>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

TrumpTV Weekly Updates:

>Bannon: Trump @War re-up 9/28/18

>WHVideo: FLotUS Melania visits Nairobi National Park 10/7/18
>SoS Pompeo meets NoKo Leader Kim Jong-Un 10/7/18
>NECDir Kudlow on SunMornFutures 10/7/18
>Pres Trump on Judge Jeanine 10/6/18
>Pres Trump MAGA Rally in Topeka KS 10/6/18
>Pres Trump speaks upon arriving @Topeka KS 10/6/18
>Pres Trump speaks before departing DC 10/6/18
>Senate votes to Confirm SCotUS Justice Kavanaugh 10/6/18
>FLotUS Melania arrives in Egypt 10/6/18
>FLotUS Melania visits Kenyan elephant orphanage 10/5/18
>GOPAd: Their Answer Was Always No 10/5/18
>Women For Trump Summit in DC 10/5/18
>Sen Collins speech on Judge Kavanaugh 10/5/18
>PressSec Sarah on FoxNews 10/5/18
>PressSec Sarah Outside WH 10/5/18
>AsstSoS Singh/UndSoS Hale @ACE 10/5/18
>Naval Aviation and Combat Readiness @CSIS 10/5/18

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:

> This entire fucking page

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One day you will burn in hell and I'm completely comfortable in knowing that. So go ahead and do your conservative bullcrap


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Brazilians surely knew how to pick. Also:


Taylor Swift speaks out on politics for the first time; endorses Democrat Phil Bredesen for Senate

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How do you feel about President Trump now?

Please vote here

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covfefe required to MAGA

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>unapologetically worshipping a liberal justice in a movie

yeah guys why would conservatives be annoyed by hollywood

democrats rely on election fraud; with out election fraud, a democrat could not ever win an election.

Every democrat is a criminal.

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They made a movie about ginsburg lmao

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How can you guys watch these idiots?!
My God, Joe Scarborough is insufferable, and so is his floozy.

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What I’m on an iPhone


Hollywood is lucky Sessions is a traitor who refuses to enforce the Communist Control Act.

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>trying to rope-a-dope like Ali
>misjudge your opponent's reach

Strategies that don't work if you're stupid.

AAAA I typed a fucking essay on 2020 Senate races but I closed the tab
Fuck my life

Anyway, 2020 will be anything from Dem +1 to GOP +2

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I show this again so American can read the truth.

A veteran American diplomat said that Vice-President Mike Pence’s speech accusing China of meddling in US politics was motivated by domestic politics and aimed at "energizing’’ President Donald Trump’s political base for the mid-term elections.

>“The speech recited but did not reconcile the multiple, incoherent elements of the long-building American frustration and exasperation with China. Its review of both Sino-American relations and China's history was laughably inaccurate,” said Freeman.

>“The speech fully reflected the lack of expertise on China in the Trump administration,’’ Freeman said. "It added to the distance between China and the United States rather than attempting to find ways to bridge Sino-American differences.

This speech can also be seen as an attempt to divert public attention from the Russian meddling in American politics. It was designed to appeal to a passionate minority of American xenophobes. It provided no openings for a resolution of Sino-American tensions.

---Freeman served in the US Foreign Service, the state and defense departments and as the US ambassador to Saudi Arabia from 1989 to 1992, where he dealt with the Persian Gulf War. Freeman also was the main interpreter for president Richard Nixon during his 1972 China visit.

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What happened?


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do you think the god emperor knows about /ptg/?

What would John McCain say?

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>the roles were reversed




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AL: pickup
GA/KS/AZ/ME: hold
CO/IA/NC/MI: in danger

As if there was real doubt about her true colors. She openly lurked around niggers, for Christ’s sake.

Fugg, Ids Habbening!

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>MSNBC feeling cucked by lindsey graham of all people

fucking perfect

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The campaign is aware of us.

Pretty damn salty, keke.
"Who is he"?

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Tillis will be fine I think, Collins will hold in Maine

Colorado and Arizona will be the races to watch


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Genderbend Kavanaugh when?

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So I've been thinking about the brazilian elections, how many of the other parties that ran were socialist/ left leaning? is it possible that if everyone who voted for those other guys voted for Bolsonaro's opponent, he could lose?

The woman that confronted Flake on the elevator works for an organization that is funded by George Soros. Objectively, this is true and she even admits it.

If Trump wins AZ, Kyl will also win the Senate race. CO is the most endangered state.

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>anti-semitic slur
>calling george soros by his name is a slur

joe is joe

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Holy fuck I'd vote for him. He's unironically /oneofus/ god damn

Tweet fucking Joe and Mika this shit and tell them to be honest and stop lying.

If everything goes as it should (read: no fraud), Bolsonaro is going to win with 55-56% of the vote
The seat will be open, Kyl already stated that he won't run

Will Soros ever recover?

Attached: george-soros.jpg (3107x2330, 476K)

He knows his masters are upset by recent events.

>naming the jew for us
This is the greatest development

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No one's forcing you, portyboy

> when you think Jow Forums is upstream in the Based & Redpilled narrative but it's actually downstream by few hundred years

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>The seat will be open, Kyl already stated that he won't run
Oh. Then you need another politician with name recognition.

Make California Great Again!

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I have no doubt we're going to win the mid-terms but will the advantage continue to be pressed after that?

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Pakman is the biggest shill in the world. Hard bastard sometimes reviews his show during livestreams he's really insufferable.

This is the first time in 80 years that the Supreme court ISN'T majority liberal/progressive. And Democrats controlled the House for 60 years straight.

This is literally the first time in history that Republicans control everything. Them crying about it is so disingenuous.

