Turning on JP over that is some sjw/leftist shit. Shows you alt right are no different than the left...

wtf i hate kabanaugh now #Impeach #BelieveWomen

>grumbles over the shit spewing through his mouth
>Waaash your penis.... blllrgl

Omg what a deep and inspiring man, I wish I had a father figure ;_;

tell me why somebody should be punished of a crime when there isn't evidence of said crime occurring

This. he’s a Jew shill paid to make people liberal and retarded

man who looks like boo radley ignores teachings of to kill a mockingbird

When he deplatformed Faith Goldy and called it ironic instead of him being a hypocrite, was that an experiment too?

based post. fuck the low IQ faggots.

>He was clearly just brainstorming the thought exercise
JP and Eddie Bravo need to do a show where they are just asking questions the whole time, no answers. It's a lame way to try an avoid being called stupid for saying something stupid. Make a statement if you know what you are talking about. Does this guy know enough to advise people how to live or not? I'm just asking questions.

I wonder where he got his news from. There's no way he has that opinion based on all the facts

mr. Peterson has ideas and words. it is good .

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