fuck i forgot to bet when it was still good

i've been confident since 2016 we were gonna take this

Jesus was told like all jews they wuz chosen by god n shieet but he got suspicious at the baby blood dick sucking and the temple being a money changing center.

>Still using that account
Oh man this made me sad. It's like when somebodies friend dies and they still have that profile pic where they're hanging out up years later. :(

The democrat party is dead!

Every time an invading criminal alien is deported they lose another voter.

Every time a felon goes to prison they lose a voter.

Every time they attack the Trump Agenda, they lose a ton of voters.

Every time one of their leaders opens their mouth they lose more voters.

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All Republican voters have ever wanted from their elected officials is to grow a fucking spine and stand up to the Democrats. Fuck working with them, fuck compromise, tell them to get fucked and pass your agenda you promised. The Kavanaugh nomination was the first time in a very, very long time this has happened. All those retards in the media who think this will backfire on the Republicans have no clue what's coming. Republicans will gain Senate seats and hold on to the House.

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Cali is a lost cause at this point. Overrun with illegal spics

The Democrat party is the party of crime.

There's your answer.

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Holy shit ... this isn't real is it? Has Lindsey really just gone and let what little alpha side he has come bubbling to the surface?

I can't bring myself to trust him, but sure as hell I'm gonna enjoy the bantz and irl shit posting ride he's throwing around.

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