Is Moluch and the wall street journal /our guys/

We really won't have anything to worry about until reelection but that's pretty much a guarantee he'll win since the democrats have an awful line up for 2020

>I never hit my ex-wife. But many times I wanted to shoot her.
>I am in favor of a dictatorship.
>Pinochet should have killed more people.
>You'll change nothing in this country by voting; absolutly nothing. You'll change something, unhappily, when we go into a civil war here someday and do a work the military regime didn't, killing as much as 30 thousand people, starting with FHC. It's all right if some innocent people die. Innocent people die in many wars.
>The Military Police should have killed 1,000 rather than 111 prisoners in the Carandiru massacre.
>I defend torture. A drug dealer who acts on the streets against our children must to be immediately put on a pau-de-arara. There would be no human right in this case. There would be pau-de-arara, beating. The same thing for kidnappers. The guy must to be broken to open his mouth.
>I think execution by firing squad is even an honorable thing to certain people.
>I will not fight against it nor discriminate, but if I see two men kissing on the street, I'll beat them up.
>The only mistake of the dictatorship was torturing and not killing.
>If one's son begins acting kind of gay, then when he is spanked he'll change his behavior.
>It's a mess. The next steps are the adoption of children and the legalization of pedophilia.
Alright, this guy definitely posts here. He's on a level of based I didn't think was even possible.

1000 years fren

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Is that the soi guy?

The blackpill is slowly kicking in

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>these creatures were allowed to fester for this long

I'm not talking about Trump winning I'm talking about transcending democrat sabotage and overthrowing the jews.

The WSJ is a mixed bag, or maybe we can say "balanced".

I wonder what the 26 comments are under the Democrats in the Senate race
>b-blue wave will make the Senate flip, just wait and see

WSJ are corporate shills, so no
There are no /ourguys/ in the Lugenpresse

>"Hi, I'm the guy that helped start the problem we're having today"
>"You guys don't know anything about dear China"
Fuck that fag.

haha even the markets are less sure of the house than Nate Silver. The market gave Trump 1/3 chance to win, pretty much the same as they give the house now. Smarter than pundits.

We won't be in Hell, but all of your kind will be; whether you believe in Hell or not.

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> how many of the other parties that ran were socialist/ left leaning?
Most of them. That said even the voters of the two spoiler on the right with 2% and 1% would put Bolsonaro ahead.
> is it possible that if everyone who voted for those other guys voted for Bolsonaro's opponent, he could lose?
Obviously yes, considering Bolsonaro didn't make 50%. That said
1) never in Brazilian history the first round winner failed to become president
2) Bolsonaro opponent has a higher rejection than Bolsonaro himself

Dem shills are still counting on blue Tennessee and/or Texas

kek he deleted it

Wait til todays polls drop. I am all in on GOP 218-230 rn

No, they gave him 20%, pic related is from November 8

Attached: predictit november 8.png (860x542, 127K)

> Then you need another politician with name recognition.
Former governor Jan Brewer

also the fact that every right winger in Brazil will vote since its the first time to elect their guy in a generation, but some leftits will be blackpilled and not bother, which also reduce how many votes he needs to find.


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He's a Star Wars novel writer IIRC.

Well what's just stopping everyone from voter for his opponent?

kek let the blackpills flow!

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While TX is still closer than expected for now, Cruz has a solid lead and Hispanic turnout isn't showing any sign of going up.
On another note, here's what Nate Cohn has to say about the House situation.

Basically, what my own map says: Dems have more safe seats but Republicans control like 90% of the lean/tilt seats.

Attached: Nate Cohn.png (635x645, 77K)

>The people who want freedom and prosperity for all Americans will burn in hell.
>The people who want to enslave Americans for globalist elites and corporations, who have destroyed nations, spread diseases and want to commit genocide against an entire race of people acting like they are morally righteous.

Telling conservatives to burn in hell, but you don't believe in god yourselves.

I placed bets a week before the election after the Comey bullshit and it was 1 chance out of 3. Maybe it dropped when comey came back to clear clinton

>jews are evil
>jesus is good
>jesus was a jew

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How much power does a Brazilian President have anyway?

It's amazing that Nate Plastic has any influence at all. He's just wrong every time. He starts at a conclusion and then looks for data to support it. When he can't find that data he "unskews it"(makes it up).

fuck i forgot to bet when it was still good

i've been confident since 2016 we were gonna take this

Jesus was told like all jews they wuz chosen by god n shieet but he got suspicious at the baby blood dick sucking and the temple being a money changing center.

>Still using that account
Oh man this made me sad. It's like when somebodies friend dies and they still have that profile pic where they're hanging out up years later. :(

The democrat party is dead!

Every time an invading criminal alien is deported they lose another voter.

Every time a felon goes to prison they lose a voter.

Every time they attack the Trump Agenda, they lose a ton of voters.

Every time one of their leaders opens their mouth they lose more voters.

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All Republican voters have ever wanted from their elected officials is to grow a fucking spine and stand up to the Democrats. Fuck working with them, fuck compromise, tell them to get fucked and pass your agenda you promised. The Kavanaugh nomination was the first time in a very, very long time this has happened. All those retards in the media who think this will backfire on the Republicans have no clue what's coming. Republicans will gain Senate seats and hold on to the House.

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Cali is a lost cause at this point. Overrun with illegal spics

The Democrat party is the party of crime.

There's your answer.

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Holy shit ... this isn't real is it? Has Lindsey really just gone and let what little alpha side he has come bubbling to the surface?

I can't bring myself to trust him, but sure as hell I'm gonna enjoy the bantz and irl shit posting ride he's throwing around.

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