He will be the most redpiĺled judge in the court
Anyone else glad this whole ordeal happened to Brett Kavanaugh...
Those don't care about judges.
His court rulings won't affect your country so why do you care?
You were already voting no matter what.
Ford didn't work for Trump, she was very much a Democrat ringer.
Avenatti though probably DOES work for Trump.
People here care because:
>we care about white Burgers
>Burger politics affect our politics
>pissing off cucks is fun because it pisses off the ones in our countries, too
>when my neighbour's house is on fire, I have incentive other than "because I'm a nice guy" to help put it out
Also Canada always seems to follow suit of the US. When the US goes right we do as well after a 3 or 4 year delay.
Americans never talk about Canadian politics.
Yes, because ours doesn't really affect you. Yours affects everyone.
Precisely. I say this to other Canadians in real life and I always get the auditory equivalent of an eye roll. Then like clockwork they're supporting XYZ Burger cause of the week a month later and in July are dressing like whatever Kardashian trend got big in May.
That, plus it forged the American Rightwing into a unified political force right before the midterms.