>he looks at that pic and sees a "smokeshow"
In 2024 The Republicans are going to put up Mike Pence against Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez...
Dude for 29 she's aging like milk
I still got ID'ed when I was that age.
Iron Mike will crush her fucking skull
yeah right
she looks like shit now, faggot
Susan Collins will be the first female president. Cortez is too young and too STUPID to be present. Not to mention that the political climate is such that the only way we will elect a Socialist president is if he/she is NATSOC,
>Mike Pence
No, Rand Paul and Alex Jones
And she’ll look you in the eye as she blowing you, yes these eyes
>pic related
Shes alright if you put a bag on it. Prefferably a plastic one..
Also, that ugly building in the background. Who designed that shit? it is horrendous to behold. Fucking burger architecture.