What will little Jimmy's reaction to this be when he gets flooded on social media with it...

What will little Jimmy's reaction to this be when he gets flooded on social media with it? Will he learn his lesson or cry like a little bitch?

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He doesn't care about anything except fuck blumpf

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is this going to be a thing or not
not seeing any



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Baby Bump


did his little rat die? that would be glorious.

He'll cry like a little bitch and screech about Drumpf supporters.

It's okay we have one of his writers openly """""admitting""""" to being funded by George Soros.

Boomers eat that shit up.

jesus, that's pretty disgusting even for /b/ standards

i guess you reap what you sow, but i'll never do this to anyone.

Leftists aren't human.

wha'd you say about li-il jimmy?

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You should make it so part of him is disappearing

Quick rundown?

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No, but he's a sickly little child and should have been thrown to the wolves long ago.

Someone should do it. There's not much of a difference from what he's doing

maybe you should go back

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so did anybody with social media send him this?

jesus fucking christ how low will they sink

...How fresh off of reddit are you, Porco Bro?

A heads up - it gets much worse.

Remember to register to vote and vote on nov 6.
Be part of the red tsunami
Check your deadline date

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>even for /b/ standards

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>Guy makes a joke utilizing a guy who has been dead for decades, it's not even offensive unless you go out of your way to be triggered by anything that pokes fun at Trump.

The average age of posters on this board must be 13 or 14.

cringe imagine being such pathetic snowflakes unironically cant wait for humanity to die

you dont come back from this, so brave user!

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Wow, that's pretty fucking tasteless.
>inb5 some faggot compares single internet users to an entertainer with reach to hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of viewers

too low when against people that wish for your death every second of the day? you fucking retard

which one of you made this one

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It's bad Karma.
Remember when TotalBiscuit told someone on Twitter to die of cancer?
We only get what we deserve.

ironic that you talk shit yet are pussys behind that screen

imagine making fun of anyone's dead relatives no matter how long its been for a political smear and then getting angry when its done back to you

I spit fiya on da track

That's pretty spicy.

I dont get it.

>implying the left doesn't explode over trivial things
So what you're saying is, you DON'T get mad when you're "misgendered"?

Looks like you got triggered you little snowflake!


That's his kid who is dying

Oof that's gotta hurt. Throwing stones and glass houses etc

Good, hope it suffers immensely.

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You try so hard and get nowhere. Must be frustrating.


Oh ho ho ho haha

There's a big difference between a dead father (everyone's father dies) who in this case has been dead since the 90s, versus mocking a recently deceased child who died in tragic circumstances. This just makes you look even worse.

Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.

Ironic that you desire revolution but have the shooting skills of the GOP baseball autist.

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It's in incredibly poor taste to mock someone using the countenance of their dead relative.


liberals let other liberals do stupid shit. they apologize and thats that

You re a good leaf

That's not even the beginning of an argument.

fuck I love you faggots \hahaha

lol that's good


That's fucked up. The son shouldn't get blamed like the father.
The kids done nothing.

Kimmel’s emotions are just theatre. He is grooming his son to be a sacrifice for the elites.

ironic that you talk shit yet are pussys behind that screen

It's basic decency and common sense.

I’m not participating in this. Jimmy is an irrelevant cuck desperately trying to cling to the relevance he still precieves himself to have. Let him look desperate. Let them show people laughing at trumps dead father. You really can’t hurt Jimmy worse than he is hurting himself with this. I encourage all anons to ignore this thread and any thread like it. If this actually leaves this site it will be exactly what op and other jimmy shills want.

Don't think it's dead yet, but we can still remind Kimmel about how his shitty geneitcs cause his son to slowly and painfully die. We can also invoke numerals to hasten the little child's demise.

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send it to trump.

kys jimmy

This picture HAHA. 10/10

>lol just sit there and take it, Blumphkins!
The Jew cries out as he strikes you.

Yet will still grow up to be another subhuman leftist like its father. Better for it to die now, slowly and painfully as to inflict the most primal suffering on its shitlib parents.

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This right here.

>learn his lesson
no, he will double down and call anyone who doesnt like his bit a misogynistic, racist, homophobic drumpflet

Did he do this in his show or tweet or what? I hope these pedovores seriously get executed.

This. Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake.

>sit there and take it got! The npcs will be redpilled
Lol no. These animals deserve to be burned to death in cages like ISIS was doing. Mocking their dying progeny is a tame tradeoff.

Shit y'all, no no no. Think of another way.

They made the rules, were just better at playing.

Kek, do more with this hospital image. I can imagine it hurts the parents most.

I tweeted it to him oof


No matter how much i hate the left or Kimmel...
I can't really compare making fun of a dead billionaire to making fun of a dying child if i am honest.

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I got trips of truth and you got nothing.

pussy moralfag
if kimmel breaks down and commits a mass shooting, there's even more kek value

is it dead or dying?

I got some fun memes of a leftist's dying child. And some salty you's from faggots like yourself.

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Jesus. It's a fucking shoop on Jow Forums. Calm down.

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How is that ironic?

Pretty sure infowars was banned for harassing the families of people who had loved ones die in tragedies.

It is alright though you can still buy his snake oil on his website.

this is too much lets not do this.

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Actually yea it should. His son is the extension of him, that son of his even if lives on, which i hope he wont, will be just like his kike father. Even if he now moves to fucking Antarctica and spends the rest of his miserable days on this earth sucking penguin vaginas.

>there's nothing wrong with genocide

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That's not how this works, Dane.

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What are you even doing here

Don't really follow AJ, mostly posting for the screeching leftist professor.

Kek this truly need more normie recognition

Just think of it as a late term abortion user.

What the fuck is going on in this thread? Just do it, it's hilarious and exactly what he deserves. People deal with horrible things every second of the day, and most of it will be much worse than Jimmy Kimmel being reminded his son has a heart condition that might not even kill him anyway.

>4 days ago
>he's faced no backlash

optics cucks never learn

And checked.

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But it's alright for Jimmy Kimmel to sell dick pills and adult nappies while mocking the dead relatives of government employees.

Why are liberals so hypocritical?

>that's pretty disgusting even for /b/ standards

You must be new remember you're here forever