical female spic lawyers and social services experts just speeding them through the paperwork leaving every white veteran to starve fucking disgusting.
All who oppose her will be eliminated in beautiful People's Revolution
That's even gayer. To reclaim our manhood we need a video of her pegging David Hoggina now.
>be DNC candidate
>run for president as radical lefty
>con redditors to give you all their student loans
>drop out and give all donations to the wallstreet candidate that rigged outcome of primary
>still ask for donations
Dude let’s get real, being smart isn’t a desired trait in brown congresspeople representing majority minority districts. We have one serving member who’s been in office for decades who was seriously worried that adding a couple people to Guam would cause it to flip over and capsize. People like Hank Jennings, Sheila Jackson Lee, and many others prove that sometimes being a dumb brown person is all you need when it’s the proper place and season.
***meant to add, she’s simply taking out a more connected, dangerous opponent anyway, total own goal here
id love to suck a nigger's semen out of her spicy Latin spic cunt
By the time Trump is done she won't even be allowed in the country ... let alone have the right to vote
Even with her eyes closed, her mouth shut and her tits out she's average as fuck.
I hope to god that would not occur
by 2024 there will be no more ocasio-cortez and subhuman beaners
No you have to be 35 on election day, and she turns 35 one month before the election
By 2024, that bitch gonna get ugly
rumor has it that before ben shapiro would such his sisters milkies he had her nipples circumcised and he had two tiny cut up fetus dicks surgically attacked to where her nipples where
then forced her on gene therapy to turn her milkers into creamers
and he sucked gallons of cum
it was the only way he could make 5'7" become of a severe t deficiency
fucking autocorrect corrected this seven fucking times as I rewrote it
i swear autocorrect spergs out deliberately
When Sheila Jackson Lee asked if our rover was going to see the flag that our astronauts planted on Mars and it was reported on they attacked the outlet as racist. Affirmative Action has destroyed America more then any war ever could have. The chinks figured out meritocracy thousands of years ago and we can't even do that.
Them socialist milkers though.
Too bad she will deny any debates on accounts that it is sexist and automatically lose because of it. She's braindead retarded.
(((Autocorrect))) wants to correct your hate speech. They sure will capitalize Coke or Pepsi but every day it's dictionary gets smaller 1984 style. In another generation the kids of the zoomers won't even have the vocabulary to have this conversation.
lmao she'll be full goblina by 2024
Nah. She has a generous dose of European blood.
i just wanna hate fuck her. fuck that throat until she chokes and slap those tits. if she promised to release a porno when elected she would easily be president 2020 thanks to basedboy cucks
This retardz really? This is the best ya got?
Our plan will be completed by then and the democrats will be irrelevant.
>Mike Pence
Is America ready for its first gay president, though?
Trump pissed away his first two years, and now the House is going to turn blue. He's not going to get anything real done.
Lol. For the 9000th time, you idiots are losers and you’ll just keep losing. We’re done with you.
Go put on your pussy hat and go protest toxic masculinity or some shit.
That bitch is Cynthia McKinney levels of stupid.
hott. i want her to tickle my butt hole with that fucked up nose
It's Hank Johnson.
And he's about as good as you can get from a Democrat nigger. He publicly opposed calls to remove the Confederate Battle Flag and memorials from Stone Mountain Park.
>In 2024 The Republicans are going to put up Mike Pence against Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The GOP is going to get crushed.
depends on how Trump and Pence do putting money in people's pockets
>2 ultra-conservative judges
>smashed china insectoid economy
>no jew wars
>huge tax cuts
No, really goy, he pissed them away
They look just like the Rankin-Bass orcs
My God I bet shes got some good pussy.
Ivanka is the first female president. Trump is grooming her after he's done with his 8 years faggots. Cmon, look at her....she's met almost every world leader now. It's all there.
>playing the milf angle like a pro
Lol. No. Ivanka has no charisma and is a total moron. She won't even have her socialite friends when her dad is done being President.
Holy fuck why do people shill for this ugly spic? Saged
Well, we'd like to press her down and fuck her on the same roof that pic was taken on.
She's already 29 and still a smokeshow. Her genes are great. She'll be sexy into her 60s.
>he looks at that pic and sees a "smokeshow"
Dude for 29 she's aging like milk
I still got ID'ed when I was that age.
Iron Mike will crush her fucking skull
yeah right
she looks like shit now, faggot
Susan Collins will be the first female president. Cortez is too young and too STUPID to be present. Not to mention that the political climate is such that the only way we will elect a Socialist president is if he/she is NATSOC,
>Mike Pence
No, Rand Paul and Alex Jones
And she’ll look you in the eye as she blowing you, yes these eyes
>pic related
Shes alright if you put a bag on it. Prefferably a plastic one..
Also, that ugly building in the background. Who designed that shit? it is horrendous to behold. Fucking burger architecture.