Turning on JP over that is some sjw/leftist shit. Shows you alt right are no different than the left. He was clearly just brainstorming the thought exercise , you triggered snowflakes
Turning on JP over that is some sjw/leftist shit. Shows you alt right are no different than the left...
>fagistani flag
>thinks he's talking logic
Clean your room Canada
t. Mossad Lover
here's a thought exercise, we're all white men we should all just kill ourselves so we don't oppress anyone else.
oh wait that's fucking retarded
peterson is anti-white. stop listening to that trash
nah he accidentally showed his true colors with that tweet and made it clear to even his dumbest followers who he really is.
nobody here cares about this lunatic, stop shitting up the catalog with threads about him
wtf i hate kabanaugh now #Impeach #BelieveWomen
>grumbles over the shit spewing through his mouth
>Waaash your penis.... blllrgl
Omg what a deep and inspiring man, I wish I had a father figure ;_;
tell me why somebody should be punished of a crime when there isn't evidence of said crime occurring
This. he’s a Jew shill paid to make people liberal and retarded
man who looks like boo radley ignores teachings of to kill a mockingbird
When he deplatformed Faith Goldy and called it ironic instead of him being a hypocrite, was that an experiment too?
based post. fuck the low IQ faggots.
>He was clearly just brainstorming the thought exercise
JP and Eddie Bravo need to do a show where they are just asking questions the whole time, no answers. It's a lame way to try an avoid being called stupid for saying something stupid. Make a statement if you know what you are talking about. Does this guy know enough to advise people how to live or not? I'm just asking questions.
I wonder where he got his news from. There's no way he has that opinion based on all the facts
mr. Peterson has ideas and words. it is good .
t. sjw/leftist
he's the weeb hiding his japan flag
They should rake the lawn
The point is that he's stupid.
His "brainstorming" for Kavenaugh goes against everything he espouses, everything he's done in his personal struggles with SJW's, and shows his real political motivation.
Fuck him.
Tried to measure it. He said some good things but he’s being unstable and he takes drugs daily and has joined a hat gang.
It’s fair and true.
These cunts on VPN’s pushing against every right wing figure aren’t white nationalists they are just random faggots and totalitarian liberal shills.
That’s fair and true too. Fuck them more.
>A popular thinker mis-reads a situation and makes a bad suggestion
>A bunch of Conservative™ internet-news "personalities" boomerlogic and shriek about how we've all been horribly betrayed
>Now this clickbait bullshit is infesting Jow Forums too
Why are you cavemen so tilted by the fact that, shock and surprise, a mortal man can occasionally be wrong? Do you realize you're allowed to just say, "I think he's wrong about this one," and proceed from there, without going nuclear over it?
Screw your heads back on and leave this basic bitch anti-discourse to the Marxists.
Something you may not know about Jow Forums:
People are constantly coming here trying to push a political agenda and popularize their ideas by giving people a false sense of community agreement.
It's a psyops
>i-i-i-i was just brainstorming!
Fucking retarded
you assume people bought into his lazy philosophy and shit advice to begin with. I've been denouncing this hack from the beginning.
This nigger knows about the recent uptick in bastards and acts like a surrogate father for shekels.
Very true.
How much are Peterson's handlers paying you to try and regain control of this narrative?
Your cult leader is done, pack it up and go home.
to anyone reading this:
sage these shill posts, coordinated attacks
>liberal and retarded
That's quite redundant. It's like saying "they're a violent nigger."