Or cows gone bad.
This is okay in America
No FALs...dafuq how can you be buying your third or fourth gun and not have a come to Jesus moment and make that gun purchase a fal
yeah... you really need to read a book.
or, take a class. community colleges nowadays offer introductory classes to material science which would help you understand why you're being retarded right now.
> tell somebody about whiteness
Im Bulgarian by myself and know how you look like
It's almost as if that's an unfair comparison.
So fucking jealous
>Clearly people dont get brutally stabbed to death in countries with tight gun control, that be silly to think
murder rate actually INCREASES cos you just create a bunch of defenceless victims.
Does this apply to needless?Is there a way to POP!Someone without them feeling it?
>this is not okay
Fucking this. Imagine your friends and family doing a keystone kops routine at this tiny locker when the apocalypse hits. If you can afford all those guns then you can afford a proper barrack for them you cheap-ass faggots.
>colleges make you the big think
that's why usa has a central bank.