Anyone else glad this whole ordeal happened to Brett Kavanaugh...

Anyone else glad this whole ordeal happened to Brett Kavanaugh? Sure it was a fucking shitshow but this brings out the hate in him he truly understands what he is up against now.

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The whole circus could not have worked out better for the right. We won the midterms, eliminated any chance of Kav becoming a Souter type and discredited feminism all at once.

Trump AND cocaine Mitch handled this masterfully.

>"If you were going to invent some kind of story, whip up an imaginary accusation in order to bring a man down you could choose anything. Why sexual assault? It makes no sense whatsoever."
>women think they can actually lie to men like this

rape is a cure for what ails them. pussy is literally the "most priceless" thing in the normie-verse. implying that a man tried to STEAL some will get him fucking murdered. all women know this. trying to muddy the water with lies, they deserve no less but torture. not rape that a man enjoys, but endless physically intrusive torture with metal objects and nettle branches.

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It would've worked much better had Kavanaugh been voted down and the seat remained open, GOP enthusiasm would've been much higher over an open seat.

actually we now see RGB seat as in play and want to control both houses to make it smooth sailing

Thanks to the demonrats, he's good and punished now. Mass arrests soon.

This debacle ended up rallying conservatives so their chances to win in the coming election is probably higher because of it. That being said, I would have rather the democrats not be evil pieces of shit who wrongly tried to destroy an innocent man’s life just so they could take power. Truly an evil play, nothing calls for how corruptly and manipulative the democrats played this one out, even if it means more people I like gaining power just to spite the democrats.
Thread theme.

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Nah centrist sheep NPCs go for the strong horse. People will begin to flock to the winning side.

It was a trump plan in the game of 4d chess.
Dr ford is shilling for trump, pissing of kav, dems get btfo and lose all credibility.
Played everybody like a puppetmaster

He will be the most redpiĺled judge in the court

Those don't care about judges.

His court rulings won't affect your country so why do you care?

You were already voting no matter what.

Ford didn't work for Trump, she was very much a Democrat ringer.

Avenatti though probably DOES work for Trump.

People here care because:
>we care about white Burgers
>Burger politics affect our politics
>pissing off cucks is fun because it pisses off the ones in our countries, too
>when my neighbour's house is on fire, I have incentive other than "because I'm a nice guy" to help put it out

Also Canada always seems to follow suit of the US. When the US goes right we do as well after a 3 or 4 year delay.

Americans never talk about Canadian politics.

Yes, because ours doesn't really affect you. Yours affects everyone.

Precisely. I say this to other Canadians in real life and I always get the auditory equivalent of an eye roll. Then like clockwork they're supporting XYZ Burger cause of the week a month later and in July are dressing like whatever Kardashian trend got big in May.

That, plus it forged the American Rightwing into a unified political force right before the midterms.

Libs are still seething and getting themselves in shit.

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Kek, nice find, user.

This is going around on Facebook now. This pink haired freak apparently went full retard calling for kav's murder

he will bury the hatchet and give the left something as a gesture of goodwill

it's great

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>this abomination whose face clearly is a warning sign of 72 types of mental illness helps to mold the minds of kids

My mother and various friends have been saying for years that I would make a great teacher, but holy shit, I couldn't deal with people like these as colleagues.

I'm pretty sure it's illegal to call for the death of an official by name, I'm surprised our president hasn't sent feds for the people publicly demanding he be killed.

This, anything that happens to burger politics will happen im europe a few years later and in our squat politics decades later.

Because Supreme Court could affect the concept of copyright which has global effects.

Like say, someone finally sues Disney over Mickey Mouse and the Public Domain and Kavan ends up telling the House of Mouse that Mickey Mouse has to enter the public domain once and for all.

That has an affect on the world's concept of public domain. Disney gets cucked and shit starts entering the public domain again because every other media company saw Disney lose against the Supreme Coirt

I rather Roberts retire. He's a cuck who could swing left.

We never hear about Clarence Thomas. With Scalia gone these 2 will be very important. I have no idea if they're revisit shitty abortion but it's future decisions I care about like nationwide conceal carry and such. Just cut funding to planned parenthood the left should have to pay for their own abortions I don't see how that position is hateful. We went from my body my choice to my body now buy my morning after pill for me bigot.

Their media non stop covers our politics around the world. Our media hardly ever mentions them. In the 2012 debate India wasn't brought up once even though they're the worlds largest poo filled Democracy but they talked about Pakistan over 20 times it's all smoke and mirrors bs.

I know what you mean, user. He must be entirely uncucked at this point and ready to reintroduce Jim Crow.

It worked out so perfectly it was almost like it was scripted

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I am going to pretend OPs post was my original thought when I speak to people about Kav @ SCOTUS today.

Doesn't this guy want to censor the internet?

If he doesnt go hard right he deserved to get smeared.
>although just upholding the constitution is good enough for me
>yes I know about his involvement in the patriot act

So now that Kavanaugh is on the bench, how do we sue to get the Hughes Amendment (full auto ban) repealed? Is there a way for a common person to sue all the way to the supreme court? Do I need to break the law first by illegally possessing a fully auto firearm and then sue after I am arrested, or can I start the sue journey to the supreme court with no reason to begin with?

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If you look at the rulings on copyright cases over the years, they're pretty split on a bipartisan basis between the various justices. A Left or Right court is not going to have much of an effect either way.

>it was a fucking shitshow every other Jow Forumsitical shitshow

frankly, the internet is not as important as fixing societal issues focusing on personal responsibility at this point; I don't want censorship on the internet in the least, but if it means we can take the first steps to teaching women how to be fucking human beings again then I am willing to sacrifice it. at this point, the only way we can fix them is by dragging them kicking and screaming back into a life of decency, the jews have absolutely destroyed them at a fundamental level in this country.

To be fair he wants censorship like we have in aus, stuff like kiddie porn and shit so the only people upset are literal pedos

Not that you know of.

it was quite likely that he would be a Bush style center-right judge, just barely better than Roberts
now he might challenge Clarence Thomas for the status of most conservative
he's going to spend the rest of his career breaking it off in the ass of leftists, and I doubt that he will be like Gorsuch and vote with the progressive side every now and then

it was very annoying , but now the democrats have shot themselves in the gut with a shotgun

We could do it now or we could wait for RBG to get repealed and replaced, but I'd start by contacting NRA-ILA and GOA to see what their lawyers would advise.
I'm certain you could crowdfund that case and you'd make enough to take it all the way to SCOTUS.

What I found the most interesting was the response to the allegations. The way they dealt with them was sophisticated in a way I havent seen republicans deal with it before. They used emotional tactics and were able to contain the FBI to not drag it out. They did well which I wasn't expecting.

Kavanaugh is a shill for the military-industrial complex. He always knew the score and he's not on anyone's side except for his Jewish masters.

Emotional tactics like "feelz not realz" do you mean? I'm not sure how you meant it.

him basically crying about the allegations and how its causing issues for him. It emboldened the dims but also probably caused sympathy from the people in the center who noticed how vicious the democrats were.

I’m not a fan of him OP but I’ll give him a chance after the latest circus. It’s possible that people can change their minds on some issues once they have been attacked. They can’t keep acting like it doesn’t exist anymore.

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She used to actually be attractive. Feminism is fucking parasitical jfc

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Forgot link

Doubt it. Conservatives want winners, not cucks. The GOP has been cucked for 50+ years, and this is why they've done so badly lately. Conservatives are tired of losing, of seeing the people who supposedly represent us continue to shit the bed.
Having a win like this should encourage conservatives to the polls.